Historic Truth-in-Taxation Hearing Exposes Government
Fraud---And Abuse Of Power Against American Citizens.
The Evidence And Record Of Facts Now Stand Irrefutable.

Extensive Documentary Evidence and Expert Testimony Under Oath Established a Factual Public Record That Will Be Used by The People in Upcoming Legal Actions.


Click here to obtain the full video record and evidence from  the hearing
Click here to read Bob Schulz' opening remarks
Click here to read Sherry Jackson's closing remarks

On February 27 and 28, 2002, at the Washington Marriott in Washington DC, the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education sponsored the long-awaited Truth-In-Taxation Hearing. This historic event brought to public attention the facts about how the three branches of the federal government have intentionally and systematically conspired to deprive the American People of our Constitutional rights, and reduce our citizens to indentured servants of a corrupt federal government bureaucracy.

The hearing was but another step in the People's determination to get to the truth regarding the fraudulent origin and operation of the Federal Reserve System, the unconstitutional creation of the Internal Revenue Service, and the illegal operations of our nation's income tax system.

Expert witnesses testified, under oath, to various questions challenging the legal authority of the IRS to force employers to withhold any income tax from the paychecks of their employees and the legal authority of the IRS to force most American citizens to file a tax return and to pay the income tax.

The Foundation's objective was to establish a factual record, to be used by the People in support of their future actions regarding the income tax.

Although we had hoped to have hostile witnesses from DOJ and IRS answer our questions as they agreed to in July, 2001, they arrogantly refused to appear before We The People in this recorded, public forum to answer our questions.

From the Record of the hearing, the reason is obvious; DOJ and IRS can not answer the questions truthfully without admitting to the fraudulent jurisdiction of the IRS and the illegal operation of the income tax system.

Instead, we asked independent expert witnesses to answer the questions that the Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, Congress and the Federal Courts have steadfastly refused to confront publicly.

The witnesses at the hearing were highly credible, educated experts who have extensive legal and technical expertise and first hand knowledge of the abuses the American people are suffering under our unlawful and abusive income tax system.

The expert witnesses included constitutional and tax attorneys ( Larry Becraft, Paul Chappell and Noel Spaid), Certified Public Accountants ( Joseph Banister, Victoria Osborn and Sherry Jackson), former IRS agents ( Joseph Banister, Sherry Jackson and John Turner) and tax law researchers and authors (Bill Benson and Irwin Schiff).

As thousands of citizens across the country watched the live web broadcast of this historic truth-in-taxation hearing, the irrefutable truth about the fraudulent origin and unlawful operation and enforcement of the income tax system unfolded with every piece of compelling documentary evidence and sworn expert testimony.

The factual record established at the hearing is absolutely conclusive and irrefutable. From the professional credentials and sworn testimony of the expert witnesses, the exhaustive citations of constitutional and case law, the comprehensive review of statutory definitions, the extensive list of certified government documents, the presentation of over 500 legal questions--each in the form of a statement of legal fact, the truth-in-taxation hearing proved conclusively that the federal government has perpetrated a massive fraud against the American People.

The hearing record should now remove any doubt by anyone (including Congress, the Department of Justice and the Federal Courts) that the nation's income tax system is unconstitutional in its origin, fraudulent and abusive in its operation, and ultimately repugnant to every principle of equal justice, due process of law and personal liberty that we cherish as Americans.

The proof was, as predicted: startling, compelling, disturbing and irrefutable.

The record of the hearing proves conclusively for history:

  • The Internal Revenue Code does not make most Americans liable to file a tax return and pay an income tax.
  • People have a right to the fruits of their labor; the income tax is a slave tax, and is prohibited by the 13th Amendment.
  • Congress lacks the authority to legislate an income tax on the people except in the District of Columbia, the U.S. Territories and in those geographic areas within
    any of the 50 states where the States have specifically approved it, in writing. No legislative jurisdiction means no taxing authority.
  • There is no income tax exception to the 5th Amendment's guarantee of the Peoples' unalienable right not to be compelled to be a witness against themselves; individuals do, in fact, waive their 5th Amendment (Miranda) right not to be a witness against themselves when they sign and file a Form 1040 tax return.
  • Personal income taxes polarize and divide an otherwise united nation and promote class warfare and mistrust of our government.
  • The IRS, the courts and even the NY Times cite the 16th Amendment as government's authority to impose a tax directly on the People's labor. However, the 16th Amendment did not come close to being lawfully ratified by ΕΎ of the states as constitutionally required, and was fraudulently declared to have been ratified in 1913 by Philander Knox, the Secretary of State. The 16th Amendment is null and void.
  • The IRS routinely violates the 4th Amendment due process and privacy protections of Americans by seizing assets without lawful authority or a court order and by denying citizens their right to statutorily-prescribed, administrative remedies.
  • The IRS willfully and illegally manipulates taxpayers' Individual Master Files for the purpose of creating time-barred assessments, creating and providing fraudulent certificates of official records to the court to support illegal assessments, manipulating master files to short-pay taxpayers' legal interest owed by the government, collecting social security from taxpayers via levy in direct violation of the law, willful and intentional creation of fraudulent penalty and interest against taxpayers, and willful and intentional violation of taxpayers rights to due process.
  • The IRS, without legal authority, routinely and illegally prepares "dummy returns" with inflated assessments for taxpayers who legitimately do not file a tax return as a means of punishing those who stand on their legal rights in choosing not to file.

The leverage of this historic hearing will go far beyond the record it created and become the central focus of the Peoples' next steps to end the illegal income tax system. Details of specific legal actions being taken in response to both the hearing findings and the government's refusal to respond to the Petition for Redress of Grievances will be released during the next week.

The power of the hearing was also a demonstration of the physical might of the communications channel used to broadcast the hearing - the world-wide-web and the personal computer. Thousands of people across this nation witnessed this hearing live.

We demonstrated that the People are no longer dependent upon the dominant broadcast media, including C-SPAN, to transmit to thousands of widely separated electronic receivers, at the same time, transient images of moving objects together with sound, on a 24 hour, seven day per week basis if necessary.

We demonstrated the power of the People to use mass media to effectively counter government propaganda.

We even demonstrated the power of the People to trump the power of the traditional T.V. - the medium of choice by the government and those who prefer to quote officialdom, (rather than the People): NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and the major cable companies.

The Technology

In addition to the historical content of the hearing, cutting-edge multi-media and internet technologies were integrated and deployed in a unique combination for the first time to virtually eliminate the need to attend the hearings in person.

Viewers on the internet could not only see and hear the proceedings live via a professionally produced video broadcast, but could simultaneously see the text of the questions being asked and access live "hyperlinks" to the actual evidence as it was presented at the hearing.

In this way, viewers at home or the office across America could independently download, view and/or print usable copies of the evidence, independent of the video streaming. In fact, the webcast software and evidence database were used live in the hearing room to project the evidence to the audience and those testifying on a series of projection screens and monitors.

Remote access to individual webcast streams was controlled via passwords and user-ids that were generated electronically at the time of purchase. Purchases were made via a secure, customized on-line e-commerce system.

The Foundation believes its successful demonstration of these technologies may mark a significant leap in the ability of the freedom movement to organize, communicate and broadcast all while bypassing the established media providers such as C-SPAN, network news, etc. The ability to transmit, both live and delayed, coverage of key freedom events should prove extremely beneficial in our collective fight to elevate the Constitution to its rightful place in our society, and to strengthen our Republic through education.

Many thanks go to Scott Hildebrandt of e-knowledge, Inc. for developing the webcast and webcast management systems.

Obtain Copies of the Record.

For a minimal donation to the Foundation, copies of the full hearing/record can be obtained now on CD-ROM and VHS tape. Click here to obtain  the record and the evidence.

The CD-ROM versions will contain copies of all the evidence as well as a large volume of supporting materials that most will find very valuable. Obviously, the VHS tapes cannot include copies of the evidence and can only include a video/audio record of the sworn testimony and questioning in the hearing room.

We encourage people to request multiple copies of the CD-ROMs and/or the tapes and to share them with people they know and to request of those people that they do the same.

We The People are entitled to a system of taxation that is constitutional in its construction, lawful in its administration, and just in its effect. We are a sovereign people with deep respect for our unalienable right to life, liberty and property through responsible citizenship. We The People reject the proposition that government is entitled to control any part of our lives or property without our consent. We do not recognize a majority vote as a license for government to abuse its limited constitutional authority. Under our constitutional form of government, we acknowledge and honor the proposition that all men are created equal, and that every American citizen is endowed with certain unalienable rights that cannot be lawfully denied by majority vote. But we can only hope to achieve honest, accountable government, and a lawful system of taxation in our nation if we build a critical mass of knowledge and awareness among our people.

We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc. fought with fierce determination to give the American People the truth-in-taxation hearing on February 27-28 in Washington, DC. Against overwhelming odds, and at tremendous financial costs, we have completely exposed how the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, Congress, the Federal Courts, and the politically controlled major media, all turned their backs on our Constitution and the American People. The hearing was a great success for our nation and the cause of freedom. We will now move forward to build the critical mass of awareness required to destroy this fraudulent income tax system, and the culture of government abuse and criminal conduct that it has produced in our society.

Please understand that the Foundation has incurred substantial expenses over the past 7 months in bringing these truths to the American People. We have incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct expenses related to the webcast technology, the hearing facilities, travel expenses, attorneys, advertising, and so forth. Countless people selflessly volunteered their time and resources to make the truth-in-taxation hearing a reality.

As you know, We The People Foundation is an educational organization and does not sell products or services for a profit. We have no paid staff and must rely on the support of volunteers and donations from those who share our love of Country, commitment to our constitution, and dedication to the cause of freedom.

Every dollar we receive in donations goes directly to pay hard expenses in our vigilant fight to protect and defend those principles of equality, justice and liberty for which we, as Americans, stand. We must now ask for your financial help. We need your direct financial donations and your purchase of copies of the recording of the hearing. Please help us at this critical hour in the life of our nation. We must stand together and use our collective resources if we are to prevail in this eternal fight for liberty.

Click here to obtain video copies of the full Record and evidence of the hearing.


Bob Schulz
We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.