Presented at “Gene’s Corner” in Austin Texas May 24, 2003 Good Morning. My name is Bob Schulz. I am Chairman of the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education and the We the People Congress. Last month, on April 14, I was driving from Dallas to Austin Texas, where I would be meeting with a group of employers and employees to encourage them to stop withholding the income tax and to stop filing tax returns and paying the tax as long as the government refused to respond to the People’s Petition for Redress of Grievances regarding the fraudulent origin and illegal operation of the income tax. During my drive to Austin I received a telephone call from my wife Judy. She had just received by fax copies of letters Gene Chapman had sent to Pat Robertson and the IRS, saying he was going on a hunger fast until the IRS either showed him the law that made him liable to pay the income tax or until the IRS withdrew its demand that Gene pay them $23,000. The letters said Gene would begin his hunger fast at sunrise on April 15th on this corner. Shortly after sunrise on April 15, I met and talked with Gene Chapman. I learned that for three and one-half years Gene has been petitioning the government to show and explain to him its authority to tax his labor. The government has chosen not to answer his questions. Instead, the tax collector is laying a very heavy hand on him. I realized that Gene Chapman is a learned man who loves his Country and its Creator and that he has the courage of his convictions. He told me why he decided to fast until death, that he did not expect our errant government to properly respond to his Petition for Redress and that his death would not only be a statement for Christ but also for his country. Gene, I have a message for you. My prayers are with you. I admire your courage and your faith. It is my fervent prayer that our servant government will soon honor its obligation to respond to your Petition for Redress of Grievances regarding the income tax, sparing you from further pain and suffering and, yes, saving your life. I also have a message for our servant government, especially its tax collector, the Internal Revenue Service. We, THE PEOPLE, hold in OUR possession the ultimate, fundamental power in our society. You, THE GOVERNMENT, cannot do just anything you want to do. We, THE PEOPLE, by His authority, have given you permission, in writing (hold up Constitution) to engage in certain activities. For instance, we have granted you fixed and certain taxing powers. You, THE GOVERNMENT, are chained to our written, sacred Constitution. We, THE PEOPLE, have maintained an unlimited array of individual, unalienable Rights. You, THE GOVERNMENT, were brought into being for the sole purpose of securing and protecting our Rights. We, THE PEOPLE, have the Right to respectfully Petition you whenever you have stepped outside the boundaries we have drawn around your power to tax, or whenever you infringe on ANY of our individual, fundamental, unalienable Rights. You, THE GOVERNMENT, though you despise our Petitions because you abhor opposition from ANY quarter, you nonetheless have a high-order obligation to respond, with feigned respect, to our formal written requests for a remedy to ANY of our alleged grievances, whether they be real or imagined. We, THE PEOPLE, have respectfully Petitioned you for a Redress of Grievances regarding the origin and operation of the income tax system. The Remedy we have been seeking by our Petition, for four years, has merely been the answers to some questions. You, THE GOVERNMENT, have chosen not to answer the People’s questions. Instead, you have chosen to respond with an escalating, nationwide, sometimes violent rein of terror to silence the Petitioners. You, our servant government, have shown that you not only despise the People’s Petition, you have chosen to undermine and interfere with the People’s fundamental Right to Petition. You have chosen to use the People’s Petition for Redress as grounds for further persecution and abuse against the People, especially the framers of the Petition and its leaders. You have called them “schemers,” declaring that anyone who raises questions about the legality of the income tax will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. You have established a federal swat team to be on the look out for the modern day pamphleteers who are raising these questions in books or on the internet so as to order the books banned, to order the websites taken down and to order their authors gagged, or worse. We, THE PEOPLE, must be able to enforce our Rights, for a Right that is unenforceable is no Right at all. You, THE GOVERNMENT, are NOT the final enforcer of our Right to Petition, you are merely the Protector and Responder of our Right to Petition. Our enforcement of our Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances does not end with either your silence, nor with any declaration by you of its frivolity, nor with any heavy-handed action by you to silence the Petitioners. In truth, this is where the enforcement phase of our Petition process begins. We, THE PEOPLE, have been left with no choice but to begin enforcing our Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances by retaining our money until our grievances are redressed. We, THE PEOPLE, who know about and are willing to defend our God-given, unalienable Rights, will not yield to governmental tyranny or despotism. We may lose our fortunes and our lives, but we will not give up our Rights, Liberties and Freedoms. We, THE PEOPLE, do NOT prefer the calm seas of despotism. We prefer the boisterous sea of Liberty. We, THE PEOPLE, have decided to continue the Petition process by retaining our money until our grievances are redressed. Retaining our money until our grievances are redressed is an integral part of the Petition process. Under the circumstances, retaining our money until our grievances are redressed is entirely appropriate as the next step in the Petition process, to peaceably procure relief, without disturbing the public tranquility, I also have a message for the People. This is our Constitution. It is a set of principles to govern the government. It is all that stands between us and total tyranny and despotism. Government, by its actions is showing that it is has begun to devalue not only Liberty, but Life itself. Government is abusing its taxing power, its money-making power, its war-making power and its police power. AND, the government is willing to let our People die, rather than honor its obligation to properly respond to a Petition for Redress by answering a few questions about its authority. The Constitution cannot defend itself. That, we must do. We must hold government accountable to our constitutional principles. We must defend our Rights at all cost. Under the circumstances it is un-American to give money to the federal government. It only encourages the government to continue doing what it is doing. Let us come together. Please join the People’ Petition for Redress of Grievances regarding the income tax system. Please participate in Operation Stop Withholding, which is a serious effort now well underway to get companies to legally stop withholding the income tax from the paychecks of their workers and to get workers and independent contractors to legally stop filing tax returns and paying the income tax, until our grievances are redressed. Please join the We The People Congress, which is a serious effort now well underway to institutionalize vigilance. Thank you. |