UpdatedMonday, September 10th        

The following are the full-text resolutions passed by the "We The People Congress" in 1997 in preparation for presentment to the citizens of New York state constitution in the event a state constitutional convention was approved.

We The People Congress, Inc. is a political organization based in New York and also chaired by Robert Schulz. 

NOTE:   The resolutions on the summary page directly affecting the NY constitution are marked with an " * ".   Only the text of these resolutions is included here.  Copies of the full and signed set of resolutions of this organization are available upon written request and receipt of reproduction costs.

The full-text versions have been broken into TWO pages. THIS IS THE SECOND PAGE.  We apologize for the lack of optimal formatting due to resource constraints as  the We The People Foundation prepares for the historic tax hearing on September 25th.    




(as of October 8, 1997)



*Resolution No. 23         The individual is sovereign




WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22 that the individual is the sovereign unit in our society, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 1.  [The individual is sovereign]

             The individual is the sovereign unit in society; his natural state is freedom from and equality with all other individuals; this is the natural order of things; all restrictions on this natural order are immoral transgressions, violations of what God intended; individuals are meant to interact with their fellows in a harmonious scheme requiring no external discipline and producing maximum human happiness.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____


Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



*Resolution No. 24         Equality of Men; Origin and Object of Government; natural rights






WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22 that all men are born equally free and independent with certain natural, essential and inherent rights, and that all government of right originates from the people, is founded in consent and instituted for the general good, now therefore be it


RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:


Section 2.  [Equality of Men; Origin and Object of Government; natural rights]


            All men are born equally free and independent:  Therefore, all government, of right, originates from the people, is founded in consent, and instituted for the general good.              All men have certain natural, essential, and inherent rights – among which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting, property; and, in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness.             No person shall be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by due process.  No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be subjected to discrimination by the state because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national origin.


and be it further


RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

 YES _____                                    NO _____


Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________97-162


*Resolution No. 25         Powers Of The People Over Internal Affairs, Constitution And Form Of Government






WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the people of this state have the inherent, sole and exclusive right to form and regulate the internal government and police thereof and to alter or abolish their Constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided such change is not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, now therefore be it


RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:


Section 3.  [Powers of the people over internal affairs, constitution and form of



            That the people of this state have the inherent, sole and exclusive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided such change be not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____


Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 26            Independence of New York -- submission of certain amendments to Constitution of the United States; Secession prohibited



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States qualifying or affecting the individual liberties of the people or which may impair the right of local self-government belonging to the people of this state should be submitted to conventions of the people and that this state shall ever remain a member of the American Union, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 4.  [Independence of New York—submission of certain amendments to

      Constitution of the United States; Secession prohibited]

             That New York is a free and independent state, subject only to the Constitution of the United States; that all proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States qualifying or affecting the individual liberties of the people or which in any wise may impair the right of local self-government belonging to the people of this state, should be submitted to conventions of the people. This state shall ever remain a member of the American Union; the people thereof are part of the American nation; there is no right on the part of this state to secede.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 27            Separation Of Powers



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that along with self-government and the principle that government derives its power from the consent of the governed, the principle of separate powers underlies all other constitutional principles and is sacrosanct, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 5.  [Separation of Powers]

             In the government of this state, the three essential powers thereof, to wit, the legislative, executive, and judicial, ought to be kept as separate from, and independent of, each other, as the nature of a free government will admit, or as is consistent with that chain of connection that binds the whole fabric of the constitution in one indissoluble bond of union and amity.  Along with self-government and the principle that government derives its power from the consent of the governed, the principle of separate powers underlies all other constitutional principles and is sacrosanct.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 28           Courts Shall Be Open; Remedy For Injury; Venue; Suits Against State



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that suits can be brought against the State without exception and that the courts shall have original jurisdiction in all matters of law and equity, without exception, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 6.  [Courts shall be open; remedy for injury; venue; suits against State]

             All courts shall be open; and every man for an injury done him in his liberty, reputation, person, movable or immovable possessions, shall have remedy by the due course of law, and justice administered according to the very right of the cause and the law of the land, without sale, denial, or unreasonable delay or expense.  Suits may be brought against the State or any of its subdivisions, without exception.  State Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction over all matters of law and equity, without exception.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

 YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 29           Right Of Revolution



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the doctrine of non resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 7.  [Right of Revolution]

             Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government.  The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 30           The Bearing Of Arms



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the State shall not disarm the people, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

Section 8.  [The Bearing of Arms]

All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.  The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



*Resolution No. 31            Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the government is to be wide open, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

Section 9.  [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know]

            All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.  Government, therefore, including the Legislature, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive to the people.  to that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records, including legislative conference committee meetings, shall not be unreasonably restricted.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 32            Right of jury trial in civil cases; right to face accuser




WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that trial by jury shall remain sacred and inviolable and that no person shall ever be denied the right to face his accuser in court, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 10.  [Right of jury trial in civil cases; right to face accuser]

             In all controversies at law the ancient mode of trial by jury is one of the best securities of the rights of the people, and shall remain sacred and inviolable.  No person shall be convicted of any crime but by the unanimous verdict of a jury in open court. No person shall ever be denied the right to face his accuser in court.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________


*Resolution No. 33            Frequent elections



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that elections shall be held annually, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 11.  [Frequent elections]

             For redress or grievances and for amending and strengthening the laws, elections shall be held annually.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

                                 YES _____                                    NO _____


Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



*Resolution No. 34            Education



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the people have a right to the privilege of education and it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right but not by favoring or fostering education in government schools over private education, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 12.  [Education]

             The people have a right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the state to guard and maintain that right but not by favoring or fostering education in government schools over private education.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

                              YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



*Resolution No. 35            Protection and Taxation Reciprocal



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that no part of a man’s property, including his money shall be taken, by regulation or otherwise, without due process and just compensation, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 13.  [Protection and Taxation Reciprocal]

             Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property; he is therefore bound to contribute his share in the expense of such protection, and to yield his personal service when necessary.  But no part of a man’s property shall be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people.  Nor are the inhabitants of this state controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

                                         YES _____                                    NO _____


Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



*Resolution No. 36            Mandated Programs



 WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that home rule is sacrosanct and as such the state shall not mandate any program or responsibility to any political subdivision in a way that necessitates additional local spending unless the program is approved for funding by a vote of the local legislative body or unless the program is fully funded by the state, now therefore be it

 RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

 Section 14.  [Mandated Programs]

             The state shall not mandate or assign any new, expanded or modified programs or responsibilities to any political subdivision in such a way as to necessitate additional local expenditures by the political subdivision unless such programs or responsibilities are fully funded by the state or unless such programs or responsibilities are approved for funding by a vote of the local legislative body of the political subdivision.

 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997.

                              YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________




*Resolution No. 37            Social virtues inculcated



WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, a continuing inculcation of and a frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the New York Constitution and a constant adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, frugality and all the social virtues is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:

Section 15.  [Social virtues inculcated]

            A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the New York Constitution, and a constant adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, frugality, and all the social virtues, are indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government; the people ought, therefore, to have a particular regard to all those principles in the choice of their officers and representatives, and they have a right to require of their law-givers and magistrates, an exact and constant observance of them, in the formation and execution of the laws necessary for the good administration of government, and in the development of the public education curriculum.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________



 *Resolution No. 38 Other Rights Of The People






WHEREAS, this Congress has determined in its Resolution No. 22, that the enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people, now therefore be it


RESOLVED, that this Congress declare, and it hereby does declare, that Part I of the restructured New York Constitution shall include the following section:


Section 16.  [Other rights of the people]


            The enumeration of rights in this Article shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people.


and be it further


RESOLVED, that the Chairman pro tem be, and he hereby is directed to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention should the people order a convention by their vote on November 4, 1997. 

YES _____                                    NO _____

 Printed Name:_______________________  Signature:________________________
