Letter to NFIB State Leaders October 15, 2002
Dear Mr. Fridlin: For the past three years, We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education has worked tirelessly to inform the American people of the federal government’s relentless assault on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We placed full-page ads in major newspapers including USA Today. We met with White House staff and congressional leaders. We held public symposiums at the National Press Club. And, we delivered Petitions for Redress of our Grievances to the President, members of Congress, DOJ and IRS officials, and every federal judge. Please visit our website at www.givemeliberty.org for details on the aforementioned initiatives. For three years, we have demanded that our elected representatives, DOJ and IRS officials, and the courts respect, honor and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have assembled and published a copious record of irrefutable facts that demonstrates the federal government’s disrespect for the principles of personal liberty, private property, due process of law, and equal justice that define our common identity as Americans. The small business owners of America have been virtually overwhelmed by oppressive bureaucratic interference. As a principal cause of small business failure, intrusive government regulation and control represents a constant drag on the productive energy, available resources, and competitive capabilities of every independent business. Added to the barrage of ever-changing government reporting and compliance requirements, the small business owner must also serve as Uncle Sam’s indentured, uncompensated tax collector. BUT, WHAT IF AMERICA’S INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNERS LEARNED THAT THERE IS NO LAW THAT REQUIRES THEM WITHHOLD TAXES FROM THE PAYCHECKS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES? On February 27, 2002, We the People Foundation conducted a formal, publicly recorded, truth-in-taxation hearing in Washington, DC with CPA’s, tax attorneys, ex-IRS agents, and recognized tax researchers who answered 459 questions under oath – questions the federal government promised to answer and then decided not to. The hearing confirmed, once and for all, that the federal income tax system is an elaborate, perfidious hoax. THERE IS NO LAW THAT REQUIRES THE AVERAGE AMERICAN TO FILE AN INCOME TAX RETURN, AND THERE IS NO LAW THAT REQUIRES THE AVERAGE INDEPENDENT BUSINESS TO WITHHOLD TAXES FROM ITS EMPLOYEES. The federal income tax was created (fraudulently) to facilitate the absolute control of our federal government and nation’s economy by the Federal Reserve System, an unaccountable cartel of private banks that has NEVER been audited. Mr. Fridlin, unfortunately this is not some crackpot conspiracy theory. As the record of the February 2002 truth-in-taxation hearing clearly demonstrates, it is the incontrovertible truth---America’s independent business owners are being coerced by the government to take the hard-earned wages of their employees without legal authority. A copy of the record of the Truth-In-Taxation Hearing is enclosed with this letter. So, what must a free people do when the government refuses to obey our Constitution and Bill of Rights? What must we do when our government leaders arrogantly ignore our lawful petitions for redress of legitimate constitutional grievances? We the People Foundation is conducting Freedom Drive 2002 in a coordinated, nationwide effort to bring all Americans together in defense of our great and sovereign nation. America’s independent businesses are the backbone of our Constitutional Republic and the life-blood of our economy. Now is the time for independent business owners nationwide to speak with one voice---to tell the government that enough is enough. Freedom Drive 2002 will be a six-day, cross-country campaign to educate the American people about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the lawful role and function of our federal government. The caravan of vehicles will depart from major West Coast cities on November 9th and arrive for a large, organized rally and speeches on the Mall in Washington, DC on Thursday, November 14th. The Washington rally will be a celebration of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and all that we stand for as "One Nation Under God". Respectfully, I would like to request that you inform your NFIB members of Freedom Drive 2002. We The People Foundation has consistently stood as strong advocate of small and independent business owners. We ask that NFIB and its members stand with us now in defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your decision will ultimately reflect the values of NFIB, and the true principles upon which you and your organization stand. We The People Foundation has prepared four Petitions for Redress of (Constitutional) Grievances. One is related to the Income Tax. The others are related to the war with Iraq, the USA Patriot Act and the Federal Reserve System. Our Petitions will be delivered formally to the President and each member of Congress on or about November 8, 2002. Copies of the Petitions can be reviewed and signed electronically at our website, www.givemeliberty.org Each Petition respectfully requests that the President and members of Congress send a representative to the Washington Monument at 2 PM, November 14th, to respond directly to our Petitions, or inform the People peaceably assembled when we will receive a formal answer from the government. Please respond to this letter by November 1, 2002 to let us know that you and your organization will stand with us and actively support the Freedom Drive and the signing of the Petitions for redress of grievances. I hope to hear from you soon. Respectfully,
Robert L. Schulz Chairman