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February 26, 2005

President's Tax Panel
Seeks Public Comments:
Lets Give Them Some

Panel To Meet Soon In DC, Tampa & Chicago

On February 16, 2005, at the first public meeting of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, the Panel announced that as part of its process of making recommendations on fundamental tax reform it was seeking comments from the public regarding the current tax system.

In its first request, the Panel is soliciting comments (only) on the following specific topics:
(Quoting from the panel's website,

  1. Headaches, unnecessary complexity, and burdens that taxpayers - both individuals and businesses - face because of the existing system.
  2. Aspects of the tax system that are unfair.
  3. Specific examples of how the tax code distorts important business
    or personal decisions.
  4. Goals that the Panel should try to achieve as it evaluates the existing tax system and recommends options for reform.

    (end quote)

We The People is encouraging everyone to take a few moments out of your busy lives and pen an articulate, deliberative note to the Panel with your comments. Your comments will become part of the public record.

We urge everyone to consider the significant consequences of missing this historic opportunity to put before the Panel, and document for our children's National Archives, the most important matters of constitutional abuse, moral outrage, and concern for the future of this nation as the Panel ponders whether to continue to impose upon the People a method of taxation that violates virtually every constitutional principle and protection provided by the Bill of Rights.

Indeed, the time has come to personally Petition the President's tax panel with your Grievances.

Formatting & Delivery

The tax panel also released a short set of instructions for submitting comments.

The DUE DATE for comments is 5 PM, March 18, 2005. WTP strongly urges comments be sent via US Mail with delivery verification.

The following is quoted from the panel's website:



To facilitate the Advisory Panel's consideration and review, we have established two methods by which statements can be submitted. Please use only one of the methods when submitting comments.

 1.  Transmission by Email as a MS Word attachment to  

           2.  Typewritten statements may be mailed to the panel at:

The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
1440 New York Avenue NW
Suite 2100
Washington, DC 20220

Page Limit - The Advisory Panel strongly encourages parties to limit their statements to a maximum length of 5 pages of double-spaced written text in 12 point font.

Identification and Cover Sheet - Each page of the submission should be clearly marked with the submitter's name or organization name. Each submission should also include a cover page with the submitter's name (and organization if applicable), date of submission, and contact information (if the submitter chooses to provide it). Each submission should be clearly marked as originating from one of the following categories of submitters: Individuals, Business, Government, or Organizations and Associations.

(end quote)


Thoughts to Consider

There are, without doubt, millions of sad and sordid stories from Americans everywhere that have fallen prey to  the current tax system and the illegal and immoral enforcement methods of the IRS.

WTP urges everyone that sends a message to the tax panel to remain respectful of the panel and its individual members, and to refrain from language or content that might be construed as threatening, abusive, unnecessarily emotional or otherwise improper. Please follow the guidelines provided by the panel for preparing and submitting comments.

WTP further urges our supporters to use this opportunity to establish and convey, in a most personal way -- for all posterity -- and the official historical record, your heartfelt thoughts and beliefs for the panel, and the judgment of history.

We The People have been given a limited window of opportunity to raise our voice and once more put before the panel, the public and our elected officials our truths -- and our Grievances.

Let the record clearly show the People knew well about the fraud of the income tax system, that they dearly embraced the rights bestowed upon them by their Creator, and that they were fully committed to peacefully ending the abuse and restoring Constitutional Order to the land.

Let history not record that the People sat by idly as the fate of the Republic and the freedom of the People were decided by a group of biased and self-interested parties which included a former IRS Commissioner, two former U.S. Senators, and a troupe of academicians and experts in law, economics and finance
-- without ever publicly uttering the words “Constitution” or “Bill of Rights.”


Stay Tuned!

In the coming days WTP will release important new developments in the ongoing Right-To-Petition lawsuit and about additional media messages and organizational activities related to the tax panel's upcoming meetings in Washington, DC (3/3), Tampa, Florida (3/8) and Chicago, Illinois (3/18).

Washington Times Ad
Color Reprints

Full-size, color reprints of this WTP ad which was run in two editions
of The Washington Times the week of February 16th are now available.

We just ordered a second print run of the ads and were able
to lower the cost.

Click Here to get bulk-quantity copies of the ad
from the WTP on-line Store

100 for a donation of $25,
for a donation of $100


Click here to access the special link contained in the Washington Times ad. The link contains a readable & printable version of the ad as well as copies of the information packets WTP sent to every member of the tax panel.


Please Contribute.

We are a one of a kind research and educational Foundation
whose motto is “ACTA NON VERBA” --- Deeds, Not Words.

We are volunteers whose life passion is limited government and individual liberty.
We make things happen and get things done -- and
it's your contributions
alone that determine how fast we can move and how much we can achieve.

Invest in Freedom.
Invest in those that are really making it happen.
Invest in We The People.

Click here to make a one-time or monthly
tax-deductible donation.  You have our sincerest gratitude.

Donations may be made by mail to:

We The People Foundation
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY 12804

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