11-03-02 Our Message In USA TODAY Is Being Well Received By The People Urgent Call for DC Volunteers More Help Needed Following the publication of Friday’s full-page ad in USA Today, people from all corners of the country have contacted us to express their appreciation for our efforts. Many said they will be joining the Freedom Drive and will stand with us in DC on November 14th. The ad has been read by millions of people across this nation – people who would not have otherwise heard about our strong, firm, substantial and solid defense of the Constitution and the People’s Rights. Please note that due to recent schedule changes, the members of the United States Congress WILL be returning to Washington DC on November 11th. and Congress will be in session on November 14th, increasing the importance of Freedom Drive 2002, and making the People’s presence in Washington on the 14th even more significant. A change to our park permit has our Freedom Drive event now staged directly across from, and in open view of the Capitol, rather than at the other end of the National Mall at the Washington Monument. The purpose of this article is twofold: first, we need the assistance of about 24 people on Friday, November 8th to help with the service of the Petitions for Redress on all members of the Congress and the President; and second, we need more help to pay for everything we have planned for November 14th in DC. URGENT CALL: Service of the Petitions for Redress We are putting out an urgent call for 24 volunteers to come to DC this Friday (November 8th) to help with the task of formally serving our four Petitions for Redress on the 535 members of US Congress and the President. We would like to have the Petitions in each office by the time the congressmen return on the 11th. We need help. Not only are commercial, for-hire, delivery services now required by federal security limitations to deliver packages to a central mail room, adding many days to the total delivery time, but the cost of the service is prohibitive. It is imperative that enough volunteers come forward so the petitions can be delivered on time. Anyone that is in the greater DC area or can make it to DC for the day, or a portion of the day, are urged to help deliver these critical documents and attest to the delivery to each Congressional office. There are six buildings housing the House and Senate offices with four floors each. Based on our experience of last April when we formally served the record of the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing on every Congressmen, we believe it may take 24 people several hours. Each Congressman will be given a transmittal letter along with a copy of the four Petitions for Redress of Grievances and the signatures for each Petition. If you can volunteer the day, or even part of the day, please contact judy@givemeliberty.org ASAP or call the WTP office at 518-656-3578.All volunteers for this effort should meet at 9 AM at the main information desk at Union Station which is a block or so from the Senate office buildings. If you can only help for the afternoon, volunteers should meet at the same location at 1 PM. At 9:00 AM and again at 1:00 PM the Petition packages and process service instructions will be distributed. We have obtained a meeting room near the information desk for this purpose. Please help us with this critical activity that cannot be procured. Dress should be appropriate for the occasion. FUNDS NEEDED: Staging of the events of the 14th We have done much to prepare for Freedom Drive 2002, but again, we must ask for your additional help to properly stage the historical event that awaits us on November 14th. We now unveil more details and ask you to visualize what your help will create: A. Two large crane-type vehicles, one in plain view of the White House and one directly across from the Capitol – each crane suspending two large billboard size banners from it, (back-to-back) almost three stories off the ground. There are two provocative messages, each displayed at both locations and rotated on an hourly basis. The first banner: Graphics of the first page of the 4-page US Constitution, proudly proclaiming "We The People" and a graphic of the Bill of Rights. Text superimposed over the graphics says, "Dear Government: Obey The Constitution, or Else. . . Sincerely, We The People". Same scale second banner: Superimposed over front and back imaged of Form 1040 are the words: "Dear Government: NO Answers, NO Taxes. Sincerely, We The People." B. A large elevated stage with protective roofing, sound system and lighting situated directly in front of the US Capitol using it as a backdrop to this watershed event. The stage is decorated with large state flags from every state in the Union hanging vertically in full face fashion. Upon this stage will first appear the live entertainment and speakers and then, you will witness, as the Moment of Truth arrives, perhaps one of the most important speeches in this nation’s history. C. In your own home, in offices at your workplace and in television stations around the nation, people of all walks of life gather around their computers (or watch a live satellite feed) and witness Bob Schulz, tell the world what the American People are going to do about a government that is allegedly operating outside the boundaries that the people have drawn around its power and a government that will not justify its behavior, will not honor its oaths of office, will not honor its obligation to respond to the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances, and will not answer the Peoples’ questions about the law, the Constitution or the government’s legal authority. The words, images and the raw energy of history revealing itself will be experienced live, for free, from Bangor, Maine to San Diego, California by citizens that, for whatever reason, cannot be in DC. We come to you with great anticipation of what may occur over the next two weeks. Doing things of this magnitude requires substantial amounts of money and, unfortunately we need the support now or we will not be able to do all that we hope to do. The current estimated cost for the stage, the crane vehicles and the building size graphics is $29,000. A basic internet webcast, production and uplink/streaming can be configured for around $30,000. We have not yet been able to fully execute the contracts for these items. We give great thanks to the many that have helped us achieve all that we have accomplished. Now we need to ask one more time for you to open your heart and to consider what our Rights, Freedoms and Liberties are worth. As you know, Bob Schulz has recently risked his own life in defense of the Constitution. We believe you will agree that the We The People organization has repeatedly delivered on its motto, "Acta Non Verba," which means "Deeds, Not Words." We have delivered on our commitment to ACT to achieve change, and you have seen the direct results. We are entitled to constitutional governance carried out in decency and good order. Together we can RESTORE the constitution. We need your help. Please contribute. to make your (tax-deductible) donation to the We The People Foundation. If sending by mail (please consider overnight/priority mail) send to: We The People Foundation, 2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Please e-mail us for instructions if you would like to wire funds directly to our bank.