Letter to the Editor
Tax foe Schulz makes a valid point
A citizen of upstate New York, Robert Schulz, has put together a
well-reasoned and well-documented legal argument to the effect that the
constitutional amendment which established the income tax was never
legally ratified. The consequences of his being right are, of course,
He has tried every means available to get some responsible government
official to discuss the validity of the arguments. The response may be
fairly characterized as stonewalling; there has been none.
That an American citizen in good standing who has an apparently valid
grievance is unable to have an important constitutional question addressed
by any representative of his, and my, government is a matter which should
concern us all.
Believing he has run out of options, Mr. Schulz has announced that he
will embark upon a fast, to be broken only by his death or by his
receiving a response from some representative of government.
His arguments deserve to be considered seriously and either refuted, or
studies be initiated on how best to go forward from a new and sound legal
Preserving the validity of our claim to have a government by law is
even more important long-term than having to deal with the establishment
of a legal basis for the funding of our government.
Please consider what you could to do preserve both the integrity of our
government and the life of Mr. Schulz.