February 12, 2005
Tax Reform Panel Put On Notice
Full-Page Ads To Run Next Week
Petitions The Panel For Answers
to the generous and rapid response of the People, our full-page, color ad
will appear in the Daily Edition and the National Weekly Edition of a
principal Washington DC newspaper, in time for next Wednesday’s first public
meeting of the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform in
Washington. The ad will reach hundreds of thousands of Washington Times
readers on Monday and Tuesday.
The ad
challenges the President's Advisory Panel to address the constitutional
issues relating to the government's operation and enforcement of the federal
income tax system.
The ad highlights the willingness of IRS and
DOJ to ignore the Supreme Court's never-overturned holdings regarding the
income tax, the collusion of the Executive, the U.S. Congress and the lesser
courts to perpetuate the fraud, and the government's steadfast refusal to
answer the People's Petitions for Redress regarding constitutional abuses.
here to download a copy of the ad. 800 KB, .pdf format)
Based on the
received thus far, WTP’s ad will appear in next week’s National Weekly
Edition of The Washington Times, which is being mailed this weekend
to over 100,000 subscribers nationwide. The ad will also appear on Tuesday,
Feb 15, in the Daily Edition of The Washington Times. The Daily
Edition is the regular DC-Metro area daily newspaper. The ad in the Weekly
Edition was run as the “centerfold” of the paper. |
addition to normal subscribers, those that will see the ad next week include
thousands attending the large “CPAC” (Conservative Political Action
Committee) conference as well as thousands of other DC area hotel guests
that will also receive complimentary copies.
are still needed. As previously announced, we hope to run a
continuing series of ads.
Please spread the word.
WTP Confronts The President’s Tax
Reform Panel
The We
The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., has submitted a
Petition package
to each of the nine individual members of the Panel and to the Panel’s
Executive Director.
documents will become part of the Panel’s records that will be available for
public viewing at the IRS’s FOIA Reading Room at 1111 Constitution Avenue
NW, Room 16121.
The Petition package contains a
letter from Schulz, along with copies of the two May 10, 2004
letters transmitted to
President Bush and
Treasury Secretary Snow and Attorney General John Ashcroft,
respectfully requesting answers to a small number of specific legal
questions (43 total), derived from the more comprehensive Petitions for
Redress served on each member of Congress and the President in 2002.
its letter to the Panel members, WTP informs the Panel that the questions to
be answered focus on
the obvious conflict between two interpretations of the meaning of the word
“income” within the
16th Amendment to the Constitution: the never-overturned
interpretation provided by the U.S Supreme Court versus the interpretation
asserted in self-interest by the political branches.
In its letter to the Panel members, WTP makes
an accusation it has not made before – an accusation
that may explain the conflict between these two interpretations of the 16th
Amendment, and goes to
the motive behind the unwillingness of the political branches to conform the
operation and enforcement
of the federal income tax system to the Supreme Court’s rulings.
WTP accuses the political branches (and the lesser courts) of imposing and
enforcing a non-apportioned, direct tax on the salaries, wages and
compensation of ordinary Americans, and withholding at the source, in
order to provide the federal government’s creditors with the ultimate form
of lender security – the labor of its citizens.
WTP is suggesting that in the
world’s money markets, our government is trading the labor, and
thus the Freedom, of the working men and women of America. The difference
between this form of
slavery and that which the Emancipation Proclamation did away with is public
versus private ownership.
Attachment #1 to the letter sent to Snow
and Ashcroft is a discussion of the compelling legal and historical research
report by Phil Hart, “Constitutional Income, Do You Have Any?”
conclusively establishing that ordinary wages and salaries cannot
be considered “income” within the meaning of the Constitution, thereby
rebutting any claim by the IRS or DOJ that the 16th
Amendment provides the legal authority to enforce the income tax laws upon
everyday working Americans. (Attachment #1 included a copy of the full
research report.)
Click here for:
overview of Attachment #1
text of Attachment #1
To order a
copy of Hart's full research
Attachment #2 consists of an overview of the comprehensive
research compendium entitled, “Analysis of the Federal Income Tax Law.”
This well-documented research report on CD-ROM conclusively proves the
Treasury Department, the IRS and DOJ have deliberately ignored the Supreme
Court and congressional mandates since the Brushaber decision in
1916, in order to perpetuate the “income” tax fraud that was initiated in
Click here for:
Overview of Attachment #2
Access to the
e-version of Attachment #2 as sent to numerous government
officials which
includes scanned copies of many government
and legal documents.
Tax Reform Panel's members are:
Former Senators Connie Mack, a Florida Republican, and John
Breaux, a Louisiana Democrat, (as chairman and vice chairman)
William Frenzel, a former congressman and guest scholar at the
Brookings Institution;
Elizabeth Garrett, a law professor at the University of Southern
Edward Lazear, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a
professor at Stanford University's graduate school of business;
Former Federal Trade Commission Chairman Timothy Muris, now a
professor at the George Mason School of Law;
James Poterba, associate economics department head at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Former Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti,
now a senior adviser to the Carlyle Group; and
Liz Ann Sonders, chief
investment strategist at investment & brokerage house Charles Schwab
Click Here for the
contact information for the Panel's members.
Click here to read
May 10, 2004 update announcing the original
transmission of these documents to the government.
RIGHT-Click Here to download the (draft)
of the full-page, color Washington Times ad.
Click Here for
Schulz's Feb-12 letter to the Tax Reform Panel.
Click Here to read our update about the
Second Circuit's recent decision
in Schulz v. IRS telling IRS, "No Court Order, NO Enforcement."
Please consider making a
one-time OR monthly
and help us pay the costs
of bringing these crucial messages to the attention the media,
our government officials and the members of the tax reform panel.
Please send donations by mail to:
We The People
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Our Sincerest Thanks.
Instructions and resources can also be found on that page for those that wish to
complete their donations by postal mail or other means.
All donations to
the 501(c)3 tax-exempt Foundation are tax deductible.
Yourself to Our e-Mail List!
We would also remind each of our supporters to use the
"MyWTP" link located on the header of every WTP web page |
This function enables you to update your personal information,
change your e-mail address,
sign up as a WTP Congress volunteer,
become a local Coordinator, perform
Coordinator restricted functions,
and access the secure content
on the WTP site.