Rose Lear's 3-24-03
Notice |
March, 24, 2003 Congressman Peter Hoekstra
Today is the 20th day I have not eaten any food. I WILL NOT EAT unless, and until, you answer the Peoples’ Petitions for Redress of Grievances regarding the Individual Income Tax. On April 13, 2000, the We The People organization (of which I am a member) formally petitioned the leaders of all three branches of the federal government for a Redress of Grievances regarding the income tax. There was no response. On July 20, 2001, on the 20th day of a hunger fast by Bob Schulz, the IRS and the DOJ formally agreed to participate in a two-day truth-in-taxation hearing to answer our questions and to otherwise respond to our Petition for Redress regarding the income tax. DOJ and IRS later reneged on their formal agreement. On February 27 and 28, 2002, Schulz and We The People, conducted the
Citizens’ Truth-in-Taxation Hearing, without the government. Our questions
were answered, under oath, by credentialed professionals including tax
attorneys, CPAs, a forensic accountant, three former IRS agents, a
constitutional attorney, two tax law researchers and even a former IRS
Office of Counsel attorney. On November 8th, 2002 we again served on you another Petition for Redress concerning the income tax that was signed by me and thousands of others. There was no response. To this day, the U.S. has steadfastly refused to provide any official response to the legal charges made in any of these Petitions for Redress. As an official of the United States Government, you have a personal,
moral and legal obligation to respond to these Petitions which raise
critical issues of law, Constitutional Rights and individual Liberty -- and
the flagrant abuses of such by the U.S. Government. I will wait in public
each workday upon the doorstep to your Capitol Hill office until my death,
OR until you provide official responses to each and every specific legal
claim raised in these formal Petitions. I will keep the following daily schedule until I am unable to do so: Noon – 1 PM, at the Russell Senate Office Building I can be reached locally at the Washington Plaza Hotel. My phone number there is (202) 842-1300. I can also be contacted by cell phone, (518) 573-8046.
____________________________ Rose Lear