We have received hundreds of responses to our question: "June 29th Conference. What shall we do?" We thank everyone who took the time to respond.

HERE ARE THE TASKS THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO UNDERTAKE. Every task is considered to be part of our overall educational program aimed at educating public officials and the general public about the seemingly unconstitutional and illegal operations of the income tax system. Even if we go to court we would be going for the purpose of testing the judicial attitude on the issues. This is an educational program, not a political program! Let's all stay focused on the facts, the constitution and the law.

Believe us when we tell you that we will not be able to accomplish much unless everyone lends a hand in one way or the other. This must be a team effort. Please do what you can, task-by-task. PLEASE MONITOR OUR WEB SITE AND OUR LEGALITY OF INCOME TAX e-GROUP FOR DAY-TO-DAY DEVELOPMENTS AND PROGRESS.

There is a message about costs at the end of the task list.


1. We will go forward with the June 29th conference at the National Press Club.

2.  We will run a full page ad (maybe two pages, side by side if we can find the money) in the weekly national edition of the Washington Times, under the heading, "Dear Government: Why don't you answer," and we will feature Jason Furman's quote, "The legality of the income tax is not a Priority Item for the White House."  It will include our three Propositions and an open letter to the President, Speaker Hastert and Senator Lott, requesting once again that they identify their most knowledgeable people to participate in the conference to argue against the propositions. The two page spread will also have an open letter to those people that we know have studied the issue and support the propositions, asking them to please join us on June 29th.  If we can raise enough money we will run an ad in Insight Magazine as well. The Washington Times and Insight are found in all Congressional offices and in the offices of others who concern themselves with what's happening governmentally. The ad will appear in the issue that arrives in mailboxes on Monday, June 19, 2000.

3. We need everyone's help to get the likes of Ron Paul, Alan Keyes, Pat Buchanan, Harry Browne and Howard Phillips to attend on June 29th and speak their minds on the legality of the income tax. EVERYONE NEEDS TO PHONE OR FAX THESE PEOPLE and ask them to attend the event. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. DO IT NOW. :-) Keyes' scheduler is Carla: (972) 420-8866 and carla1@airmail.net.  His chief of staff is Mary Parker Lewis: (703) 461-7632 or 370-4950. Buchanan's number is (703) 734-2700. His scheduler is Joanne: Fax (703) 734-2705 and joanne@bucananreform.com. There is a grassroots organization in every state for the election of Keyes.  He has a toll free number 888-307-2526.  Maybe that number could give the web site of Keyes and people working for him to help get out the word and to get Keyes present.  In Colorado the web site is lonniev@coloradoforkeyes.org. Greg Orrell is a good friend of Ron Paul's. We need someone to reach him at his tool free number, which is 1-800-779-4681 and gregorrell@msn.com.  Greg is located in California so remember the time zone difference.

4. We will invite George W. Bush and Al Gore.

5. We will invite another source of experts such as professors, constitutional scholars, attorney's, historians, etc. Any  ideas? Anyone ready to help with this task? We need to know who to fax the invitations to.

6. We will inform certain notables that the "legality of the income tax is not a priority item" for the government, and invite them to attend the June 29th conference, such as Walter Williams, Charles Reese, Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr., Joseph Sobran, Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Fleming, Thomas Sowell, John Stossel, Irwin Schiff , James Bovard, William Greider, G. Edwin Griffin and Martin L. Gross. Anyone ready to help with this task? We need to know who to fax the invitations to.

7. We will inform the various political think tanks that the "legality of the income tax is not a priority item" for the government, and invite them to attend the Conference. Anyone ready to help with this task? We need to know who to fax the invitations to.

8. We will have empty chairs, if necessary, labeled "White House", "Senate" and "House of Representatives".

9.  We will pull out all the stops to get C-SPAN and other media to cover the event. Anyone ready to help with this task? Contact C-SPAN and politely request that they cover the June 29th conference on the legality of the income tax: events@c-span.org.

10. We will send a press release to all daily and weekly newspapers about the "not a priority item" response and about the June 29th conference. Anyone ready to supply the e-mail list we will need?


(Note: This is a list of suggested tasks. Much will depend on what happens at the conference, who and how many step forward to help with these tasks and how much money and other resources are available.)

11. Launch a comprehensive educational effort focusing on the evidence in support of the three propositions, and the fact that the illegality of the income tax is not a priority matter for the government. We will take the issue directly to the American people through the best media channels we can muster. We need three or four people to help us with this task. 

12. Invite the media from other countries to film the proceeding. As the lady said, everyone seems to be interested in what's going on in America, why not let them be  our broadcasters.  Cable TV can bring it right in the back door. Anyone ready to help with this task?  

13. Begin to drive home the point that, "The people will file their 1040's when the government gives the people a fair hearing on the legality of the income tax."

14. Attempt to unite with all other organizations that are fighting governmental expansion and tyranny. (2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, etc). We will start by scheduling a People's Summit Against Governmental Tyranny. Anyone ready to help with this task?

15. Call our Senators and Representatives to encourage them to pass a Resolution declaring that the 16th amendment was not properly or legally ratified. NOTE: Congressional Switchboard Toll-free Numbers (Keep these numbers for  future use): 1-888-449-3511;1-800-241-7109;1-877-778-9001; and 1-800-648-3516. They really work  today! Experience shows that most of these 800 numbers will work for awhile then disappear.  So use them as long as they are available, but do not be surprised when they are no longer valid numbers. And it sometimes takes a long time for someone to answer - so be patient. Anyone ready to get the ball rolling by drawing up the Resolution?

16. Get many more people to sign the Remonstrance. Each signer should ask two others to sign it,  and ask them to ask two others, and so on. We will get a few hundred of those who have already signed to place a call ON THE SAME DAY? Those with last name beginning A-D will make a call on a Monday, on Tuesday those with last name beginning E-H will make a call, and so on.  We will arrange it so that each person getting called gets at least 100 similar calls per day.  We will arrange a rotation, so that when V-Z finishes, A-E begins the next day.  Each caller politely asks why the President, or Speaker Hastert or Senator Lott has not answered the April 13th letter which was delivered to the White House and the Capitol on April 13th, along with the Income Tax Remonstrance, by a delegation of people representing every one of the 50 states.  Letters are good, but calls are better. Someone has to answer the phone, give their name and take down a note.

17. Get on as much talk-radio as possible. Anyone ready to send us a list of fax numbers for all talk-radio stations in America, along with a one page description of the issue and a list of the people who are willing to be called to be interviewed on the subject?

18. Get the video of the meetings with Furman, Keotzle and Hennessey, as well as an update on the "not a priority item" issue, on local public access TV channels all over the country. Anyone ready to help us with this task?

19. Begin planning a "million taxpayer" march in DC with everyone wearing navy blue windbreakers with words on the back in large block letters in yellow-gold reading "TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM." Anyone ready to help with this task?

20. Develop a picketing strategy at the local offices of legislators where their local staffs can feel the pressure of the effort.  An "All we want is a fair hearing!" approach should get some interest from the local press.  Perhaps we can organize groups from each state to picket local legislators offices, or perhaps we can organize a huge crowd from around the country to picket one specific legislators local office. Any volunteers to help with this task?

21. Bob Heckler, owner of WXBH 1190 AM in Cobleskill, N.Y. is giving away free time on his radio station. From there the signal could go via satellite to those Am and FM stations around the country that would like to carry a certain hour everyday devoted to this issue and the rising demand for truth and justice on the issue of the legality of the income tax. Anyone ready to help with this task?

22. Develop a massive database to be used only by We The People to update everyone on developments, a database larger even than the one that got Jessie Ventura propelled into office. Everyone should contact their friends and ask if it is okay if they were added to the database.

23. Inform all the Governors and the journalists that cover the state capitols, and the Colleges and Universities in those states about the issue. We will schedule the first of our State symposiums for September and October. We need at least one point man/women for every state. Any volunteers?

24. Establish a "Freedom Think Tank" to create strategy, and guide developments. Any volunteers?

25. Do the same thing the Civil Rights Movement has done. We will organize in each state. We will educate people in every neighborhood so that all potential jurors are fully informed. We will have a national headquarters with a committee. We will disseminate information to the state chapters and to the national media, internet, etc. We will form MASS, peaceful--but vocal-- demonstrations that will force national media coverage. In other words, we will have a national movement policy that is grassroots implemented in every state. Also, and very important, we will set up a legal defense network (like the Homeschool Legal Defense) that will  support the movement, i.e. to defend persons exercising their right to untaxed labor, to train and recruit legal persons, and to educate and support employers in their rights NOT to act as federal and state tax collectors. We will set deadlines to reach certain goals; then, we will move forward to the next set of goals. Again, we need people able and ready to lead this effort in the states. Any volunteers?

26. Create a Video of a debate using a Mac G3 or G4 and a Video Camera and publish the debate over the internet so everyone can evaluate the discussion. Anyone ready to help with this task?

27. Gradually develop a public presence and notoriety for the issue.

28. Make a sequel to the tapes, where we explain what has occurred, and at the end give contact information for Furman et al.

29. Prepare for a class action lawsuit. We will consult with a Libertarian or conservative public interest law firm qualified to handle a matter such as this. We will contact all the patriot groups, to get them involved and we will get Larry Becraft to represent us. 

30. Seek one-on-one meetings with Senators and Representatives to educate them on the issues. One  e-mail we received today is instructive. Here it is."I happen to be a personal friend of a conservative Congressman from Illinois, Donald Manzullo of Rockford.  I have known Don for longer than he has been in Congress.  He is now in his fourth term.  I think that Don might be willing to give me a meeting if I asked him for one.  However, I am very reluctant to do this without being absolutely and totally convinced that we would be giving him something of the utmost importance and most vital need to demand his time.  (I do believe, by the way, that this is an issue of this magnitude.)  Don is close enough to us that he wrote the foreword to our book on homeschooling, 'The Guidance Manual for the Christian Home School,' which hit the streets last month.  Whether he would give us an audience remains to be seen, since I am no longer a constituent. But I think I could influence him to consider it. I would be willing to set up such a meeting if you, Bob, thought such a meeting would be appropriate AND if you personally would present the information to Don.  I would also add that Don is currently next in line to head the House Small Business Committee (could be off on the exact name, but that is close).  He is also on the International Relations, and Banking Committees.  Don is a man of high integrity as far as I know him."  Anyone else have similar strengths?

31. Scour neighborhoods with clear and easy to understand flyers, brochures, pamphlets or calling card sized handouts that will be professionally designed and that get right to the point. Again, we need people ready and able to lead this task in the states.

32. Set-up nationwide groups of people to participate in the conference without flying to Washington D.C.  Small and large groups should be encouraged, supported and promoted, as long as they are legal and loud. These groups need to contact the local media and let them know approximately how many will be there for the event, as well as the summary of what they are protesting.  We will make sure that these groups do not get rowdy, remaining within the law at all times. Everyone needs to begin to make the arrangements for these media events in their states. 

33. Focus attention on David C. Williams, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.  He has the authority to remove a District Director from office for misconduct. We will file complaints and requests for investigation of IRS agents known to be harassing citizens who are not foreigners working in this country or U.S. citizens earning their wages overseas.

34. Set up a team of experts as a defense against the IRS if they take anyone to court for tax evasion or willful failure to file. We will sue IRS agents in their individual capacities, for acting without constitutional authority, under color of law -- for violating individual civil rights.

35. Compose a short statement of the facts and submit it to the International Directory of Investigative Journalists, to encourage as many investigative journalists to dig into the facts surrounding the people and events which gave America the income tax and the Federal Reserve in 1913. See http://www.ire.org/membership/dij.html. Anyone ready to help with this task?   

36. Prepare a flyer: for our sons or daughters to bring to their clubs and organizations to be taken home by the other youngsters; for our local Chambers; for organizations that help farmers; to be handed out to veterans organizations; to be passed around at our places of worship; to be handed out around town with the request the others make copies and hand them out to the people they come in contact with, etc. Anyone ready to help with this task.


The costs will have to be commensurate with the amount of money raised and vice versa. We have some nifty ideas for fund raising. More on this, later.