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Schulz to America:  Stop Withholding

Workers’ Rights Being Extolled
Company’s Resistance May Be Due to “Cooked Books”

Hundreds of workers and employers continue to flock to meetings on Bob Schulz’s cross-country speaking tour as We The People begins to organize Americans to exercise their legal rights and stop withholding of all taxes on their wages and salaries. 

Schulz, Chairman of We The People, has now spoken to well over two thousand people as part of “Operation Stop Withholding” and continues to be greeted by appreciative and attentive audiences everywhere. 

Schulz’s tour continues tomorrow with several stops in Oregon before moving on to Washington state and then south through Utah and Colorado before heading east.  Click here to see details of the schedule.

This past week Schulz was in California appearing at meetings in Irvine, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, Santa Cruz and San Jose before heading to Reno, Nevada for a meeting yesterday.
Click here to see more photos from some of these meetings.

Schulz has been trying to maximize use of his limited free time by doing office work and legal research from his vehicle as he travels. The WTP van is equipped with an A/C power converter and a digital wireless internet connection that allows Schulz, with his cell phone and portable printer, to operate a fully-functional, virtual office while on the road.


At each meeting, Schulz reads a letter of constructive notice sent to the Commissioner and the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Division at IRS’ headquarters in DC. He also reads a letter sent to the local IRS and DOJ offices for each city he appears in.  The notices request that IRS and DOJ attend the Stop Withholding meetings and inform Schulz if anything he is saying is misleading or incorrect.  To date, no attendee has identified them self as being from either IRS or DOJ and no representative of the government has contacted Schulz to question either the content or the validity of the Stop Withholding termination forms or other claims WTP is making about the law. 

In his talks, Schulz thoroughly reviews the WTP Foundation’s four year process of Petitioning for Redress of Grievances that has resulted in the People being forced to take the next “appropriate step” – i.e., “No Answers, NO Taxes.”  Schulz articulates a compelling case that regardless of the content or meaning of the tax laws, the People have an unquestionable, constitutionally guaranteed Right to withhold payment of taxes to the government until all 537 questions from the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing are officially answered by the US government. 

Schulz remains adamant that the ability to enforce our Rights by retaining our money until our grievances are redressed (remedied) is critical to the future of this nation and our Constitution. 

“If the government infringes upon any of the unalienable Rights of the People and the People do not have the ability to force the government to respond to a proper Petition for a Redress of those Grievances, then the People, if fact, do not have that Right,” said Schulz.“ A right that is not enforceable is not a Right.” 

Schulz goes on to say, “Under our present circumstances, it is un-American to send money to the federal government. Doing so only emboldens and encourages the government to continue ignoring the People who have now Petitioned for a Redress of Grievances related not only to the government’s abuse of its taxing powers, but also its power to make war, its power to make money and its police powers. The government must be forced to honor its constitutional obligation to respond to proper Petitions for Redress. Retaining our money until our grievances are redressed is the ONLY method of doing so without disturbing the public tranquility.”

Anecdotal evidence being received by the WTP office indicates that “Operation Stop Withholding” may be starting to take on a life of its own. 

A number of legal skirmishes between workers and employers are already starting to spark up, including some that have already prompted legal action.  Examples include a major west coast technology employer whose high-profile law firm is counseling their client employer to ignore a worker’s legal request to cease withholding, improperly stating that the employer can be held liable for the “unpaid” taxes of a worker and that the employer is “required by law” to withhold.  The law firm has failed to cite any specific law or legal authority to back their specious claims. 

Another case involves a group of 12 oil workers in Arkansas that recently sought to terminate their withholding agreements (W-4s) en masse, by submitting WTP Form #1 to their company.  The company refused to terminate withholding and even sent the workers’ forms to the IRS.  In direct response, another group of 25 workers for the same company filed the same termination forms.  The workers have consulted with counsel and are now preparing legal action against the employer.  Hundreds of other workers for the company are considering joining in this action in support of “worker’s rights.”

In yet another case, a large group of construction workers in New Hampshire and Massachusetts is pressuring their employers to stop withholding, and have now sued their union for failing to represent them and protect their rights as their collective bargaining agreement requires. 

Another case involves a major automobile manufacturer in Detroit that has stopped withholding for several hundred of its employees. 

And yes – we are hearing daily about many individuals that have filed the forms and their employers have, in fact, stopped all withholding – with no questions asked. 

In short, it is clear that “Operation Stop Withholding” is starting to “take root” and beginning to spread.  The masses of workers that have toiled under this unlawful and unconstitutional burden are beginning to learn what the law really says and to resist this tyranny by defending their rights, both as workers and as citizens.  Operation Stop Withholding is quickly gaining visibility as a “workers’ rights” issue.  

We have received evidence that some companies have been cheating on the government and their investors by “cooking their books,” and that this is the reason some companies are not being responsive to requests from employees to terminate W-4 agreements and to stop withholding: they fear it would draw unwanted attention from the IRS.

One prominent business owner in Orange County, California, via his corporate attorney, admitted to one of his senior executives (who argued the law in requesting the company to end withholding from his earnings), that the worker was absolutely correct in his assessment of the law.  The corporate attorney said, however, that the company would never honor the employee’s termination request because of fear it would draw unwanted attention from the I
RS and risk an audit of the accounting books that the attorney admitted had been “cooked” for years. In this case the employee left the company and started his own business. 

Employers, caught in the middle, are quickly learning that a little knowledge about the law in the hands of workers can be a dangerous thing and that there may soon be precious little legal “middle ground” to stand upon between their workers and the IRS.  

In the end, the income tax may ultimately fail not because of the intricacies of the tax fraud woven into tens of thousands of pages of law, but rather because of two simple ideas that cannot be refuted by our government or any corporation:  1) Workers have an unalienable Right to the fruits of their labor, and 2) The government MUST answer our First Amendment Petitions, i.e., No Answers, NO Taxes. 

So as it must be, it will be up to the People to save themselves from their own government and the corporations of this nation that have aided and abetted in the seizure of the Rights of the People.  The quicker the People act, the quicker the day of liberation will arrive.  

WTP encourages everyone to spread word of Operation Stop Withholding and about the availability of the no-fee applications for the new WTP Legal Defense Association.

Click Here
to see photos from the Schulz’s Stop Withholding meetings. 
Click Here to apply for the Legal Defense Association for no fee. 
Click Here to Access the Operation Stop Withholding meeting schedule. 

DAY 21:  Click Here for updated information on Gene Chapman’s death fast in Austin, Texas to get the IRS to answer a single question:  “What law makes me liable to pay the income tax?”

Click here to contact your Congressman and your local media.

Click here for INSTRUCTIONS on how to apply for membership in the WTP Legal Defense Association for NO cost.

Click here to read the WTP-LDA Standard Agreement (.htm format)

Click here to see Schulz's nationwide meeting schedule for Operation Stop Withholding. 

Click Here  New !   Monthly or Semi-Monthly e-Donations
(Secure/Encrypted -- now also via AMEX, Discover & "e-Check")

Click Here to See the Lear/WTP March 20th DC National Press Club Press Conference video

Click Here for FREE legal forms and instructions to LEGALLY Stop ALL wage withholding for employers, employees, and independent contractors.

Click Here to obtain the record of the historic Truth-in-Taxation hearing. 14 hours of video testimony under oath by attorneys, former IRS agents, etc. Hundreds of legal exhibits and a full transcript conclusively document the income tax fraud.  Fully interactive multi-media on four CD-ROMs or VHS. 

Click Here to Read Why Bob Schulz is Forming the WTP-Legal Defense Association and Why The People Are Morally & Legally Justified:  "No Answers, NO Taxes"

Click Here to obtain the VHS version of the first WTP-TV LIBERTY HOUR Broadcast OR
 the CD-ROM of the Freedom Drive event in DC.

Our homepage is:


Click Here  Schulz doesn't file or pay.   Learn why & see the Schulz "Tax Termination" package.
Click Here  To Help WTP the Easy Way--- $49.99 = Totally Unlimited  Local, In-state & Long Distance PLUS all the extra digital services (Caller ID, Call Waiting, 3-Way Calling, Call Forwarding, etc.) 
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