Alternatively, to join your state's
Constitution Lobby,
click here.
There are (2) two categories of
We The People Congress Memberships:
and "Supporting"
(see below)
Note: You can change your category of membership at any time.
Active Congress Member:
I am coming on board to hold a position as a State Coordinator
or County Coordinator,
Team Member, Constitution Monitor,
Constitutional Attorney,
or other active member
or participant
of the WTP Congress/Constitution
Lobby support teams.
This membership level grants me access to the Congress Forums
PLUS appropriate restricted functions/content
Supporting Congress Member:
I want to Support the organization financially but only participate
the online forums. I also want to
receive emails and Updates and
contribute ideas on strategy, programs, and initiatives.
This membership level grants me access to the Congress
To pay by MAIL,
(i.e., check, cash, or M.O.)
A. Follow the web links above,
B. Enter your
personal profile information online, and then
C. Select
the "PAY BY CHECK" option during checkout.
NOTE: In order to do any of the following, you must
a (current) valid membership in the WTP Congress:
- Receive WTP Congress/Foundation & Forum generated emails.
- Participated in the Congress FORUMS, Post & Reply to forums content,
event calendars, etc.
- Become part of the management team: i.e., State Coordinator, County Coordinator,
Constitutional Monitor, or be appointed to any other WTP Congress position,
e.g., Team Member.