8-26-03 An Open Letter To The People Of Alabama & All Americans:
If We Remove God From
Government In America, We The People Must Not Let That Happen.
Churches and their symbols do not belong in our courthouses and
statehouses--but God belongs there. The First Amendment clearly states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” So, by what authority does the federal government or courts presume to dictate to the People of Alabama, or any other sovereign state, that they may not recognize God as the supreme authority in their courts and institutions of civil government? Sectarian religious institutions and church denominations are the creations of men. But the Ten Commandments is God’s gift to man, and it serves as the cornerstone of our system of laws in America. If that cornerstone is removed, our legal system in America will collapse. No longer will our concepts of truth and justice derive from God’s law, but from the flawed reasoning of imperfect men in black robes. We cannot remove God from our statehouses and courthouses without discarding our Declaration of Independence and our Constitutions. Is this what Morris Dees wants? If so, Morris Dees, and all those who share his arrogant disregard for our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, are enemies of our nation and the principles of faith and freedom upon which America was founded. In America, the federal courts do not have the lawful authority to separate God from the State (government). In America, the State (at all levels), the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution are inextricably connected and mutually dependent. In America, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were inspired by, and will forever be connected to, nature’s God. Therefore, in America, sectarian religious institutions and church denominations are separate from the State, but God and the State are inextricably connected and can never be lawfully separated. In simple terms, our Founding Fathers and Original Documents recognized God as the author of our freedom, and the ultimate source of our laws in America. No politician, government bureaucrat, or judge can override the essential truth of who we are as Americans---One Nation Under God. Please consider the following questions: Do you believe the Declaration of Independence is a fundamental building block in our constitutional system of government? Do you believe the People have unalienable Rights endowed to them by God, the Creator? Do you believe our civil government, with our statehouses and courthouses, was established by the People to secure and protect those God-given unalienable Rights? Do you believe God is therefore an integral part of our civil government? Do you believe the Ten Commandments, like our unalienable Rights, come from God? Do you believe that no single sectarian religious institution or church denomination can lay exclusive claim to the Ten Commandments, and/or the enduring principles of Divine law embodied therein? As Americans, we must decide if we will accept the flawed reasoning of arrogant, corrupt judges, and evil men like Morris Dees, or if we will defend at all costs the enduring principles of faith, love of country, truth and justice that were granted to us by God’s grace alone.
If God Is
Removed From Government In America, Why Is Your Church Not Involved? Visit our website to learn how IRS’s 501(c)3 “tax-exempt” legal status is being improperly used to silence our churches and deter them from participating in public debates regarding issues critical to our Freedom and our Republic. Read
the two short essays by Charlie Beall:
This article is the basis for a Foundation sponsored, full-page Ad in
Click below to read the Federal Court Decision on the Ten Commandments Monument