1-24-03 Now We Know What We Face Counter-Strategies to Stop The Censorship First Broadcast Spreading Quickly Across Internet VHS Version Now in WTP Store November Freedom Drive Rally Now Available on CD-ROM As most know by this time, We The People’s initial broadcast of the Liberty Hour hosted by Bob Schulz on January 7th, was terminated almost immediately due to unforeseen "technical problems" that were encountered as soon as our Internet broadcast began. We remind everyone that the corporate entity providing our web streaming is a nationally prominent Internet streaming firm with significant telecommunications expertise and possesses commercial grade capacity to easily handle more than the 120,000 viewers that attempted to watch our broadcast on January 7th. Following the initial broadcast attempt, our provider quickly made temporary arrangements to download the file and stream it on demand using a different protocol, limited to 1500 simultaneous viewers. Following additional, unexplained and continual "technical problems" with his ISP provider (Time Warner) which lasted for several days -- and which were significantly impairing his mainstream business -- he was forced to cut off the dedicated equipment being used to disseminate the WTP broadcast file. This single event should constitute notice for all about the forces we collectively face. It is proof of the potency of our message. The reaction to our broadcast is indicative of the fear and crisis our truths are slowly beginning to infect in the institutions of our foes. It is time to regroup, reorganize and understand the power of the camera and the keyboard. Since these events occurred, we have been working with a number of folks who are helping us develop counter-strategies to insure that these broadcasts – which are critical to educating our nation and curtailing our government’s abuse of power – will continue unabated. In short, we now have plans ready to implement a multi-tiered series of tactics to thwart any further attempts to stifle or obstruct the release and propagation of these broadcasts. Our plans rely on a network (a mix) of "live" streaming broadcast
modes and several "on-demand" point-to-point methods of distributing
our broadcasts in archive format. By utilizing a number of distribution
techniques, technologies and distribution points, the systemic risk of our
messages being shut off or limited will drop considerably. Indeed, by
networking the physical distribution of our broadcast files and utilizing a
number of transmission modes, we will not only lower our collective risk,
but also ensure that our message is reaching the maximum number of
Americans. The more personal computers and websites that are part of our network of broadcast outlets the greater the number of people who will be able to view and download the broadcast and lower the risk of anyone being able to shut us down again. We ask everyone to please consider becoming a part of our broadcast network by adding your website to the list of websites where people can go to view and download our broadcasts. A network of dozens of website outlets will enable our messages to propagate freely across this nation. If interested, please send an e-mail to bob@givemeliberty.org (In the subject field use "WTP-TV Link Offered".We thank everyone that has contacted us thus far with offers to help and now encourage many more to step forward with their technical resources and expertise to implement a permanent, secure distribution model for WTP-TV. With regards to streaming broadcasts, we have equipment and special software being prepared that will enable us, as we have envisioned, to do live broadcasts with "guests" from multiple locations, remote feeds, etc. Because of the problems we previously encountered, WTP-TV will not air further live broadcasts until this new hardware and a transmission infrastructure is solidly in place, which we estimate will take 2-3 weeks. We hope to resume on-demand, taped broadcasts before then.
Our modes of distributing our on-demand broadcast files will consist of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) downloads, direct "click-on" streaming and Peer-2-Peer file sharing. Our plan is to also make VHS and CD-ROM copies available immediately following each broadcast. We are also considering audio only files, etc. We now have a number of active links that are confirmed, working, on-demand repositories and outlets for our first LIBERTY HOUR broadcast file. We will update this list as more of our friends come forward and provide us with additional links.Again, to maximize our overall exposure and to minimize the logistical issues surrounding the distribution of files of this size for any single donor, we encourage everyone that can support these distribution modes to contact We The People ASAP ( Bob@givemeliberty.org, make the subject "WTP-TV Link") and specify what you will do and provide us a test link. After verification, you will be put on a short list of WTP-TV "distributors" that will be given password protected ability to get our latest video/audio files so that you, in turn can make them available over the internet via FTP, Peer-2-Peer, etc.With regards to Peer-2-Peer, our supporters should know that a number of folks have already posted our first broadcast file on at least two Peer-2-Peer networks (Gnutella and Kazaa). Without going into all the technical details, Peer-2-Peer allows "anyone" to find "any file" on the network that has files marked as accessible, or "shared" from their local machine onto the on-line "community". There are technical advantages that allow these peer networks to act as virtual "servers" and maximize, manage and balance the sharing and transmission of files based on the availability, number of computers hooked "live" onto these services and the number of copies of the file being sought. We would strongly encourage everyone to get a copy of the free software
packages available from these companies that allow both upload/share and
download of files from the Internet. These technologies/services are similar
to Napster which facilitates the sharing of music files, etc. The following are some of the Peer-2-Peer services. They have free software packages available: http://www.bearshare.com Please do NOT contact WTP about using these software packages. If you are "uploading" files there are considerations as to firewalls, technical settings, etc. that you will have to investigate on your own or seek out competent technical advice. Please be very careful about what folders you authorize as available for sharing/uploading to these virtual networks. The VHS format version of the initial 85 minute broadcast of the LIBERTY HOUR is now available in our WTP (auxillary) on-line store for a nominal donation.We have also just released a high quality CD-ROM version of the Freedom Drive event from November, 14th that was broadcast from Washington DC. It was here that Schulz first publicly declared the historic response of the People: "No Answers, NO Taxes." The disc contains almost 4 hours of high quality digital video of the live webcast document the historic November 14th culmination of Freedom Drive 2002. The cross-nation drive to Washington DC ended with a public rally on the National Mall at the steps of the US Capitol that featured a large stage adorned by billboard sized signs. The CD also contains copies of the four Petitions for Redress regarding violations of the War Powers Clauses, the Federal Reserve, the USA Patriot Act and the Federal Income Tax fraud. Speeches at the event included: law professor Nadine Strossen (National President, ACLU), law professor Professor Walker Todd (NYU, PhD and former legal counsel to the Federal Reserve), former IRS Agents Joseph Banister, John Turner and Sherry Jackson, Robert Schulz (Chairman We the People Foundation), historical figures James Madison and Patrick Henry. The disk also contains live music provided by several groups including the patriot band Pokerface. One additional note: The Truth-in-Taxation
hearing on four CD-ROMs is now
Macintosh compatible ![]() the CD-ROM of the Freedom Drive event in DC.