July 26, 2004
We The People v. The U.S.
Case No.
Landmark Lawsuit Begins With Live National TV Coverage
And March Down Constitution Avenue
Letter From Lawsuit Counsel
On July 19, 2004, at 9 am, approximately 550 people from nearly every state
in the Union gathered in the ballroom at the National Press Club in
Washington DC. They again, were there awaiting a formal response from high
ranking federal officials to a May 10 letter respectfully requesting those
officials to attend the July 19 meeting and to respond to the People’s
Petitions for Redress of grievances regarding the government’s violation of
the taxing, war powers, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution and
Bill of Rights.
has been its established practice, the government once more, chose to ignore
the People and their Petitions. The officials did not send anyone to meet
with the People, to address the issues or to respond to the Petitions by at
least letting the People know when they would answer the People’s
From 9 am to shortly after noon, the audience (including an estimated one
million people watching the event live on C-SPAN 2 and an estimated 500,000
people listening on C-SPAN radio) was informed about the original meaning,
history and significance of the Right to Petition, the now epic struggle by
the People to get the government to respond to our Petitions, the futility
of individual lawsuits involving constitutional torts, and the particulars
of our landmark Right to Petition lawsuit that was filed that afternoon.
12:20 pm, the People marched to the District Court of the United States in
support of their lawsuit against the United States Government. The lawsuit
seeks a declaration of their Right to peaceably hold their servant
government accountable to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by
retaining their money until their grievances are redressed and seeks the
protection of the Court against retaliation against the plaintiffs for
exercising their Rights.

Thank You
extend a very heartfelt “Thank you,” to all those people who traveled to DC
in support of the People’s effort to restore the Constitution, in support of
the resurrection of the Right To Petition and in support the filing of this
landmark case. Your personal commitment to our cause and your direct
participation in this event helped make it the resounding success it was and
will provide a solid basis for the unfolding process of securing justice and
involving more and more of America in the active defense of Freedom.
was immensely gratifying to see so many people from so many parts of the
country come together in defense of the Constitution’s Petition clause and
its taxing, war powers, money and privacy clauses.
thank them and we thank all the People who could not make the trip to DC but
who we know were supporting us from their homes and with us in spirit,
praying for the safety and success we enjoyed during our efforts. We now
know what it is like to fly on the wings of prayers (not only by the seats
of our pants, which we do here all too often).
Again, thank you all.
C-SPAN2 broadcast our morning event from the National Press Club. They
broadcast it live (in its entirety) and at least once the following day.
sent C-SPAN a press release Friday morning, the 16th of July.
That afternoon they called us to tell us they would be broadcasting the
Monday morning event live.
have received dozens of letters, e-mails and phone calls from people who
said they had never heard of the Right to Petition or our organization, but
were now going to get involved. One man send a brief handwritten note that
said, “Saw you live (cspan2) Mon July 19-04. What an uplift for liberty!”
Along with his note was a check for $10,000.
Please note that WTP will soon be releasing video of
BOTH the morning event (from the National Press Club) and the subsequent
mass march/demonstration down Constitutional Avenue. These video products
will also include a shorter event “highlights” piece suitable for broadcast
on local public access TV stations all over the country. We are planning to
make these available on VHS and DVD (or CD-ROM) as well as low-cost
Pay-Per-View streaming. We will announce prices and availability of these
products in the near future.
If you desire copies of the morning segment of the WTP event as it was
broadcast on
C-SPAN (approximately 3.5 hrs), copies of the C-SPAN broadcast can be
ordered now directly from C-SPAN in either VHS or DVD format for $112
including shipping costs.
Please note the C-SPAN coverage does NOT include any footage of the
demonstration/march. When ordering, you will need to provide the Item
Number, which is 182760-1. For the description of the item use “Citizens and
U.S. Tax Policy.” To order by
phone, call (877) 662-7726. To order on-line go to
have also applied to C-SPAN for a license to copy and distribute the DVD and
VHS for showings in living rooms and meeting halls. We have also asked for a
license to webcast the C-SPAN video of the event in September on a pay per view basis
(tentatively $20 per view). As soon as we finalize an agreement with C-SPAN,
we will begin the technical preparations needed to stream it and make it
widespread, intense public awareness campaign communicating the importance
and long-term consequences of our Right-To-Petition lawsuit is critical if
we are to receive justice in the courts and the reforms we are entitled to.
We are going to have to build public awareness, day-by-day,
community-by-community. We will need a single-mindedness of purpose from
here on out.
C-SPAN did an outstanding job. With its help we managed to jump-start the
effort with a fair amount of coverage. They deserve our thanks and praise.
Please send a note of thanks to Terry Murphy, C-SPAN’s Executive Producer:
Mr. Terry Murphy
Vice President and Executive Producer
400 North Capitol St. NW
Washington, DC 20001
DC Police: Splendid
The DC Metropolitan Police were extraordinarily
courteous and proficient in communicating with us and in handling our march,
from processing the Permit Application to assisting us as we formed up for
the march and as we marched down Pennsylvania Ave. to 12th Street
and then down Constitution Ave to the federal courthouse. Numerous
intersections needed to be closed to automobile traffic and traffic had to
be detoured. In support of the service of legal papers, the march stopped in
front of the IRS Building and then a second time in front of the Department
of Justice Building, for what must have seemed to the police like an
eternity, adding to the burden of the police.
The detail that was provided for the safe conduct of
the march did an excellent job and deserve our thanks and praise:
Police Department
Special Operations Division
2301 L Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
The Right To Petition Lawsuit
was filed as a class-action by six named plaintiffs, and “all others
similarly situated.” (.pdf)
A supporting
by Bob Schulz was
also filed. Please note these are both large .pdf
files. RIGHT-Click
these links to download the document to your computer before attempting to
Everyone is urged to read the
complaint. You will notice we have asked
the court for an order:
a. Granting declaratory relief to the Plaintiffs by constraining the
defendants to meet their obligations under the law and relevant rules by
entering into good faith exchanges with the Plaintiffs and to provide to the
Plaintiffs documented and specific answers to the reasonable questions asked
of them by the Plaintiffs and to address each of the issues raised by the
Plaintiffs in their petitions to representatives of the United States
Government, namely: grievances relating to violations of the U.S.
Constitution’s war powers, taxing, money, and “privacy” clauses ; and
b. Granting a temporary injunction against the United States Internal
Revenue Service and the Department of Justice and any other agency of the
United States that arguably may act in this matter under color of law, from
taking any further retaliatory actions against the named Plaintiffs in this
proceeding and against all others similarly situated, whether such
retaliation is for attempting to petition the United States Government, for
serving as Plaintiffs in this action or for the exercise of any other rights
protected by the Constitution of the United States; and
c. Retaining jurisdiction of this action to ensure compliance with the
Court’s decisions; and
d. Expediting these proceedings where this matter might be set for
trial; and
Granting any other, non-financial relief to the Plaintiffs that the Court
may deem proper.
We will soon be amending the complaint, adding at
least 3,000 named plaintiffs, or more! This means the names and
addresses of over 3000 plaintiffs will be added to the caption, making the
caption very long, indeed.
Letter From Mark Lane
This means we have a lot of work to do over the next
couple of weeks.
To begin with, it is important that all plaintiffs
(and those who would like to be a plaintiff) read the
from our attorney, Mark Lane and
promptly comply with its requests.
When we amend the complaint to add the 3,000 named
plaintiffs, we will also formally move
the court to expedite the proceeding. We will, of course, have to justify
such a motion. The primary justification will be the immediate and
irreparable harm and injury many of the plaintiffs are suffering due to the
government’s retaliation against them.
Therefore, we are asking all plaintiffs to
on-line, some of the details about their
individual petitions for redress, that is, their individual
attempts to get the government to answer their questions. Have you sent a
letter to your congressman that did not receive a responsive answer? To IRS?
To anyone else in the federal government? If so, we need you to summarize
that information on-line, in your own words. (Please
note this database subsystem is still currently "under construction.")
We are also asking those plaintiffs who are
experiencing retaliation to describe, on-line, the nature and extent of that
individual retaliation. Has the government sent you threatening letters or
summonses? Have they placed liens or levies on your property or wages? Have
they raided your house or office? Have they indicted you? Are they
prosecuting you for willful failure to withhold or willful failure to file?
Are they threatening legal or “enforcement” action? Have you experienced
fear or other physical stress?
Have you been intimidated by their public pronouncements regarding
“enforcement” into paying your taxes even though you have desired only to
fully exercise and secure your Constitutionally protected Rights? Have you
incurred direct financial loss, expense, or other opportunity costs (e.g.,
lost business, friendships, opportunities, etc.) in your efforts to secure
your Rights? If so, we need you to summarize that information, on-line, in
your own words.
Although the on-line system for providing such information will not be
available for a number of days, it is very important to start considering
and articulating your PERSONAL experiences and efforts to secure your Rights
in order to establish, beyond doubt, your standing and your injury as a
party in the lawsuit. Remember – as a plaintiff you may also be called upon
by the Court to defend your statements.
Next, it is critical that we receive a signed and
affidavit from each
named plaintiff.
You MUST submit a notarized affidavit to be a plaintiff in the case. At
a minimum, this affidavit must state that you have participated in the
Petitioning process as specified in the
letter from
Mark Lane. So far, we have received in excess of 1500 signed
affidavits. Use the text version of the affidavit if you need to
modify the draft language for your specific circumstances. Be sure to
include your mailing address.
Frequently Asked Questions
We will soon
be arranging for an on-line e-forum where Plaintiffs (and potential
plaintiffs) can ask questions directly of the lead counsel, Mark Lane. We
will also be constructing and maintaining a “Frequently Asked Questions”
(FAQ) page for the lawsuit. Finally, please note that Mark Lane will be
setting aside several hours per week to directly answer your phone calls and
to answer your questions. Details
concerning his specific availability, the number to call, etc. will be
released soon.
Before calling Mark Lane with your personal questions about the lawsuit, we
STRONGLY urge you to first e-mail your questions to
bob@givemeliberty.org and to visit our
FAQ page
to see if your questions have already been addressed.
Photos and Videos
Many people took photos of the event, both inside the National Press Club
and outside, during the march. We are grateful for all the photos we have
received and we encourage people to send any more that they may have.
are especially grateful for the more than 200 photos provided by Michigan
professional photographer, Todd Johnson. Rather than include copies of
Todd’s photos here (adding immensely to the size of this article), we are
providing a link to
Todd’s web site
where all of his excellent photos can be viewed.
not too late to join the lawsuit….
The legal process will take significant time to fully play out and we expect
more and more Americans to join us as they learn of our
battle to save the Constitution.
Please go to the
Lawsuit Information Center
to learn more about the suit, to read the legal research about the Right to Petition and for complete
instructions on how to become a plaintiff.
Please also remember, although there is NO cost to become a plaintiff or to
seek the protection of the court against IRS and DOJ, the very substantial
legal costs and expenses of generating public awareness of the lawsuit are
being funded solely by donations to the WTP Foundation.
Please consider a regular, monthly scheduled donation to support our cause
and provide us with a steady source of funding so that we can execute the
activities needed to secure our noble goals.
To Join the RTP class action lawsuit, GO TO THE
Lawsuit Information Center
Click Here to
donate and help finance this vital project to protect the
Read and sign the
Petitions for Redress of Grievances
regarding the Government's
abuse of its limited war-making, taxing, and monetary powers and its ongoing
on the Bill of Rights.
Click Here to obtain a copy of the
Give Me Liberty 2004
conference record. 26+ Hours of "must-see"
freedom video -- the leading voices on reclaiming our Republic & the
right to Petition...
On (4) VHS tapes or (8) CD-ROMs.