December 23, 2005
Hungering For Redress
America’s Promise
Approximately 2,005 years ago a brilliant star appeared in the Eastern sky.
Wise men followed the star and were guided to the source of eternal truth,
freedom and peace on Earth.
Almost 1800 years later, the Creator provided another star to guide His
People —that star was
America’s Founding
The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
together set forth what our Founders believed to be the Creator’s design for
lawful civil government. These Founding Documents represented a
revolutionary concept of limited servant government based on the principles
of individual liberty, equal justice and respect for private property. |
America’s Founding Documents defined a radical departure from the prevailing
culture of “State Worship”, or the belief that the State is somehow superior
to the individual man. Instead, America’s founders envisioned a new form of
civil government--one that would serve as the Creator’s Minister of Truth
And Justice; one that would honor personal freedom and equal justice under
the law; one that would recognize the individual as Sovereign over his own
life and his lawfully acquired property; one that would be strictly limited
by written constitutions approved by the People.
Tragically, a large
segment of our population has rejected America’s heritage of faith and
freedom. Many Americans believe the principles of limited government,
individual liberty and personal responsibility are no longer relevant, much
less worthy of devotion. We have reached the moment in America’s history
where human desire for wealth and power is no longer constrained by the rule
of law; where society has rejected any minimum standard of moral conduct and
common decency; where the institutions of government, academia and commerce
have become widely populated by arrogant, intellectually dishonest and
morally corrupt men and women who view America’s heritage of faith and
freedom with contempt.
Do not be confused.
We are dangerously close
to severing the ties that have held us together as one nation for over 225
The non-believers in the
Founding Documents who have achieved positions of significant power and
influence in our society are legion. They have no allegiance to the faith
and ideals of our Founding Fathers. They believe that any Rights that we
enjoy are nothing more than privileges selectively distributed and
administered by the State. They believe that the United States Constitution
and Bill of Rights are merely “pieces of paper”, and “living documents”,
subject to fraudulent usurpation and selective interpretation by ignorant
politicians and dishonest judges.
They do not believe that government power and control over the People should
be strictly limited by our Federal and State Constitutions, or by the
ultimate Sovereign Power from which they derive their legitimate lawful
authority on Earth.
we consider the state of the union today, we are forced to conclude that
these non-believers have bought and weaseled themselves into positions of
significant power and influence over the foundational institutions of our
society, and are now in the process of assuming absolute control over the
For instance, consider what the non-believers did in 2005 to
the sacred and unalienable Individual Right of Property. First, the
non-believers in the judicial branch declared, citing the man-made doctrine
of “eminent domain,” that the State can seize an individual’s real property
and turn it over to another private person or corporation if the State
receives a promise of more tax revenue from the forced transaction.
Non-believers in the state and federal legislative branches then stepped
into the fray with great fanfare as the “People’s benefactors”.
Our elected representatives passed laws giving “them” the power to regulate
the government taking of our property for private purposes. In an
unprecedented affront to
America’s Founding
Principles these so-called public servants have finally succeeded at
undermining 225 years of constitutional protection and judicial restraint by
converting the People’s Creator-endowed Right to Private Property into a
State-granted privilege.
It is true: the most pernicious form of tyranny is that which disguises
itself as a benefactor of the People.
Consider also
undeclared wars, un-enforced immigration laws, judicial corruption, vote
fraud, monetary fraud and the rapidly expanding police state with all of its
Orwellian spying on the People.
Consider also the fact
that every working person in America is now forced to turn over more than
one-half of his or her earnings to the non-believers and their constituents
who control our government. By using force and intimidation to seize the
first fruits of the ordinary American’s labor (who must pay financial
tribute to the non-believers before he is allowed to clothe, shelter and
feed himself), the government has assumed absolute power and control over
his life and property--the complete opposite of the limited servant
government guaranteed to the People by our Founding Documents. By
controlling his means of independence and self-reliance, the government
reduces the average American worker to the position of indentured
servant—forced to support those who produce nothing.
Finally, consider this. In 2005 the United States
District Court for the
District of
Columbia erroneously dismissed WTP’s Right to Petition lawsuit, relying on
specious reasoning and off-point case law. Astoundingly, the federal
district judge in this historic case stated that the government, “does not
have to listen or respond” to the People’s grievances.
By its decision, the court has attempted to effectively abolish, by judicial
fiat, the People’s Right to Petition our servant government for Redress of
our Grievances.
If allowed to stand, this blatantly arrogant and unconstitutional lower
court decision would establish a formal legal precedent by which government
at all levels could ignore with impunity the constraints imposed on its
conduct by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and consequently destroy
America’s unique heritage of popular sovereignty—that is, government of, by,
for and accountable to the People.
The time has come for the tireless minority of believers in the
star of 1776 to act to preserve, protect and defend the Founding Documents
and the essential Principles that have defined and sustained us as a free nation
and free People for over two centuries. Be not afraid.
2006: The Pivotal Year
For years, the WTP organization has stood and listened as
large numbers of organizations and individuals issue increasingly urgent
cries, lamenting the continued erosion of our Republic and Fundamental
Principles of Liberty for which she stands.
Although we too lament and despise the growth of this tyranny, the We The
People Foundation has, uniquely, been determined to do something about it.
Unlike most organizations, ours has fully committed to, and has
successfully executed, a wide program of civic education and Constitutional
activism (in all its non-violent forms) to counter the otherwise unchecked
abuses of power by our servant government.
Over the last half-decade the activism of the We The People
Foundation has garnered a substantial level of national attention, including
that of the national media, the White House and the U.S. Congress, including
the Senate Finance Committee. Tens of thousands of ordinary Americans have
watched -- and supported -- our organization as together we have put forth a
far-reaching program of non-political education and direct, high-visibility
confrontations with the non-believers -- all in the interest of
accountability in government.
One only need flip casually through the cable channels or
Internet media sites to see that over the past few years, there has been a
growing cacophony of troubling national and world events – including bold,
and gross violations of our Constitution by our own government, trending
toward, in no uncertain terms, the significant possibility that our form of
governance – initially manifest by our Founding Fathers in 1776-1791, may be
extinguished during our generation. In short, our
Constitutional Republic is
being methodically “morphed” into a democracy, where the majority can vote
away Individual Rights and the ballot box is the only way to hold government
the heart of all these events lies a simple, but profoundly disturbing
truth: the government of the United States, has for decades, vilely abused
the most important functions of legal authority that have been delegated and
entrusted to it by a trusting, if not naive and apathetic People, and that
government has grown beyond the practical control of the People.
Worse yet, our government has become beholden to the unseen faces and forces
of political corruption, corporate influence and financial benefactors that
feed from the public fisc.
The worst of these enemies are the institutions of the government itself.
Guided not by a compass aligned with the limitations of a written
Constitution, but by the selfish interests of a well-entrenched bureaucracy,
staffed and served by those who thirst for power and money, and feed off the
table of those that produce everything.
Our servant is taking over our house, virtually
uninhibited by legal, moral or geographical boundaries.
Because the non-believers in our servant government have gone so long
without concerted, serious challenges by the People, it is apparent that
those that control our government now think nothing of committing crimes --
constitutional or otherwise -- to secure their reprehensible ends.
In fact, for those paying the slightest attention to the leading news
stories of our day, e.g., the fraudulent Iraq War, the Patriot Act, illegal
immigration, vote fraud, abuses of property rights, government spying,
judicial corruption, social security funding, etc., it is not beyond
credulity to suggest that only extraordinary means by We The People
will check our government back into Constitutional Order.
This Brings Us To
How much longer do We – as a sovereign People – risk the total annihilation
of the Principles of popular sovereignty, separation of powers, and
government accountability, as we stand idly by, worshipping false idols and
consumed by the daily chatter, activities and distractions of our lives?
Are we to continue to blindly trust those in power and their
claims that all is okay as we move philosophically from a “just enough” to a
“never enough” economy, while the “termites of tyranny” consume the timbers
support our Republic, gutting the Bill of Rights, and leaving only the
symbolic gesture of our flag, raised above a vast fascist and totalitarian
state to which all but the elite are enslaved?
Are our personal priorities and transitory endeavors so fixed and permanent
in our family and professional lives that we can no longer set them aside – and sacrifice,
even for a relatively short period, our resources and our commitment to
serve a larger good – even if that good includes the defense of the Divinely
inspired Founding documents and Principles?
If not now, when?
When will be the time to acknowledge that our most
significant threats come from INSIDE our own nation and our own government?
When will be the “right” time to get serious, to begin, in earnest,
exercising our Right of Popular Sovereignty (our most precious, individual,
natural Right) to restore the Constitution by holding our public servants
When will it be time to recognize that “I” must make this a priority in “my”
life by taking a personal stand, by making a personal commitment that
requires a personal sacrifice?
Dare we risk waiting longer?
To these questions, We The People resoundingly answers:
The time is now.
2006: A Year of Bold Action
& Personal Commitment
In 2006, the We The People Foundation and the We The People
Congress intends to provide the leadership needed to peacefully restore
governmental accountability and Constitutional Order before it is lost for
all time, absent future conflagrations, civic upheavals and bloodshed.
In 2006, with your prayers and support, a great revival will
will rise forth across
America. With your participation, the world will witness as Americans give
new luster to its 230 year-old star. By the end of April, the world will
begin to learn about our Divinely inspired Founding Documents and who really
holds the ultimate power in America.
By the end of April, the non-believers in our servant government will know
that their days of freely abusing our magnificent gift and failing to
provide honest responses to the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances
are now numbered.
Toward these ends, the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education
today presents to you, the People, its Operations Plans for 2006, including
objectives, strategies and activist events for 2006.
Over the next few days, two additional presentations will be forthcoming.
The first will be the 2006 Operations Plan for the We The People Congress. We
believe you will agree that the plan represents a very significant
step-change in our effort to institutionalize citizen vigilance and to
organize, nationwide, for non-violent civic action. The other presentation
involves an overview of the substantial level of mission-critical
Right-to-Petition related litigation that WTP has been in the thick of for
the past year or so, with virtually no public discussion from our
Operations Plan and Budget
Below are highlights of the Foundation’s 2006 Operations Plan. This is
your Foundation. We urge everyone to read the
full planning document, including Mission Statement & Strategy,
organizational chart and fiscal year operating budget.
To begin, the WTP Foundation intends to radically reorganize and bolster its
staff and Board of Directors to include the deployment of several full-time
professional staff positions to manage projects and programs,
communications, public relations, information technology, office
administration and finance/fund-raising.
Crucial to this reorganization is the complete and permanent
relocation of the WTP headquarters from upstate
New York to the Washington,
DC area. This relocation will enhance the Foundation’s ability to interact
with government officials, the dominant media and other organizations that
are allegedly focused on protecting and preserving individual Liberties,
Rights and Freedoms. The move to DC will also enhance the Foundation’s
ability to manage its DC based events.
Next April, the Foundation will stage two major events in
Washington, DC that,
prayerfully, will attract the attention of the national media, the People,
and the non-believers to the matters at hand.
First, the Foundation will host its next national Give Me
Liberty conference, GML2006.
This conference will build directly off the momentum and focus established
during last year’s conference (GML2004) and will feature an array of
internationally renowned figures and organization leaders gathered to
specifically address the Petition for Redress as the “capstone” Right, and
the sound reliance that can be placed on that Right as a means of resolving
all constitutional oppressions and grievances by government. The
planned dates for this event are Friday, April 21 through Sunday, April 23.
On Monday, April 24, 2006,
immediately following the GML2006 conference, our “Hungering for Redress”
event will commence on the front steps of the People’s House. The vision is
hundreds, if not thousands of individuals participating in a two-week hunger
strike to draw national attention to the fact the government non-believers
have instigated a constitutional crisis by first refusing to answer the
People’s formal Petitions for Redress of Grievances, and then, by formally
declaring that if the People want to hold the government accountable the
only way they can do so is by the ballot because the government “does not
have to listen or respond” or otherwise recognize the Sovereign People or
their unalienable Rights.
Never before in our history have the People gathered anywhere
in America
for a mass hunger fast. Never before have so many Americans been alienated
by a loss of their unalienable Rights. Never before have the People staged a
mass-hunger strike on the steps of the Capitol. Not since the Revolution
has the issue of Popular Sovereignty been the focus of a large scale popular
Natural-Rights struggle.
”Hungering for Redress” will be a first-of-a-kind civic protest event and
holds the potential to draw significant national attention to the
Right-to-Petition issue and our battle to restore Constitutional Order. We
urge you to clear your schedule and begin to make plans to come to DC.
To gather support and participation for the April “Hungering
for Redress” event, the Foundation is holding a series of regional public
meetings around the country each weekend between late January and early
The schedule is as follows:
Saturday January 28: Tucson, Arizona
Saturday February 4: Denver, Colorado
Saturday February 11: Austin, Texas
Saturday February 18: Florida
Saturday February 25: California
Saturday March 4: North Carolina
Sunday March 5: South Carolina
Saturday March 11: Washington State
Sunday March 12: Oregon
Saturday March 18: Illinois
Saturday March 25: New Hampshire
Sunday March 26: Vermont
Saturday April 1: New York
Sunday April 2: New Jersey
Saturday April 8: Virginia
Friday, April 21 – Sunday, April 23
Give Me Liberty 2006 National Conference,
Washington, DC
Monday, April 24 – Sunday, May 7
“Hungering for Redress” WTP protest event
Washington, DC.
During 2006, WTP will also pursue its appeal of the District
Court’s decision in the landmark Right-to-Petition lawsuit. The case is
docketed and will be heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit. Whoever loses in the Court of Appeals can be expected to
petition the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Foundation also plans to radically rework its website
configurations and deploy ever-advancing Internet technologies in
conjunction with the bold new WTP Foundation and WTP Congress Operations Plans. Chief among the initiatives
are: the continued production of Liberty Hour video streaming series
(following the DC relocation and readying of the in-house production
studio); the adaptation of “blogging” and video-conferencing technologies;
the redesign of the WTP Internet resources to include a WTP “portal page” and a
separate site for the WTP Congress; and, the production of a number of
educational DVDs focusing on the mission of the Foundation and its Plans,
Projects and Programs.
The total operating budget for the Foundation for 2006 is planned at $1.1
million dollars, of which approximately $105K is reserved for office,
equipment and relocation; $325K for professional full-time staff and $750K
for projects, programs, and outside professional services.
RIGHT-Click to download the
2006 Operations Plan. (180 KB .pdf)
RIGHT-Click to download the design for
new WTP "portal" web page. (660 KB .pdf)
Financial Support
& Participation Are Critical
Much is at stake as the battle over the Constitution and
“originalism” rages and the non-believers in government become increasingly
desperate to cling to their ill-gotten power.
Our organization, unlike any other, has professed and
established a proven “track record” of an unwavering commitment to
preserving the Individual Rights of the People and returning Constitutional
Order to our Republic through civic education and non-violent, but forceful
confrontations against those non-believers in government service that abuse
their limited authority.
We are non-political and not-for-profit. Over the last six
years we have accomplished much armed with your support and only a handful
of dedicated and tireless People working in the office.
However, more, much more, now needs to be done. More of the
People’s Ultimate Power must now be summoned, displayed and applied to the
tasks of civic education and civic action. More in the way of organization,
power and money are now needed. To be successful, we must augment the
professional staff, and we need a fresh commitment to the Foundation by
those that have made our work possible thus far.
WTP is poised to provide its share of the required
leadership. Progress and success with the mission will depend on how well
WTP is able to spread the word and how well the People respond. We will
either hear the Creator’s admonition and rise together to protect, preserve
and enhance His gift to
or we will continue worshipping false idols and continue our descent into
debt, dependency and decay -- America’s darkest age -- with adverse
consequences for both us, and the generations that will bear our legacy.
Although it is easy to become paralyzed by the sheer scale of the problems
facing our nation and the real potential that all our efforts may be for
naught, nonetheless – those of us that receive this message know deep in our
hearts, that despite our fears, we must act – and act decisively.
The fact remains that since the dawn of history, it is only the dedication
of small groups and very determined individuals that ultimately change the
course of history. Those moments of change are far and few between – but
when they happen, the Heavens open, Justice prevails and the world changes
for the better.
We believe another such moment is almost upon us. During the next year, we
all have an opportunity to share our collective burden and commit just a
portion of our time and resources to a common, peaceful goal that is
achievable and stands to potentially alter the course of our nation.
With personal commitments of money and time, we can send the word far and
wide, getting many People to work together, and then assemble together in
Washington to create a public spectacle that has never been witnessed before
in this nation: a thousand Americans going hungry simply because their
servant government refuses to be held accountable to the People by answering
some questions about its behavior viz-a-viz our Constitution and Bill of
At some point, We the People have to take a stand together -- or we will
lose everything and be judged harshly, we believe, by future
Remember, there is no one that will send us - or any other organization, an
engraved invitation to certify the perfect time, place or manner that an act
of defiance should occur. There is no history book or political scientist
that can tell us the opportune time to strike.
Our Founding Fathers faced the same dilemma: When is enough, enough? When
must the People act, to do or die? When is the best moment for courage, and
to stand as men, braving the consequences? When does personal sacrifice pale
against the compelling needs of the larger good?
We believe 2006 is the time.
We believe, just as it was with King George, the Right to Petition will once
again influence the course of history, because within the exercise of this
Right lies nothing less than Sovereignty or servitude.
We believe WTP has established the necessary legal and organizational
framework and experience from which to launch and achieve its comprehensive
plan of civic education and civic activism.
We believe that you believe in the wisdom and commitment of those that
manage the Foundation, and the ability of WTP to lead us toward the
achievement of our objectives. Although far from perfect in its operations
or management, the Foundation is guided by a moral and spiritual “compass”
that cannot be compromised.
And finally, we believe that you also believe that our nation is in grave
peril and that something extraordinary must be done now to
repel the non-believers that seek to destroy it.
We pray that you search your hearts and commit to our righteous work.
Please begin by studying our Plan and then sending, by year’s end, a
significant tax-deductible donation to the Foundation.
Then, clear your schedule for late April through early May. Please plan to
be in DC to participate in the two-week “Hungering for Redress” event. We
know you will have many questions about evening shelter, what to wear and
carry, how to obtain water and other care and necessities. We will provide
more information at the regional meetings and as we advance our preparations
during the coming months. Much will depend on our budget constraints.
Then, after sending your tax-deductible year-end donation, please consider
making a meaningful recurring “subscription” donation so that the Foundation can have a
predictable, manageable flow of donations through the balance of 2006.
Keep in mind that if 2,000 people committed to a modest subscription
donation of $50 per month, the Foundation could meet its entire $1.1 million
funding goal for 2006. With more, the Foundation could make the stars that
are our Founding Documents and the hearts of We the People shine all the
more brilliantly.
Please, as you can, let as many others as possible learn about our
organization and our plans for
Together in 2006, We the People will change the course of history.
At what price Liberty?
Make your one-time,
and also establish a recurring "subscription"
to sustain our mission through 2006.
You can donate on-line through our secure system
or by mail (see the link for
We accept all forms of donations, including VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover,
e-Check, cash, etc.
Right-Click to download the
2006 Operations Plan. (180 KB .pdf) |
Right-Click to download
the design for the
new WTP "portal" web page. (660 KB .pdf) |
Please make a
one-time year-end AND an ongoing "subscription"
to help fund
the work and operations of the We The People Foundation.
It is only your generous
that keeps us moving forward.
Click Here to
access the Right-to-Petition
Lawsuit Information Center which
includes scholarly research on
Right and other lawsuit related
materials, court documents,
the latest news.
