October 17, 2006

Wanted: 99 Volunteers

November 14th In DC

It is now past Sunday evening. We trust many of you were able to watch the movie “V for Vendetta,” and that you agree with us that the movie presents a powerful concept for a large scale public demonstration that we might be able to make use of.  

We intend to do so. A plan is in the works. This week we need to travel to DC to make certain arrangements. Later this week, upon our return, we will post an article with the details of the plan. 


Here is what we are able to say today. 

We have a volunteer who is willing to deliver a document to the leaders of the federal Executive and Legislative branches in Washington DC on or about November 6th, while masked and otherwise appearing like the figure pictured below. The purpose of the mask will be to give expression to the fact that America is rapidly turning into a police state, with too many of its politicians turning a blind eye to the Constitution and too many of its People now afraid of the government.  Every move of this volunteer will be filmed by at least one camera crew and webcast over the Internet. There will be suitable publicity in advance of the day of the event.


The document will contain certain Petitions for Redress of Grievances. The Petitions will request answers to certain questions.  

In addition, the document will include a notice that at least 100 Americans will assemble across the street from the White House at noon on or about November 14th to await a response from the government to their Petitions for Redress. For the same reasons, those 100 Americans will also be masked and otherwise appearing like the person pictured above. Likewise, with suitable advance publicity, every move of these 100 Americans will be filmed by at least one professional camera crew and web cast over the Internet.


In addition, the document will include a notice that should the leaders of the Government decide not to respond to the Petitions for Redress on November 14th, many more masked Americans will assemble and march on or about January 14th, to demand a response to their Petitions for Redress. Likewise, with suitable advance publicity, every move of this larger group of Americans will be filmed by at least one professional camera crew and web cast (live) over the Internet.


Please click here to answer the questions and if you can commit to be in DC on November 14th and participate in this important Right-to-Petition event. Please answer the questions if you believe there is little risk of a change in your answer between now and the 14th of November. 

By the end of this week we will let you know if there are at least 100 Americans willing and able to obtain the mask and clothing and be in DC on or about November 14th, making their own arrangements for travel, lodging and meals.   

Please note that neither the Court of Appeals nor the United States Supreme Court is to be a target of our demonstration. The demonstrators will not be going anywhere near the Courthouses. We do not want the Justices of these Courts to think we are attempting to pressure them into deciding our Right to Petition lawsuit one way or another.

If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to watch the preview links below to experience the film's central themes regarding the nature of Liberty and organized resistance to tyranny and fascism.  We fully encourage everyone to rent (or purchase) the movie, which was recently released commercially on DVD.

Click here for the preview-trailer #2 for “V for Vendetta"
Click here for additional clips from the movie: Clip A   Clip B 

A Correction And A Disagreement

With reference to our article posted on October 12, 2006, we wish to correct a spelling and bring a disagreement to your attention. The best way to do this is to repeat here a brief exchange of e-mails:  

 -----Original Message-----
From: davidcayjohnston@aol.com [mailto:davidcayjohnston@aol.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 10:29 PM
To: info@givemeliberty.org
Subject: untrue statements you posted


You posted the following a few days ago regarding the 990s for one of your organizations:

 Interestingly, only David Cay Johnston of The New York Times and financial consultant J.J. McNab have contacted the Foundation requesting copies of the Foundation’s tax filing(s). They made their requests about two years ago. We complied. We have not received a similar request since then. “

I have never received the 990s and JJ (no points) MacNab (not McNab)  advises me that she has not either.

The request by The New York Times for these documents stands. In the meantime I hope you will correct the record.

David Cay Johnston

From: Bob Schulz [mailto:acta@capital.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 11:06 AM
To: davidcayjohnston@aol.com
Subject: RE: untrue statements you posted



JJ MacNab e-mailed her request for the 990. At the time I did not know the law required me to send her a copy. I responded with a question that she did not answer. Sometime after that exchange, I was meeting with you in your office. You told me what the law required. You then hand wrote a request for the 990. You addressed it to me and signed your name. You said it was for JJ MacNab.

 I then snail mailed you a copy of the 990. I addressed it to you at your office. 

The 990's are posted. Are you saying you do not want to download them but want me to send copies to you?

Bob Schulz


Click here to make a tax deductible Donation to the We The People Foundation

Our address:
We The People Foundation
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY  12804

Please click here to volunteer to be in DC for the November 14th event.