We The People Organization


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Take the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing Test Drive!


Take The "Test Drive"  

Feel free to click away . . .you may be surprised by what you find !  

I Want It !       Available on CD-ROM or VHS

Read the Rave Reviews Who were the Witnesses?
What was the Hearing About? What's in the CD-ROM Package?

 See a Quick Video Short  

System Requirements

The Hearing Findings


"Schulz's June 2002 Letter to IRS Commissioner Rossotti"
Now available  >> Click Here

In June of 2002, Bob Schulz publicly declared he has forever stopped paying income taxes or filing income tax returns, based solely on the content of the Truth-in-Taxation  hearing and the government's refusal to answer the well documented legal charges that there is
NO legal or constitutional basis for the federal income tax.

Learn why Schulz stopped filing and how he exercised
his First Amendment Right to Petition

The materials presented herein contain legal content referencing and directly citing official U.S. tax statutes, tax regulations and federal court decisions regarding the limited authority of the U.S. Government to impose income taxes or withholding, and the legal duties and obligations (or lack thereof) that are allegedly imposed upon American businesses and the Americans that labor for them.

These materials are presented solely for educational purposes.  Although these materials may be used in attempting to secure and exercise one's Constitutionally protected Rights, including the First Amendment Right to Petition the government for Redress of Grievances, We The People makes NO representation that these materials constitute legal advice, and furthermore specifically encourages all workers and business owners to submit these materials to qualified legal counsel for review and advice.

Many of the files and documents contained in these educational offerings are available for FREE elsewhere on the WTP website.