November 25, 2006

Year End Donation Appeal

Receive Freedom Calendar
By Dan Pilla, Sr.

We want to thank the many people who have believed in and supported the mission of the We The People organization.  

It has been a trying, but exciting year as we have moved closer to a declaration by the High Court of our Rights and the Government’s obligations under the Petition Clause of the First Amendment.  

Our civic education and civic actions continue to arouse interest and gain support from the People, many more of whom are beginning to understand the true meaning of the Petition Clause and its power to hold Government accountable to the letter and spirit of each provision of the Constitution. 

Just as discontent breeds change, change breeds discontent. The Government is not happy with our activities and is doing what it can to chill the enthusiasm of people to associate with us. The Government has a vested interest in the status quo. Our Government does not want to be held accountable. No government does. 

The battle for Liberty continues – as it must.

Faced with a shrinking window of opportunity within which to defeat the despots who threaten our
Liberty, this Foundation -- your Foundation -- is more in need of your support and commitment than ever.

The good news is that our work is making progress.  The growing attacks by the Government are clear evidence of our continuing advancement toward our goals of restoring Constitutional Order and securing Liberty for our posterity.

Despite the government’s best efforts to shut this organization down, cripple its support base and halt the flow of damaging information emanating from our public communications, educational activism and federal litigation, we are still here -- fighting strongly and successfully.

In fact, as just one example of our progress, consider the potential the decisions currently pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals have to forever alter heretofore unquestioned aspects of the laws of our nation.

The issues pending before the Court are nothing less than historic.  Not only does the Court have before it the fundamental First Amendment questions regarding the constitutional nature of the Right to Petition and the Right to withhold taxes to secure Redress, but the Court, in managing the mechanics of judicial Due Process must also decide collateral questions related to the Right to jurisdiction when constitutional torts are involved, and the limitations of the doctrine of sovereign immunity claimed by the government within statutory acts, such as the Anti Injunction Act.

In short, in deciding even the jurisdictional question of our landmark lawsuit, the Court must grapple with some of the most fundamental questions ever put before the federal Judiciary -- questions that go to the very heart of our form of government and the Rights of Men.  These questions are so crucial that that when addressed by the Court, they will determine whether the People still have a Constitution that limits its servant government -- or if they do not.

Most importantly, in deciding this controversy, the Court will either uphold the First of the Great Rights -- i.e., the Right to Government based on the consent of the People or it will declare, by whatever pretext it authors, that the exigencies of modern existence no longer provide for the luxury of the unalienable Right of Popular Sovereignty. 

Are these not exciting times?
Can there be a more noble work or deed?

Can there be a higher calling than to manifest on Earth, for all men, the very design of government provided for by our Creator?

Again -- this Foundation -- your Foundation -- stands poised at a precipice of history. Regardless of the Court’s answer, we need your ongoing help and support. 

If the Court rules in our favor, we will proceed to exercise the Right and move to enforce the Court’s ruling.  If the court rules against us, we will carry our battle on to the Supreme Court.  Regardless, the Foundation must continue its program to educate our nation and her children about their Rights and organize our People to repel the cancer of tyranny that threatens our Republic.

Receive Freedom Calendar
By Dan Pilla, Sr.

Please consider making a meaningful, tax-deductible year-end donation to the Foundation.  Our work cannot move forward without your gracious support.

Everyone that makes a donation of at least $40 will receive, with our compliments, a free 2007 Freedom calendar.  

Dan Pilla, Sr. is a freedom fighter extraordinaire. He is a practitioner who practices the art of pamphleteering without equal. Committed to restoring the Constitution through education, Dan prepares and distributes brief “Freedom Tracts” that discuss the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  

In addition, and for eighteen years, Dan Pilla, Sr. has been publishing the best Freedom Calendar in America. With supporting quotes from our Forefathers and Scripture, the Freedom Calendar explains the proper use and function of our Rights.  


“If we expect our children to have the blessings of Liberty they must know and understand their Rights as our Creator intended for us,” says Dan. “How can we expect to use our unalienable Rights if we’ve never been taught them?” 

WTP has teamed with Dan to bring you this calendar filled with Liberty quotes, legal citations and inspirational thoughts as a Thank You for your support of the Foundation and our necessary work. The multi-colored calendars are in stock and ready to ship. Calendars will be mailed First Class USPS.

To obtain your calendar, click here to go to
the WTP e-store.

In addition, your commitment, in the form of an ongoing, monthly “subscription” donation is needed even more because it helps us budget more effectively to secure the larger, long-term goals of our organization set forth in our Operations Plan.  These include national-scale media purchases for Constitutional education, the acquisition of full-time professional resources and administrative staff, the opening of a new national office and the utilization of costly Internet video broadcast technology to engage those across our nation in the fight for Liberty.

Toward this end, we encourage you to click here to establish an additional monthly, recurring donation to support the Foundation. 

** Remember, All donations to the WTP Foundation are fully tax-deductible.

Please know that your donation, whatever its size, and whether one-time or ongoing, is well needed, well appreciated and will be well used.  If we share the burden of the fight, we can together move mountains and defeat those that would oppress us and deny us our Rights.

Unlike so many of the day-to-day distractions and consumer needs of our families, the battle for
Liberty has but few supporters and even fewer soldiers. Indeed, many of our countrymen remain blissfully unaware that in this moment, most of our enemies are in fact domestic and that our Freedom today hangs only by a thread.

Liberty is a “product” that many proclaim to treasure, only few seem to grasp its worth -- or its true cost. Unlike the natural gifts of air and water, Liberty charges a steep price to those whose hearts yearn to experience her, and to those who are nobly charged to preserve and defend her.

This Foundation is committed to Liberty.  It is, in the end, the only purpose for its existence and its work.

We hope that our past works have proven for you both our commitment to this righteous cause and our stewardship of your most gracious support. We hope you will consider helping us to further prepare to pursue the cause of Liberty during the coming months. 

Again, we extend to you our many Thanks and highest hopes for the New Year, and what will surely be a pivotal chapter in the story of Freedom. 

Thank You. 

Bob Schulz
Chairman, We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.


Please consider a donation to the WTP so we can continue to move our mission forward.
Click here to make a tax deductible Donation to the We The People Foundation

Click here to obtain a 2007 Freedom Calendar

Click here to establish an ongoing, monthly "subscription" donation

Our address:
We The People Foundation
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY  12804