The Moment of Truth is Coming Freedom Drive Update 9-28-02 November 14, 2002 is the Moment of Truth. The events that unfold that November afternoon will set the course for us as a People and as a nation. The time for talk is over. We shall remain peaceful – but act, we will. More Petitions for Redress Over the last weeks, an additional number of petitions for redress of grievances have been drafted by the We The People Foundation. These formal petitions cover a wide range of repugnant acts committed by the US Government that directly and unequivocally violate both the Constitution and the individual rights of the People. The systemic nature and magnitude of these offenses should cause every citizen to recoil with alarm and move them to act decisively in defense of our Republic and our freedom. Hundreds of questions in the new petitions for redress cover the war powers clauses of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the "Federal" Reserve. The petitions address key individual rights such as privacy, property, due process, free speech, the right to keep and bear arms and the rights of assembly and petition. Specific focus is given to the "War Powers Act" and the Orwellian-named "USA Patriot Act." The petitions will be posted at www.givemeliberty.org for public review and electronic signing the week of September 30. We urge everyone to spread word of these historical petitions. On or about November 1, the petitions and signatures will be formally submitted, (along with our previous petition regarding the income tax fraud), to the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government. We The People will respectfully request that the President, each member of the House of Representatives and Senate honor their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution and honor the explicit legal obligation of their offices by formally responding to the People’s petitions for redress of grievances. We The People, will peaceably assemble on Thursday, November 14, 2002, near the Washington monument in Washington, DC. There, we will await the President, the Senate Majority Leader, the Speaker of the House and the other members of Congress (or their representatives), to receive official answers to these questions -- OR to learn when these representatives intend to provide official answers to these questions. This is the Moment of Truth. This is the moment we will know if we still have a republican form of government limited by a written Constitution and the rule of Law or a democracy governed by opinion polls and the rule of "whim." This is the moment we will learn if the ultimate power still rests with the people -- if we still have a servant government -- if we still have a government that derives its just power from the consent of the governed. We will know, without question, whether we have a government bound by a Constitution, or not. The US Government will determine by its response, in that moment, how the destiny of this nation will proceed. Our servant government will, as it is required by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, provide substantive, direct responses to the Peoples’ formal petitions OR the government will, at its sole discretion -- by either its non-response or a deficient response -- initiate a consequence of organized, peaceful, legal and forceful activities to be executed by We The People to repel the acts of tyranny and those that would perpetrate them. Should the government fail to answer the Peoples’ petitions that afternoon, Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Congress will publicly outline a roadmap of bold steps the People will take to confront governmental tyranny across our land to preserve, to protect and to enhance our Constitution and our unalienable, individual rights. The People are prepared to act -- and will act to defend liberty and freedom. More Freedom Drive Details Specific details about kick-off events and rally cities (locations, times, etc.) will be released very soon, pending final details and permits. In general, West Coast kick-off events will occur on Friday, November 8. Rally-city events will occur the evening prior to departure from those rally point cities. Click here to see the latest schedule details.Here is an overview of the events planned for the DC rally on Thursday, November14: 8 AM – 11 AM: The Freedom Drive arrives in the District of Columbia to celebrate our freedom, our wonderful country, our admirable Republic, our astonishing Constitution and, in particular, our marvelous right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and government’s obligation to respond. This is a celebration! We will wave our flags and honk our horns. As an example of how our wonderful system of governance is designed to work, for all the world to see, We, the People of America, having respectfully and properly petitioned the government for a redress of the most pressing, constitutional grievances of our day, will be celebrating the Petitions for Redress and the fact that the government will, as ordained, be appearing before the petitioners to respond to the petitions. We will drive toward the Capitol area and (legally) drive around a short, designated route. The route will take us around the White House, the Senate and House office buildings, the US Supreme Court, the IRS and the Federal Reserve buildings. 11 AM – Noon: The People will leave the immediate Capitol area, park their vehicles and return to the Washington Monument area for the rally. Noon: The celebration of Freedom continues! We will exercise our right to peaceable assembly. We will have a large, high-visibility elevated stage area, large visual effects & messages, live musical entertainment and several short speeches on freedom and the Constitution by noted individuals. Before the day is over we hope to deliver a few additional, and pleasant surprises that you and your family will remember as witnesses and participants in this historic day -- when the People came together to stand for the Constitution and stand against tyranny. 2 PM: The Moment of Truth. At 2 PM, The People will respectfully call into the crowd for their elected representatives to come forward with the government's responses to the People’s Petitions for Redress. At that moment -- The Moment of Truth -- our servant government will answer the People. Those engaged in party politics as a profession -- our politicians -- our elected representatives, will have decided to either answer the People’s Petitions for Redress or they will have decided to ignore the People and the Constitution. If the elected representatives fail to honor their oaths to support the Constitution by failing to respond to the People’s Petitions for Redress, they will be signaling their belief that the People have no unalienable Rights, that those Rights are subject to modification, that the Constitution is merely a piece of paper and that government should not be limited by the Constitution. To be sure, these are treasonous beliefs, and our politicians will have to live with the consequences should they fail to respond. If it becomes necessary, Bob Schulz will ask the question, "What does a free People do when its government acts outside the boundaries the People have established around its power and will not justify its behavior?" Confronted with an insufficient response from the government, Schulz will publicly detail appropriate "next steps" in the Peoples’ drive to restore the Constitution. 4 – 5 PM: Closing Remarks and Prayer for Our Nation Whether the government responds or not, significant trials and tribulations lie ahead for this nation. Whether by the orderly correction and submission of our servant government to the Rule of Law under our Constitution, or by the outcomes of the acts the People will peacefully, but forcefully, undertake to restore the Constitution, the months and years ahead will hold many changes and challenges for our nation. Over decades, the People have seen the foundation of this nation crumble. It will not be, and cannot be, rebuilt overnight with -- or without -- the cooperation of the government and our elected officials. As it was with our Forefathers, it requires the acknowledgment of the Divine, and the knowledge that the Divine gifts of freedom and liberty are the true source of this nation’s greatness and what will ultimately return this nation to endure as a beacon of Light for all of mankind. 5 PM: The Peoples’ Fireworks The decision our government makes on November 14th will determine whether these fireworks mark a true jubilation of the Peoples’ triumph over modern governmental mischief and tyranny -- or they will be viewed, symbolically, as the echoes, rumblings and flashes of the unfolding force of the People as they begin to restore the Constitution and reclaim their freedom. Either way, this day’s sun will set as a celebration of We The People.