We The People Foundation For
Constitutional Education, Inc.

2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804

Telephone: (518) 656-3578 Fax: (518) 656-9724
info@givemeliberty.org          www.givemeliberty.org


                                                                 May 10, 2004

Hon. John W. Snow
Treasury Secretary

Main Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20220

Hon. John Ashcroft
Attorney General of the United States
U.S. Department of Justice-Main
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20530

Re: Petitions for Redress of Grievances

Dear Secretary Snow and Attorney General Ashcroft:

This letter and its two attachments present the substance of the most damning documentary
evidence to date that the government is acting ultra vires (i.e., without bona fide authority), in forcing
ordinary Americans to file and pay an un-apportioned, direct tax on their salaries, wages and compensation,
and in forcing American companies to withhold and turn over to the IRS a percentage of the earnings
of those American citizens.

At the end of each of the two Attachments are a few questions to be answered by your agencies
at a recorded, public forum on July 19, 2004. Foremost, these questions are aimed at settling the grievances
of the People regarding the Executive branch’s operation and enforcement of the “income” tax system

In light of this compelling evidence, until the Executive answers these questions and the questions
in our Petition for Redress regarding the Iraq Resolution, I am now obliged to demand that you immediately
 stop all administrative, civil and criminal prosecutions against all ordinary American citizens at home or
 abroad, earning salaries, wages and compensation for their labor, who have stopped filing a Form 1040
tax return, and against American business entities who do not withhold and turnover to the IRS a
percentage of those citizen’s earnings.

Attachment #1 to this letter provides additional evidence in support of the People’s proposition that
 the Executive has been deliberately and fraudulently taxing the People in a way that violates the fundamental
law and Supreme Court rulings
– that is, the Executive clearly lacks the fundamental authority to tax the
salaries, wages and compensation of the working men and women of this country and the Executive
lacks the authority to force the entities that utilize the labor of ordinary American citizens to withhold
and turn over to the IRS any part of the earnings of those workers.

Attachment #2 to this letter provides exhaustively detailed documentary evidence that the Executive
and Legislative branches have not only allowed the IRS to act without the required fundamental authority,
they have allowed the IRS to operate in secret, in violation of the law, including open defiance of the
Administrative Procedures Act, which requires the Treasury Department to publish in the Federal Register
the current organizational structure of the IRS and all delegation orders that authorize the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue to administer and enforce the federal income tax laws against ordinary Americans.

The Congress and the offices of the President, the Treasury Secretary, the Attorney General and
 the IRS Commissioner have thus far refused to honor and respect the People and the Petition Clause of the Constitution. You have failed to respond to our Petition for Redress of Grievances, in which I and
thousands of other People have respectfully asked for answers to a series of troubling and legitimate

questions that go to the constitutionality and legality of the current application and enforcement
               of the income tax system,
        – questions that are the result of intelligent, rational and professional reviews of the plain language,
               and intent of the framers of the Tax Clauses of the Constitution and the internal revenue laws,
        – questions that are the result of our review of related Supreme Court rulings,
        – questions that are the result of a detailed and painstaking review of the unflattering history
               of the Executive’s administrative and regulatory behavior, and
        – questions that go to the failure of the judiciary to uphold traditional judicial doctrines
               in cases involving the application of the internal revenue laws.

The People have an individual, unalienable Right to freedom from a government that violates
the taxing clauses of the Constitution by attempting to tax the salaries, wages and compensation of
ordinary citizens, working men and women, with an un-apportioned direct tax (as the government has
been doing). The People have an individual, unalienable Right to Petition the government for a Redress
of this Grievance (as the People have been doing). The People have an individual, unalienable Right to
enforce their Rights by retaining their money until their grievances are redressed, thus peaceably
securing relief
. This is what People are now doing, as part of the Petition process.

Instead of honoring and respecting the Rights of the People under the Petition Clause, officials
of the Executive are now publicly asserting that they will respond to our Petition for Redress only by
retaliating with enforcement actions. And, indeed, they are.

Our repeated Petitions are being answered only by repeated Injury, by a government that has
a monopoly on the exercise of the use of force. The IRS and DOJ have retaliated against the
People by launching scores of administrative, civil and criminal actions, using our Petitions as
grounds for more persecutions and abuse.

Our Injury now includes an unprecedented level of cooperation between the Executive and Judiciary
to deny the People their Constitutional Right to due process and to assistance of counsel. With the
Constitution and the Law as their defense, the People are routinely being denied the Right to defend

Judges are not allowing the People to offer evidence in support of their legal theories. The law is the
People’s defense, but judges are not allowing the People to mention the law in courtroom. The People
are not allowed to refer to the evidence -- the provisions of the Constitution, the statutes and the Supreme
Court rulings --that the People are relying on in determining that the internal revenue laws did
not apply to them.

This is a recipe for Constitutional disaster, especially when coupled with the People’s unfamiliarity
with the Judiciary’s procedures and the People’s inability to hire competent counsel, especially officers
of the court who are willing to take the time to fully understand the complexities of the “income” tax laws
and are willing to defend those beliefs before hostile judges.

The Constitution cannot defend itself against the government’s infringements of its prohibitions,
restrictions and guarantees. This is the burden of the People.

At the end of both Attachment #1 and Attachment #2 are questions we hereby demand
be answered on July 19, 2004, in a recorded, public forum at the National Press Club in
Washington DC, beginning at 9 AM.

The symposium and this invitation represent the appropriate next step in the People’s on-going
Petitions for Redress of Grievances – a Petition process that has yet to be respected by the government
and which portends unintended consequences of momentous proportions

This demand for an end to all prosecutions and other enforcement actions is based not only upon
the compelling arguments and supporting evidence contained in this letter and its attachments, but also
on the evidence previously included with the Petitions for Redress.

I respectfully request, by copy of this letter to Commissioner Everson, that his copy, with
attachments, be added to my individual master file at the IRS.

An early response to this letter would be appreciated.


          Robert L. Schulz


Cc:       Hon. George W. Bush                         WITH ATTACHMENTS
            President of the United States
            The White House
            1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
            Washington, D.C. 20500

Hon. John Kerry                                   WITH ATTACHMENTS
                United States Senator
            WASHINGTON DC 20510

Mr. Mark Everson, Commissioner        WITH ATTACHMENTS
            Internal Revenue Service
            1111 Constitution Ave. NW
            Washington, DC 20224



1 See letter to President Bush and Senator Kerry of even date, attached hereto and made a part hereof.

2 Questions derived from the list of 537 questions contained in our Petition for Redress regarding the operation and enforcement of the federal “income” tax system. At the end of Attachment #1 are a few questions aimed at reconciling the difference between the Supreme Court’s definition of taxable “income” and that of the Executive branch. At the end of Attachment #2 are a few questions aimed at reconciling differences between Congressional mandates regarding taxable “income” and the current behavior of the Treasury Department and the IRS.


Click Here to read Schulz's letter to President Bush

Click Here to access the Attachment #1 (Overview & research) and
                                     Attachment #2 (Overview & research with full on-line evidence)