February 11, 2002

News Release - Please Copy and Distribute Wide and Far

To: All American Veterans,
Patriotic American Citizens, and AVIDD Members!
Re: Constitutional Crisis Declared, Your Help is needed!
Enclosures: “Why Won’t They Answer?” (flyer for mass distribution)

“An Appeal to Every Organization That Stands for Liberty”

Key Dates: NOW – Express your support, Work spreading the word in the
grassroots, Contact your government servant representatives
February 27th & 28th – Hearing in Washington DC (listen live on webcast)
April 14th – Public Demonstration in Washington DC

Dear Veterans, Patriots, and Friends of Freedom:

Mr. Bob Schulz of We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, along with thousands of
legal researchers, discovered major fraud and deception in the administration of tax “laws” on American
Citizens. For years now our “government servants” have stonewalled our formal petitions for redress and
grievances. It has now become a Constitutional Crisis.

The media refuses to inform you about this serious situation. Therefore, to preserve our rights and
property, we must now act as individual Americans through the grassroots process.

As Thomas Jefferson wisely stated, “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society
but with the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with
a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to INFORM them.”

Each American Veteran pledged an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America
against all enemies, foreign and domestic. AVIDD’s mission is to remind veterans of their oath and to
raise awareness among veterans and patriots alike of some of the major enemies of our personal freedoms
and rights within our borders.

ACTION ITEMS: Please see the list of action items on the back of this letter. It is high time for America
to do an “About Face!”

Constitutionally yours,

General Raymond G. Davis
US Marine Corps, Retired, Medal of Honor
Most Highly Decorated Living American Veteran


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February 11, 2002

News Release
Please Copy and Distribute Wide and Far

To: All American Veterans,
Patriotic American Citizens, and AVIDD Members!
From: General Raymond G. Davis
American Veterans In Domestic Defense
Re: Constitutional Crisis Declared, Your Help is needed!


A C T I O N  I T E M S

We encourage all individuals and groups to take these and other actions immediately to preserve
American freedom and prosperity for this and future generations.

  1. Go to: www.givemeliberty.org and
    1. study the history and documentation of this crisis
    2. read the list of 299 questions regarding the legality of the tax system
    3. register and view the live Webcast of the tax hearing on Feb. 27th & 28th
    4. sign the tax remonstrance
    5. register for email updates
  2. make copies of the “Why Won’t They Answer?” flyer: http://www.givemeliberty.org/features/2002febHEARING/whywontthey.pdf
    1. distribute 10 or 20 to your neighbors and friends
    2. pass out groups of 10 or 20 to each member of your organization for distribution
      to their neighbors and friends
  3. get and share videos of the Feb. 27th & 28th hearing (attend if possible)
  4. get information and spread the word about the April 14th demonstration in DC
  5. pray and seek God’s face for courage, wisdom, and resources to prevail
  6. help restore America to her previous greatness
  7. join AVIDD, if you haven’t already

Also visit:

www.showmethelaw.net, and