This page contains a number of miscellaneous staging points around the country. Departure times and contact information has been provided.
Freedom Drive 2002: SOUTH #2 MAIN ROUTE: I-10, and I-65 HOUSTON TO INDIANAPOLIS RALLY POINT RENDEZVOUS POINT #1: HOUSTON, TX Location: Bates Motor Homes of Texas, 21520 I-45 North, Spring, TX 77373
RENDEZVOUS POINT #2: DALLAS, TX Location: Dallas Federal Reserve 2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX
75201-2216 RENDEZVOUS POINT #2A: TEXARKANA, TX Location: Flying J Truck Stop Exit 7 Mandeville, AR RENDEZVOUS POINT #3: LITTLE ROCK, AR Location: Petro Truck Stop RENDEZVOUS POINT: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Location:4377 West Loomis Road, Greenfield, Wisconsin (1 Block off
freeway at Milwakee County Coordinators residence) RENDEZVOUS POINT : COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Location: North Colorado Springs off I-25 & Academy Blvd. RENDEZVOUS POINT #6: PHILADELPHIA, PA Location: Liberty Bell / Independence Hall, Short Rally RENDEZVOUS POINT #6D: COLUMBUS, OH The coordinators out there have broken their state down as follows: Ohio has been into four parts with Newark being the center, this is just east of Columbus. We have a north west section south west section and north east and south east. Due to the hi-way layout this seems to be the best way to keep backtracking to a minimum. Starting with the northwest corner this would be Toledo going south on I-75 to Findlay at this point you can take 23 south to Columbus. From the southwest corner this would be Cincinnati and Dayton, those close to Dayton take I-75 north to I-70 then I-70 east to Columbus Cincinnati folks take I71 to Columbus. Those south of Columbus may want to use 23 north to Columbus. From Columbus we will join the main caravan and go east on I-70 the next staging area will be I-70 and I-77 for those in the east corners. From Cleveland take I-77 south to Cambridge and I-70Those in the southern corner take I-77 north to Cambridge and I-77. Those in the far northeast you can use I-77 south or use route 11 south then route 7 from Liverpool to Wheeling and I-70 and join the caravan at that point. I am assuming the caravan leaves Ind. at 8:00 am this should put them in Columbus by 12:00 noon on Wednesday. From Columbus to Cambridge is about 1:45 minutes this should be approximately 1:45 to 2:00 pm Wednesday afternoon and 1 hour from Cambridge to Wheeling which would be 2:45 to 3:00 pm. Leader: Dennis Knierien -
alaska15g@msn.com Rendezvous Point - Adrian, Michigan Location: Meeting at the Meijer store parking lot on US 223, one block
east of M 52. Caravan Master: David Hoover at dhoover99@attbi.com
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