All-County Taypayers Association

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance...
Let the eye of vigilance never be closed."
- Thomas Jefferson


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ACTA'S goal is, essentially, one of bringing New York State and local government, in all its forms, back under the control of the New York Constitution and the citizens of the state. ACTA's goal is based on these facts; we are tumbling headlong into debt, dependency and decay; much of governmental activity is working more to the benefit of private aims and agendas than it is to the public good; the people are largely uninformed about what is really going on; the people do not understand their Constitution as what it is - a set of principles to govern the government; the government at all levels has routinely been turning a blind eye toward the New York Constitution; our troubles are mainly the fault of the people themselves because they have ignored the warnings of the framers of the Constitution, calling for eternal vigilance; instead, the people have put a blind trust in those in government; and finally, the people can only rely on themselves to get out of the mess they are in.


To achieve its goal, ACTA's objectives are threefold:

  1. to see to it that the citizens of the state are informed about their constitutional rights, powers, privileges and immunities, and about what is really going on in government,
  2. to confront governmental wrongdoing - unconstitutional or illegal behavior - in court if necessary, pro-se, if necessary, wherever it is discovered, from the Governor and the leadership of the Legislature down to the local school board of education, and
  3. to establish a permanent statewide organization that can maintain vigilance over governmental behavior, support the basic needs of communication, research and legal proceedings, and perpetuate a system for evaluating government behavior and confronting governmental wrongdoing.