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Archives # 5
July, 2003 - June 2004 |
First Message to Plaintiffs
Editor’s note: The following message was e-mailed today to all the people
who have indicated an interest in becoming a member of the plaintiff class
in the Right to Petition Lawsuit.
are one of the thousands of people who have signed up to begin the process
of becoming a plaintiff in the Right to Petition class action lawsuit
against the federal government seeking a declaration of your unalienable
Right to enforce your fundamental Rights by withholding tax money from the
government, and to do so without retaliation – in ANY form, until
your grievances are redressed, whenever the government refuses to respond to
a proper Petition for Redress of Grievances.
purpose of this message is to urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to
come to Washington DC on July 19, 2004, to stand with the other class-action
plaintiffs in a show of solidarity, as we take our Petition process forward
in two important ways.
First, at an event at the National Press Club we will await the appearance
of agents of President Bush and Senator Kerry, who, along with Treasury
Secretary Snow, Attorney General Ashcroft and IRS Commissioner Everson, have
respectfully been requested to send representatives to answer certain
questions from our Petition for Redress regarding the income tax. We will
have on hand constitutional scholars, individuals who have been at the
forefront of our Petition process and the lead counsel for the Right to
Petition lawsuit, attorney Mark Lane.
Following the event at the NPC, we will march to the District Court where we
will file a motion against the United States, IRS and the DOJ, to enjoin
and prohibit them from taking any further enforcement or tax collection
actions against you and every other American who has decided NOT to turn
over any of their salaries and wages to the government, pending the
government’s response to the Petition for Redress by answering its questions
challenging the application of a direct, un-apportioned tax on the labor of the working men and women of America
as measured by their salaries, wages and compensation.
Here to read the Full Article
Now Comes The Cover-Up
Income Tax Documents Missing From National Archives
Operation “What's Left?”
-- More Volunteers Needed
July 19th: Be There!
Push Is Coming To Shove
After years of government stonewalling in providing answers to
basic questions about the fraudulent
origin and illegal enforcement of the income tax system,
another layer of the tax fraud has now been uncovered: the
systemic removal of key legal and historical documents from the
National Archives related to the meaning of “income” within the
1916 Income Tax Act, which was adopted by the political branches
following the ratification of the 16th (Income Tax)
Amendment in 1913, and the Supreme Court’s 1916 interpretation of
“Income” within the meaning of the 16th Amendment.
Here to read the Full Article
Right-To-Petition Lawsuit
Bumper & Truck Stickers Available
As part of our continuing public awareness campaign
for the historic Right To Petition class action lawsuit WTP is now
making available bumper stickers and larger high-visibility
"truck-size" stickers.
The bumper stickers are normal size (4"x 15") and the
"high-visibility" truck stickers are 8" x 20". Both types of
stickers are two-color (black & blue) on white background and say:
End All
I.R.S. Abuse!
Join The Class-Action Lawsuit
These offerings are now available
from the
WTP on-line store.
Significant price discounts are offered for larger quantity
The truck size stickers can be placed on the back of
commercial-sized vehicles or on the door/side panels of normal
personal-size vehicles.
WTP is still processing orders for rolls of the smaller (2"x4") RTP
lawsuit awareness stickers made available a number of weeks ago
(also available in the
WTP on-line
Here to to go to the
WTP on-line
We Are Proven
The Government Is Wrong
Damning Tax Research Released
Appropriate Next Steps Announced
Our War Powers
Petition for Redress
How right we were in the fall of
2002, when we formally served every member of Congress and the President
with a Petition for Redress asking for answers to 23 questions regarding
the War Powers clauses of the Constitution and the Iraq Resolution.
Click here to view (and sign) the Petition for Redress of
If only the government had
honored the Petition Clause by acting on our War Powers Petition: there
would have been a Committee review of the Petition, leading to a full
congressional debate on the President’s call for an invasion of Iraq,
followed by an up or down vote on a declaration of war.
More than likely, there would NOT have been a decision to go to war
against Iraq because the Executive would NOT have been able to prove its
claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, was
reconstituting a nuclear weapons program and was linked to 9-11 and al ‘
Queda. More than likely, cooler heads in Congress would have prevailed,
leaving it up to the people of Iraq, not America, to rid the world of
one of its dictators.
For the reason that we are still
engaged in hostilities in Iraq without a declaration of war, and the
expectation that there will likely be future attempts to apply the armed
forces of the United States in hostilities overseas without a
declaration of war, we must continue the Petition process, including
enforcement through “No Answers, No Taxes.”
Our Income Tax
Petition for Redress
How right we were in April of
2002, and in November of 2002, when we formally served the President and
every member of Congress with a Petition for Redress asking for answers
to questions regarding the tax clauses of the Constitution and the
federal “income” tax system.
Click here to view (and sign) the Petition for Redress of
The most damning documentary
evidence to date has now been compiled in two new research
reports that demonstrate without a shadow of doubt that the
government has been acting ultra vires (i.e., without bona
fide authority), in forcing ordinary Americans to file and pay an
un-apportioned, direct tax on their salaries, wages and compensation,
and that the government has known since 1916 that it lacks the legal
authority to do so but has gone right on doing it anyway.
Here to access this important WTP news article containing
"appropriate next steps,"
groundbreaking legal research and new evidence exposing the income tax
Ed Note: This article and its lengthy attachments are of significant
importance in the battle
to restore Constitutional Order. Please allow ample time to study these
important research materials
and announcements. Readers are encouraged to distribute this link widely.
Simkanin Sentenced: 84 Months
Judge McBryde Doubles Recommended Sentence
Appeal Underway –
Your Help Needed
Texas business owner,
loyal American, loving husband and political prisoner Richard M.
Simkanin was sentenced today to 84 months following his January
conviction for willful failure to withhold and willful failure to
file “income”
After several hours of legal
wrestling related to findings and recommendations included in
Simkanin's pre-sentencing report, USDC Judge John McBryde imposed
the sentence that is approximately double what was indicated by the
“point system”
criteria utilized in the federal sentencing guidelines.
During the day, McBryde also
sentenced two other individuals on federal charges including a bank
robber and a wife-beating firearms dealer. Their combined
sentences were less than half that received by Simkanin.
Here to Read the Full Article...
Another IRS Agent “Flips”
19-Year Revenue Agent Joins Truth-in-Taxation Movement
More Agents Waiting on Sidelines
This week, former IRS CID Special Agent and CPA Joe Banister announced
yet another former IRS Agent has come forward publicly to stand with
those that are fighting to expose the income tax fraud.
The most recent defector is former IRS Revenue Agent and Appeals Officer
Clifton Beale. Beale, with 19 years of experience in the agency, joins a
small group of former IRS agents that have begun to speak publicly about
the fraud after studying the details of U.S. income tax law and learning
that those laws are being improperly and unlawfully enforced against
ordinary Americans.
his announcement (which is reprinted below) Banister reveals that other
IRS agents are waiting on the “sidelines” and many may soon go public as
well. (continued...)
Here to Read the Full Article...
2004 Colorado
We The People
Constitutional Conference
Colorado Springs
Friday-Sunday, May 21-23, 2004
Come to beautiful Colorado Springs to participate in the weekend-
long 2004 Colorado WTP Conference on the Constitution. Meet and
listen to speakers including WTP Chairman Bob Schulz, gun rights
activist Rick Stanley, former IRS Agents John Turner and Joe
Banister and others articulate their plans and ideas for restoring
Constitutional Order.
Here to Register and for More Details...
Me The Law” And I Will Plead Guilty
Schiff Makes Offer To DOJ On 33 Criminal Tax
Arraignment Scheduled For April 14th
On March 24 a federal grand
jury in Las Vegas handed down a 33-count indictment against Irwin
Schiff and two of his associates, Cindy Neun and Larry Cohen. The
indictment alleges an array of income tax crimes including Willful
Failure to File, knowingly filing false income tax returns, income
tax evasion, advising others to file bogus returns, and conspiring
to defraud the Government of income tax revenues.
On April 1, Schiff
responded to the indictment with several motions including an
offer to
plead guilty to all charges if the government will
produce at his arraignment the U.S. tax statute that specifically
makes Schiff “liable” for payment of “income” taxes. (.pdf
The core legal argument of Schiff's motion is that under U.S. law,
as currently written, and despite the unambiguous language of
virtually all other federal tax statutes which DO specifically
impose a legal obligation to pay, NO such statutory language
exists that imposes a legal liability to pay federal income taxes.
to read the full article
Give Me
Liberty 2004 Record Now Available
Conference Marks the Beginning Of The Organized Fight To Restore
Constitutional Order
On January 22nd,
a contingent of nationally-renowned constitutionalist voices, legal
experts and freedom activists converged on Arlington, Virginia for
the acclaimed 3-day Give Me Liberty 2004 conference hosted by We The
Alan Keyes
The primary objectives for
the conference were to publicly unveil WTP's strategic initiative to
restore Constitutional Order through the exercise and enforcement of
the “long-forgotten” 1st Amendment Right to Petition, and
to launch a broad-based, cross-interest discussion on organizing the
People to reclaim our fading Freedoms.
to read the Full Announcement
& to Obtain Your Copy...
25 Hours of video, 50 compelling speeches &
panel discussions
Available on Video CD-ROMs & VHS Tapes
More Minutes of Video Every American
Should Watch Before April 15th

Watch IRS National Taxpayer Advocate
Nina Olson on
& see more IRS "evading"...
to access WTP-tv
Judicial Fraud Continues
Illegal Alterations Discovered in Trial Transcript
Fraudulent IRS Civil Claims Raise Questions
About the Legitimacy of the Indictment
Ft. Worth
Star-Telegram Balks At
WTP Message to Simkanin Jurors
On approximately March 10, USDC federal judge John McBryde released
yet another portion of the trial transcript that he ordered kept
under seal, away from public scrutiny following the Ft. Worth tax
trial of employer Dick Simkanin ended in early January. The recently
released segment of the trial transcript covered the arraignment and
final pre-trial motions.
A number of WTP courtroom
watchers that personally witnessed these portions of the trial
proceedings, have examined the
released transcript segment and, without exception, have
concluded that there were substantial, and unquestionably
deliberate, i.e., illegal, alterations made to the court
record that apparently hide significant acts and rulings by Judge
McBryde that would constitute a clear basis for reversible error
in the 29 convictions decided at trial.
The spectators involved,
including WTP Chairman Bob Schulz, have completed individual
affidavits attesting to the gross disparities between what they
witnessed and the content of the official, now unsealed, transcript
segment. These affidavits will now become the basis for legal action
against the court and court reporter.
to read the full article
WTP-tv Goes On-Line
On-Demand, Multimedia
Educational Library Released
Hour” Programming to Resume
We The People announced
today our multimedia, on-line resource library. The library features
a number of full-length streaming videos, short-topic segments and
audio files documenting the current and past work of the WTP
organization. Through
you will witness our organization in action
– our grassroots activism, our
confrontations with tyrants and our fight to restore Constitutional
We trust you will find this resource to be a continually
provocative, highly valuable part of your WTP experience and an
effective way to support our important mission. Ultimately, we want
WTP-tv to become the Internet source where the entire
country, (particularly those that know little of us), can quickly
turn to experience in sight and sound how the battles for the
Constitution are being waged.
to read the full article
Minutes of Video Every American
Should Watch Before April 15th

At an IRS press conference on
September 16, 2003 concerning tax "scams" and tax "evasion", the lead tax reporter for
The New York Times, David Cay Johnston (in
reference to the WTP Petitions for Redress) directly, and
specifically, questioned IRS Commissioner Mark Everson about what law
requires Americans to pay income taxes.
Click here to watch who does the real "evading"....
We encourage everyone to forward this e-mail far and wide....
Click Here for the WTP
original story about this confrontation.
Congress Leadership Change
Schulz to
Speak in California Next Week
The We the People Congress
today announced the acceptance of the resignation of Devvy Kidd as
the National Director of the WTP Congress. Kidd had been functioning
in her role for the Congress since June of last year. Bob Schulz,
Chairman of the Congress, stated that the organization will miss the
contributions that she has made, but that the Congress's mission
will continue unabated.
to read the full article
America’s Judicial System Lies In Rot
We Need To Hear Directly From The Grand Jurors
And Trial Jurors In The Simkanin Case.
When something
stinks, it is usually rotten. And, the stench emanating from the
indictment, trial and conviction of Dick Simkanin is more than We
The People can stomach.
to read this important WTP article documenting
the significant judicial and prosecutorial misconduct in the federal
tax trial of employer Dick Simkanin.
The article also contains excerpts and analysis from the transcripts
of the trial.
“We Are Not Alone.”
GML2004 Conference a Major Success
Right to Petition Lawsuit Initiated
“It’s nice to
know we are not alone.” These were the words heard most frequently
from the people who attended the WTP Give Me Liberty 2004
conference. “Not only was it good to meet and interact with so many
people from all over the country, but the speakers were awesome – so
impressive – so eloquent – true patriots -- so supportive of We The
These thoughts, and the ones below are representative of the
experiences shared by so many during the conference. From the
perspective of the Foundation, the conference served as a “public
unveiling” of the fight to restore the 1st
Amendment’s Right to Petition and initiated a much needed dialogue
among some of the leading conservative leaders and voices about how
to correct the many structural and systemic problems confronting our
nation via use of that long-forgotten Right.
to read the full article
Give Me Liberty 2004 Conference:
Breaking News
Right-To-Petition Lawsuit To Be Filed Within Hours
Details To Be Disclosed During Live Video Webcast
We The People
Foundation announced today that the much-anticipated
Right-to-Petition class-action lawsuit will be filed before the
opening of the three-day Give Me Liberty 2004 conference that
commences this Thursday morning just outside our nation's capitol.
The filing of this
action in federal court marks the beginning of what will be a
lengthy, and complex legal dispute to resurrect the “long-forgotten”
Right of the People to Petition their servant government for redress
of their grievances – and the People’s corollary Right to withhold
taxes until such redress is secured.
Details of the “RTP” lawsuit and the significant implications for
this nation’s future will be discussed at length during the first
segment of the GML2004 conference.
Video of the full 3-day conference is being broadcast LIVE over the
to read the full article
FREE Record of the GML2004
On CD-ROMs Included
With Live Webcast
Although we were unable to announce this
until today, the Foundation has completed arrangements to include at
NO additional cost, a record of
the historic conference on CD-ROMs with each on-line pay-per-view
"e-Ticket" reserved for the LIVE Internet broadcast of the GML2004
conference. (continued...)
to read the full article
Give Me
Liberty 2004 Conference
To Be Webcast Live
Pay-Per-View “e-Tickets”
Now Available
Because of the large number of WTP supporters that have conveyed to us that they
cannot, for whatever reasons, travel to Washington, DC to participate in the
GML2004 conference, WTP announces that is has gone to significant expense to
arrange for a professionally produced and broadcast, LIVE Internet webcast
of the three day event.
Although there can be no substitute for directly experiencing a watershed
event as it shapes the course of history, and mere pictures and sound can
only pale in comparison with the opportunity to join the
fellowship and voices of those that stand tall for our cause, We The People
is committed to bringing our message, and our self-evident truths, to as
many across our land as possible.
to read the full article
Years For Asking to See The Law
Perfectly Illegal:
Non-Withholding Employer Simkanin
Convicted in Rigged Trial
There is no doubt:
Dick Simkanin was illegally convicted. The law cannot be used, or
more appropriately, abused -- to penalize the citizens of
this nation for failing to do something that NO specific law
obligates them to do.
Dick Simkanin
studied the details of the U.S. tax laws, he repeatedly asked the
government to “show him the law” and when it refused – he acted upon
the words and letter of the written law.
With the law as the only significant issue of contention
before the court, and with defendant Simkanin facing a sentence for
his life in federal prison, USDC Judge John McBryde, in direct
violation of Simkanin's due process Rights, prevented him and his
legal counsel from presenting ANY substantive defense based upon on
the actual written laws of this nation. McBryde simultaneously
denied the jurors their unalienable Right to exercise their
discretion and judgment regarding the proper application of the law
as it applied to business owner Simkanin.
In the end, twelve
women and men of
Fort Worth,
through their own misperceptions of the law, ignorance of our constitutional
system of justice, and the unlawful manipulation of the trial by a
tyrannical judge, unwittingly aided and abetted the unlawful
prosecution, and conviction of Dick Simkanin.
These Texas jurors unknowingly conspired with a corrupt government
intent on imprisoning Simkanin as a political prisoner and making
him the federal “poster child” for any American that dares ask,
“What specific U.S. law requires me to file, pay or withhold?”
to read the full article
Federal Tyranny, Texas Style
Justice Held in Contempt
Simkanin Takes The Stand
(Updated Tuesday, 1 PM Central)
(Above Judge
McBryde’s head near the ceiling of
the USDC courtroom)
Fort Worth --
Federal prosecutors and USDC Judge John McBryde continued in earnest
yesterday afternoon to deny all reason and justice in their quest to
control the trial and ensure the conviction of non-withholding Texas
employer Dick Simkanin.
Fortunately, Simkanin’s attorney, Arch McColl, despite a clearly
biased and hostile courtroom environment, made a noteworthy stand
against the tyrannical acts of the judge and Assistant US Attorney.
According to observers in the fully packed courtroom, the thinly
veiled attempts by the government to deny justice to Simkanin were
not lost on members of the jury. They were certainly not lost
on the courtroom observers. (continued...)
to read the full article
(Updated Monday, 2 PM Central)
Simkanin Trial Begins
WTP Protests Outside Federal Courthouse
Courtroom Packed
Despite the best efforts of the Department of Justice
and USDC Judge McBryde, a bus full of potential jurors, being
shuttled early this morning from a secret location in Fort Worth,
faced a small gauntlet of WTP Congress protestors brandishing a
dozen large signs demanding justice for Dick Simkanin and the
impeachment of federal District Court Judge McBryde.
More Pictures
The bussing of potential jurors to the federal courthouse from a
remote assembly point was intended to shield potential jurors from
constitutionally protected
pamphleteering and protests by WTP supporters. Unfortunately
for the Government, as the bus approached the courthouse from one of
the more desolate corners of the federal property and attempted to
back into the rear entrance of the courthouse, it repeatedly
maneuvered past a good number of WTP protesters and their
banner-sized messages.
As of mid-morning, Simkanin had been arraigned on his
second-superseding indictment and jury selection was proceeding
promptly. Simkanin plead "not guilty" at the arraignment after
a reading of the charges against him.
Despite the fact the Simkanin has had NO opportunity to conduct a
minimum 30-day discovery period or avail himself of normal pre-trial
Rights concerning at least four of the 35 charges against him
(violations of 26 USC 7203, Willful Failure to File), his trial
continues this afternoon.According to
witnesses that spoke with several potential jurors that were
there was more than a general awareness by the jury pool that
something is "up" with the Simkanin trial.
Until approximately 12:30, the courtroom was
packed with a crowd of WTP court watchers that overflowed well into
the hallway. Around noon, McBryde apparently ordered the
entire 4th floor of the courthouse cleared of the public.
During the late morning, for unspecified reasons,
federal security personnel ordered WTP supporters to move their
parked vehicles from just outside the federal courthouse. The
parking meters were subsequently disabled and the street cleared.
Despite packing the courtroom, WTP supporters
continued to brave the unusually cold and blustery conditions to
keep approximately a half dozen protest signs up outside the
courthouse and distribute materials to motorists and pedestrians.
A lengthy article about the Simkanin trial
appeared in this morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The top
story in the regional section of the paper features a color photo of
one of the large billboards WTP erected in downtown Fort Worth in support of Simkanin.
Here's the link:
Previous WTP articles about
Billboards put up for Simkanin
Star Chamber Re-indicts Simkanin
1st Trial Ends in Mistrial
DOJ/USDC Collusion Forces Plea, Gross Injustices
Judge McBryde: Indictment Flawed, But Go To Jail
GML2004 Conference Agenda
Keyes, Sobran & Buchanan Slated To Speak
Historic Event Is Evolving
We The People today released an updated agenda for
the 3-day
Me Liberty 2004 conference to be held this month, January 22-24
near Washington DC.Over the last several
weeks, the agenda, list of confirmed speakers and panel discussions
has continued to evolve and grow. The array of minds and voices now
assembling for this conference clearly have the potential to create
an event of historic proportions.
to read the full article and to access the
updated GML2004 agenda.
Tax Trial Begins Monday
Billboards Erected
Supporters Massing In Fort Worth
What could ultimately be one
of the final battles to expose the fraud of the federal income tax
is scheduled to commence Monday morning in Fort Worth when Bedford
Texas business owner Dick Simkanin goes on trial for a second time
facing 35 counts of federal tax related charges. His first
trial in November ended in a mistrial when the jurors voted 11-1 to
acquit him of failing to withhold employment taxes from his
employees' paychecks.
In that trial, an IRS legal
expert had to recant his prior testimony regarding the
definition of the critical legal term “employee” and the judge refused,
after a specific request by the jurors, to provide them with a copy of
the law that required Simkanin to withhold.

to read the full article and to see the Fort
Worth billboards
Claire Wolfe: Malicious
On December 19, 2003, we received a
copy of an essay that was hostile toward WTP. It was authored by
Claire Wolfe. The article was mean spirited and gave a false account
about WTP.
While we know that people who do not
have detractors usually do not stand for anything, and that
activists have to have a thick skin, we decided to respond to Ms.
Wolfe because we had some evidence that her article had, in fact,
raised a few eyebrows.
for the article by Ms. Wolfe and the response
by Bob Schulz.
Thank You
During this
season my thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our
progress possible.
Together, we
have moved the sovereign People and the cause of freedom
At the end of
the day, the intelligence of public opinion will be the one
indispensable condition of success.
The journey is
hard, but anything worth having does not come easily.
The truth,
which is indestructible, has a way of accumulating against pride
and arrogance and then sweeping them from its path.
Thank you for
enduring without being overcome.
Thank you for
your prayers and your expressions of encouragement and
With a Petition
for Divine Providence and the Blessings of Liberty,
Bob Schulz
Star Chamber Re-Indicts Simkanin
Billboard Message To Judge McBryde
A Star Chamber is defined as any unnecessarily or unpleasantly
curious investigating body, controlled by counselors appointed by
royal authority that meets in secret session and hands down unjust
and arbitrary judgments.
The name derives
from the English tribunal that met in a room where the roof was
ornamented with stars.
We doubt the
Grand Jury room (in the basement) of the federal Court House in Fort
Worth is ornamented with stars. However, for one day this week, at
least, the Fort Worth Grand Jury functioned as a Star Chamber.
Here are the
facts as we know them: (continued...)
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
Amendment Battle Leaders Come
To The GML 2004 National Conference
What Does a Free People Do After Silveira?
If the People are
disarmed, can they protect their country from their government? Can
a People be free if they do not possess the means to defend
On December 1,
2003, the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to disturb a recent
decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which held,
in effect, that the 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear
Arms is NOT an unalienable Right that belongs to individuals,
but rather it is a right that belongs to the “State” – i.e., it is a
“privilege” to be granted to, or taken from, the individual by
government fiat.
With this decision,
our government has taken another significant step toward total
disarmament of the People and the demise of our constitutional
Will the People
acquiesce? Will the People enforce their Right to Keep and Bear
Arms? (continued...)
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
To Petition Lawsuit Update:
We Have Passed The 1/3 Mark.
$92,000 Received. Thank You.
We are grateful to
all those who have contributed thus far toward the cost of
prosecuting the upcoming class action lawsuit against the United
States in defense of the unalienable Right to Petition the
government for a Redress of Grievances, as guaranteed by the 1st
Our purpose with
this update is to remind everyone that the Constitution does not,
and cannot, defend itself. Our Republic's founding document sits
quietly on book shelves and in museum displays, awaiting those that
wish not only to read its historic text, but those that demand to
live by, and defend, its guiding principles and gifts of Providence.
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
Needs Your Help:
Year-End Tax-Deductible Donations
Customized Donor Letters to Be Mailed
New WTP Brochure Unveiled
Dear friends of We
The People Foundation,
As you know,
end-of-year donations are a big part of tax minimization strategies
for both businesses and those individuals who pay taxes on their
You probably know a
business owner or individuals who, especially at this time of the
year, may be potential contributors to WTP because they are
financially secure, they believe in what we believe in and they may
be willing to help us advance our
approach to BOTH civic education and civic action -- all in defense
of our Right to constitutional governance carried out in decency and
good order.
We need you to tell
us who they are so we can send them a letter, appealing for their
support. (continued...)
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
Employer Simkanin Prosecution
Ends in Mistrial
Stymies Both Jury & Defense
DOJ Intends to Retry Simkanin ASAP
Jury Hung at 11-1 Favoring Acquittal
After almost 6 months of incarceration in isolation awaiting his
federal trial, non-withholding employer Dick Simkanin’s trial ended
this evening in a mistrial after the jury was unable to reach a
verdict on federal charges that Simkanin failed to Withhold taxes
from his employees.
Simkanin, a
business owner, had been charged with 12 counts of Willful Failure
to Withhold employment taxes for his employees and 15 counts of
filing False Claims for requesting refunds of tax pre-payments that
had been made by Simkanin on behalf of those employees.
Facing years in
federal prison, his trial lasted only hours, beginning and ending
yesterday – largely because the Court denied Simkanin the
opportunity present any expert defense witnesses or legal evidence
regarding the contested legal obligations under US income tax
statutes. Jury deliberations started this morning and the mistrial
was declared around 6 PM Central time. (continued...)
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
Give Me Liberty
Conference Registration Opens
Register On-Line Now or by Mail
High-Profile Speakers Invited to Lead Historic DialogueWe are
pleased to open formal registration for “Give Me
Liberty 2004”, the first annual conference sponsored by the WTP
organization. The three-day conference will be held January 22-24 in
Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.
central theme of the conference is “The Right to Petition: Re-discovering
the ‘capstone’ Right and using it to reclaim our Freedom and restore
Constitutional Order.” The primary conference structure will feature six,
2-3 hour panel discussions covering the history, nature and contemporary
application of the long-forgotten Right to Petition for Redress of
see the main
GML 2004
conference information page to register and to access the
preliminary agenda and other conference/hotel information. You can register
either on-line
or by mail.
Click Here
to Read the Full Article
Here to Go Directly to the Registration Page
WHY You Should Help
Lawsuit Funding Progress
Continued thanks to the many that have contributed to what is expected
to be a legal battle of historic proportions and untold significance to
the future of the Republic.To
date, approximately $50,000 of the $285,000 necessary to move the Right
To Petition lawsuit forward into the courts has been raised.
So everyone can see
how quickly we are making progress, we will periodically update our home
web page with new totals reflected in the graphic.
Bob Schulz also
wants to briefly recap for everyone WHY they should support this
historic lawsuit and WHY this case, above all other attempts to date,
has a significant chance of making history:
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to Read the Full Article
No “Neo-Patriots” Here.
Right To Petition Lawsuit Update
Many, many thanks
to the 158 Americans that have responded thus far to the call we
issued ten days ago to fund our historic
Right to Petition class-action lawsuit. These
Patriots sent in nearly $40,000. This is an average donation of
“Only” $245,000 to
go. J
We are grateful for
the love of country and the courage exhibited by these 158 men and
women. They are true patriots, Americans willing to act and to be
associated with activists, Americans willing to stubbornly and
persistently demand that government obey the Rule book – the
Constitution of the United States of America.
They are a breath
of fresh air, for as our government moves away from the Constitution
and tyranny increases, patriotism in America is adapting to
rationalism, giving rise to neo-patriotism and false patriots.
Beware of false
patriots – that is, those who know the truth and bemoan the erosion
of our Liberties, Rights and Freedoms but who are too afraid to
stand in defense of them.
I could not help
but be thinking these past few days about the magnitude and
historical significance of our upcoming lawsuit against the
government in defense of the original meaning of the Right to
Petition the government for a Redress of Grievances – the Petition
Clause. I could not help thinking about the large sum of money
needed to pay for this fight and the sacrifices that people are
making. Yet, I knew the heavy consequences if we were not able to
carry on.
As I began to think
about the people who were responding to our call for assistance, and
the courage it takes to do so, a few things happened here at the
office that stirred my emotions, providing more insight and
understanding about a word that is tossed around a lot these days --
“Patriot.” (continued...)
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Update: Class Action Lawsuit
Phase 1:
Phase 2: $285,000 Needed
The End is About to Begin
September 4 was the
date of our
last update on the pending class action, “We The
People v. The US Government.”
Since then our
Mark Lane,
has developed and presented his suggested plan of attack and drafts
of the papers to be filed in court.
WTP has reviewed
and approved the plan and the papers are now just about ready to be
Phase one, which
cost WTP $35,000, is virtually complete. On behalf of all concerned
Americans, we thank those individuals who contributed the funds.
Without this generosity, we could not have gotten to "first base"
with this historic legal action.
The plan Mr. Lane
has recommended consists of a two-pronged approach to enforcing the
Redress of our grievances: 1) a class-action lawsuit to be filed in
the US District Court; and 2) a claim to be filed in the federal
Court of Claims.
Both actions will
be filed at the same time with a request to one court to stay the
proceedings there, pending the results of the other action, but
to grant the request for injunctive relief. The injunctive relief sought will protect all litigants, (direct
plaintiffs and all class members,) from any and all
civil and criminal tax enforcement actions, including all
non-tax related legal actions that are in nature retaliatory against
plaintiffs, their businesses and/or family members.
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to Read the Full Article
Give Me Liberty 2004
The First Annual
We The People Foundation &
We The People Congress
National Conference
Washington DC,
Thursday-Saturday, January 22-24, 2004
Click Here
to Read the Full Announcement
Judicial Lemons
Robes Dispense Kangaroo Justice
US Courts, DOJ Collude to Delay the Inevitable
September 27, 2003 we posted an article in our website titled, “Tell
the IRS to ‘Drop Dead,’ Lemons’ Response Last Straw.” We expressed
our astonishment and anger over the response an IRS senior
spokesman, Terry Lemons, gave to a New York Times reporter (David
Cay Johnston), who asked Lemons why the IRS was refusing to answer,
in writing, our Petitions for Redress regarding the fraudulent
origin and unlawful enforcement of the income tax upon
ordinary Americans.
As reported by the
Times, IRS’ Terry Lemons told Johnston the IRS was answering our
Petitions through “enforcement actions.”
Finally, an honest
answer from our government.
For the record:
other than its police actions, the US Government has steadfastly and
repeatedly refused to answer our Petitions.
But, it is also
true, that while our government has been sustaining the livelihood
of tens of thousands of bureaucrats in the IRS (one of the few
growth industries remaining in America) it is been unlawfully
abusing its constitutionally limited prosecutorial and judicial
powers in order to compel the federal income tax upon average Americans
even though they lack any bona fide legal authority to do so.
Our cherished Republic has recently begun to adopt fascist practices
where average Americans are now “brow beaten,” incarcerated and
forcefully dragged before IRS and DOJ “legal” tribunals. These are
honest working men and women and small business owners, whose only
crime has been to dare to openly question the legal authority for
the income tax and have subsequently exercised their
constitutionally protected Right to retain their money until their
grievances are redressed.
But, let’s take a
closer look at what Terry Lemons means by “enforcement actions.”
(continued. . . )
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to Read the Full Article
Non-Withholding Employer Simkanin Pleads Guilty
US District Court
Colludes With DOJ
To Force Plea
Court Filings Document Trail of Denied Due Process
Early this week,
non-withholding employer Dick Simkanin plead guilty to a single
felony charge of failing to withhold employment taxes from his
employees. He had been charged with 26 felony counts of
violating federal law.
As has been
witnessed repeatedly in other income tax related prosecutions,
prosecution is yet another example of how the people are being
systemically denied due process of law in the courts as they have
attempted to force the government to officially assert what specific
legal authority compels income tax filing, payment or withholding.
Here to read more details about the
Court's denial of due process in the Simkanin case, including a New
York Times article on Simkanin's plea and a brief overview of
Employment tax law under Subtitle C of the Internal Revenue Code.
The flawed indictment that fails to cite ANY specific
statutory obligation to withhold:
02- GovtRespondsToBadIndictmentCharge.pdf
The Defendant's motions to dismiss based on lack of
federal criminal jurisdiction inside the 50 states, lack of a proper
indictment and lack of ANY law that imposes any legal obligation
regarding withholding:
The denial of due process based on local court
"rules" practices, and judicial fiat ignoring due process of law :
Read the
previous WTP article documenting the courtroom abuses and
judicial suspension of USDC Judge McBryde.
Overview of Employment/FICA Tax Law (.pdf)
What is
Taxable Income?
Tell IRS To “Drop Dead”
Lemons’ Response Last Straw
Watch as IRS
Commissioner Everson & Officials
Evade & Obfuscate the Truth
For many
months, Americans caught up in resisting the IRS’s income tax fraud have
contacted WTP for direct legal assistance and advice. As you know, WTP’s
primary mission is education and facilitating citizen vigilance and
activism. It does not include providing specific, individual assistance on
tax or legal matters.
However, after last Tuesday’s
“Enforcement, rather than Answers” insulting retort from IRS’ Terry Lemons
to David Cay Johnston of the New York Times, WTP is now offering advice
worthy to be followed by all People contacted by the IRS or their state tax
collector, looking for money directly or indirectly related to Subtitle A or
C of the Internal Revenue Code.
Below is a memorandum from Bob Schulz that is now being sent to anyone who
contacts WTP for such help. It announces that WTP Congress has just
released a (template) letter that can be sent to the IRS and/or State tax
collectors in response to their attempts to unlawfully enforce the income
tax code.
(continued. . .)
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to Read the Full Article
Thank You New York Times
IRS Questioned About Our Questions
Thanks to The New York Times, we achieved a measure of
success in DC last Tuesday in our attempt to get the media to
include some of our side of the story in its coverage of the press
conference held at the Treasury Department to announce a
new agreement between state and federal
tax officials to fight “abusive tax avoidance schemes”. More
on that in a moment.
Attending the event
were officials from Treasury, IRS and nine of the 40 states that
have signed the agreement. We believe about thirty print and
broadcast reporters from the dominant media were in attendance.
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to Read the Full Article
Treasury, IRS Collude With States
To Sustain The Income Tax Fraud
Schulz & Former IRS Agents
To Hold DC Press Conference Tuesday
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to Read the Full Article
American Free Press To Run Ad
TODAY Refuses To Run
American Free Press (AFP) newspaper, published in
DC every week and distributed to tens of thousands of
subscribers nation-wide, will include in its
September 22, 2003
issue, a two-page color centerfold which is the same Ad that USA
TODAY recently refused to run “for reasons of taste.” In addition, AFP has agreed to do so at a deep discount to our Foundation.
American Free
Press becomes the second newspaper to agree to run the Ad. It
was run on August 18th in the national edition of the
Washington Times.
RIGHT-Click here
to download the Ad (1MB .pdf).
(Continued. . . )
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Schiff, Dick Simkanin,
Class Action Lawsuit and
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to Read the Article
An Open
Letter To The People
Of Alabama & All Americans:
If We Remove God
Government In America,
The Constitution And
Bill Of Rights Will Be Next.
The People Must Not Let That Happen.
Churches and
their symbols do not belong in our courthouses and
statehouses--but God belongs there.
225 years ago, The United States of America was conceived in faith
and rocked in the cradle of liberty by God’s guiding hand. It was
their strong faith in the Creator, and their humble reliance on
Divine Providence, that gave our Founders the wisdom and courage to
create the magnificent experiment in human freedom called America.
The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United
States expressly recognize God as the source of our unalienable
rights, personal freedoms and system of laws in America.
The First
Amendment clearly states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof...” So, by what authority does the federal government or
courts presume to dictate to the People of Alabama, or any other
sovereign state, that they may not recognize God as the supreme
authority in their courts and institutions of civil government?
(continued. . . )
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to Read the Entire Article
This article is being run as a full-page Ad in the daily Montgomery,
Alabama newspaper, The Montgomery Advertiser this Thursday,
August 28th.
Here to see the Ad (121KB, .pdf)
IRS Loses A Big One
Memphis Pilot Acquitted Of Tax Evasion
Charged With Filing "False" W-4s
On Friday, a Memphis federal jury
acquitted FedEx pilot Vernice Kuglin of six counts of felony Tax
Evasion and Willful Failure to File tax returns.
Ms. Kuglin's attorneys, Tax Honesty Movement barristers
Larry Becraft and Robert
G. Bernhoft, told reporters that Kuglin was indicted seven months
ago and had refused to plead the case out for a lesser sentence.
During her testimony Kuglin testified that since 1995, she had
sent numerous letters to the IRS requesting that they inform her of
what law required her to pay the Individual Income Tax. To this day,
she has not received an answer.
At 1:30 Friday
afternoon, the jury returned not guilty verdicts on all counts.
After the jury had been excused the U.S. Attorney reportedly demanded that
the Judge order the defendant to file her tax forms, pay her taxes and obey
the law. The Judge reportedly replied "Sir, I don't work for the IRS."
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to Read the Entire Article
Text of USA
TODAY Ad Finalized
People Are
We have finalized the draft
of the Ad we wish to publish soon in the nationwide edition of USA
Today to publicly announce our historic class action lawsuit.
The Ad is a short, somber,
non-political message that will reach and hopefully capture the
attention of millions of People who are concerned about the
direction America is heading at home and abroad, and who agree that
the government is required to answer the People’s Petitions
regarding its unconstitutional behaviors.
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to Read the Entire Article
Click here to
donate for the Ad
Click here to
view the USA
Must Elected Officials Answer Our Petitions?
We Withhold Our Money If They Refuse?
We The People say
“YES” to both questions.
The Founders said
“YES” to both questions.
Now we will ask the
United States Supreme Court to say “YES” to both questions.
Whether the Supreme
Court confirms this self-evident truth, depends on you --
your passion for liberty, truth and justice, and your active
participation and financial support.
At this serious
moment in the life of our Country, we ask each of you to consider
making the eternal cause of freedom a real and permanent part of
your life. (continued. . .)
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The Lawsuit to Restore Constitutional Order
History Making Lawsuit Proceeds
Legal Team Engaged
Law Professors Back Us:
Right to Petition is THE Cornerstone of Popular Sovereignty
Join & Support The Lawsuit
Note: This article is the long awaited
announcement that we have referred to repeatedly for several weeks.
It may be the most important update we have ever
posted due to the extraordinary events that will soon unfold for
our nation as a direct result of this legal initiative.
We urge everyone to read the entire article, study the supporting
materials and to widely distribute news of this history making
Click Here
to Read the Entire Article
Message To Bush, Frist, Hastert And Hyde:
Prepare Yourselves.
You Are In For An Awakening.
You will soon be
called to account for your acts before you make further mockery of our
forewarned, we are not talking about Election Day. We are
wiser now.
the government entities under your leadership have been on a nationwide
Reign of Terror against the People, abusing the limited legal authorities
that have been delegated to you, infringing upon the constitutionally
protected Rights of the People and seeking to suppress even the People’s
Right to public discourse concerning such abuses – we have been doing our
We are
a small, but committed group of ordinary Americans. Over the years, we have
become dedicated students of history, law, political philosophy, the nature
of our Constitutional Republic and the nature of the men that are drawn to
influence and control governments. We have sought solutions for what ails
our nation.
As the recent course of events has played out across our country, we have
learned much. As we have prepared to peacefully repel your acts of tyranny
by public examination of the law of the land and our Constitution, we have
come to rediscover knowledge that, for whatever reasons, has been
systemically suppressed, hidden and virtually eradicated from the public
discourse of high school civics classes, college history courses, law school
text books, daily newspapers, the debate floors of our representative
government and our courtrooms of justice.
Here’s what we’ve learned:
(continued. . . )
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to Read the Entire Article
Want to See our Past Website Updates &
Learn the Entire Story?
See more news and details in
our ARCHIVES below:
We The People Archives |
ARCHIVE-5 July, 2003 thru June, 2004
Includes: Simkanin railroaded by USDC, NY Times questions
IRS Comissioner, Give Me Liberty 2004 Conference, Right To Petition
lawsuit begins |
ARCHIVE-4 November, 2002 thru June, 2003
Includes: Freedom Drive to DC, Operation Stop
Withholding, Liberty Hour censored, more Hunger Strikes, IRS Tax
"Jihad" begins: Schiff, Simkanin, Kuglin |
August, 2002 thru Oct, 2002
Includes: The Schulz "TaxTermination" package, WTP web
stickers, Larken Rose: "Please Prosecute Me", more Freedom
Drive News, Schulz travels the Southeast and the Petitions for
Redress of Grievances. |
January, 2002 thru July, 2002
includes: The Constitutional Crisis Has Begun, the
February Citizens' Truth-in-Taxation Hearing, our NY Times full page
ad, the April WTP press conference on IRS racketeering, the delivery
of the Hearing record to Congress and the President,
Congressional "non-responses",
a June White House briefing question about Schulz, Schulz
tells the government: "No Answers, No Taxes." (June16), Schulz
travels around the US to start the WTP Congress and Freedom Drive
2002 news, organization and planning. |
1999 thru January, 2002
includes: the first National Press Club symposiums on the
income tax, the tax Remonstrance, Project Toto, our series of full
page ads in USA Today, the IRS "Walk-around", Bob Schulz's Hunger
strike (July 2001), early preparations for the Truth-in-Taxation
Hearing and the government's reneging (in Jan. 02) on their formal
agreement to answer the Peoples' charges challenging the legal
authority for the income tax. |
Visit our archives to see the detailed news of the past. Please take
note that some of these notices are out-of-date, but we include them in
order to document our efforts and give you a sense of our history and our momentum.