What is a Freedom Drive House of
Worship? Your religion matters not. Your method of worship matters not. It matters not if your building is a church, synagogue, mosque, temple or cathedral. THIS IS WHAT MATTERS: There is no doubt: our Constitution was a divinely inspired document -- a gift to new nation -- and the human race from our Creator. It is a grand idea, a model to construct the affairs of man and the institutions of government in such a manner as to enable man, for the first time ever, to evolve spiritually, exist peacefully, and grow collectively toward the highest Light and highest ideals that our Creator invites us to each day. This document, the Constitution for the United states of America, defined a structure of explicitly limited government that would forever protect, without question, the unalienable -- i.e., God given -- rights of the people and forever chain and limit the forces of government. This document would bind those in our midst that would seek to use those powers against us. This document would foster the enlightenment of individuals, the prosperity of the People and eventually, deliver true freedom for all that learned of, and lived by, the words found within this document. Unfortunately, as we look around across our families, communities and our nation, we have begun to realize that much of what we think is good about America may well be just a well financed corporate created illusion or the propaganda of our own government. Social problems defy solution. Poverty and homelessness remain intractable. Families are routinely devastated by slave-level tax burdens and the stresses of providing for their loved ones. Institutionally educated children cannot discern simple moral principles. The basic spiritual processes of human charity have been systemically devolved into "tax deductions" and transactional relationships with soul-less bureaucracies. Corporate lobbyists have bought and destroyed our system of elected representation as they fight for the fruits of our labor. Our nation beats the drums of war, revs up the "defense" factories and induces fear in our hearts instead of asking WHY we have enemies all across the Earth. And -- in a not-so-ironic twist of fate, many of our religious leaders fear participating in any meaningful public dialogue about solutions to these matters because it might endanger their so-called "tax-exempt" standing with the IRS. Deep in our souls -- we all know it's not working anymore. The government is acting outside the limits of the Constitution. Let us not mince words -- these are acts of tyranny. These acts affect our ability to enjoy our unalienable rights and exist freely with our families and brethren citizens in a productive, peaceful, respectful and spiritual manner. These unconstitutional acts of government -- these deprivations of our freedoms -- are not only the direct CAUSE of most of the problems our nation faces -- but they are ethically and morally antithetical to the very ideals espoused in our founding documents, our historical spiritual works and the sermons delivered each week by our religious leaders! Without equivocation: An act of tyranny is an act against the Creator. It's time for the People that believe in Light and Liberty to unite and do something about it. Get your pastor, rabbi, priest, minister, pastor or elder to sponsor the Freedom Drive and deliver guidance on these matters from the pulpit.
The ways to help are endless: sponsor a freedom driver from your area, distribute our flyers, donate to the cause, get your congregation to DC, e-mail your congregations, etc.