We The People Foundation For
Constitutional Education, Inc.

2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
Telephone: (518) 656-3578 Fax: (518) 656-9724
acta@capital.net www.givemeliberty.org

April 2, 2001

Senator Charles Grassley
Senate Finance Committee
219 Dirkson Senate Office Bldg.
Washington DC 20510

Re: Hearing: "Taxpayer Beware: Schemes, Scams and Fraud"

Dear Senator Grassley,

An early response to this letter would be appreciated.

A New York Times reporter, David Cay Johnston, called me after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 30, 2001, to inform me of the fact that your Committee has scheduled a formal hearing for Thursday, April 5, 2001. Mr. Johnston said the subject of the hearing is "Taxpayer Beware: Schemes, Scams and Fraud." Mr. Johnston said the subject of the hearing would be the full-page ads this Foundation has published in USA TODAY and that the Committee intended to have the ad(s) on display during the hearing. Mr. Johnston asked if I would be calling the Committee this morning to request "witness status" for myself and the individuals featured in our ads. Mr. Johnston said he thought this was an important opportunity for those of us in the tax honesty movement to tell our side of the story.

The purpose of this letter is to formally request witness status for myself and each of the individuals featured in the ads we published on February 16, 2001, March 2, 2001 and March 23, 2001: the ex-IRS agents Joseph Banister, Sherry Jackson and John Turner; the employers David Bosset, Nick Jesson, Dick Simkanin, Al Thompson and Leonard Roberto: and the tax researchers Bill Benson, Larkin Rose and John Kotmair.

There is strong evidence the IRS is disobeying the law and forcing citizens to pay taxes they are not, by law, required to pay. Unless we are granted witness status, Thursday's hearing will lack one thing: THE TRUTH.

Please know that we are a research and educational Foundation that does not give advice to taxpayers; we offer no "de-tax" products or services. We have studied the literature and research of others and have formulated certain propositions to summarize their findings regarding the legal authority of the IRS to collect certain taxes. We have sponsored four symposiums at the National Press Club in DC, to discuss and debate these propositions. Each time we respectfully requested of Commissioner Rossotti, Senator Lott and Speaker Hastert that they have their most knowledgeable people participate in the conferences to argue against the conclusions of the researchers. We had copies of the research reports delivered to their offices. Each time we were ignored by these gentlemen; we did not receive an acknowledgment of their receipt of the invitations. Each time the government chose to pass on an opportunity to show the researchers the errors of their ways, to embarrass the researchers and to put the issues to bed. However, C-Span did not ignore us. It broadcast the July 1999 symposium live and rebroadcast its recording of the event four times in the days following the event.

On April 13, 2000, a delegation of people representing ALL FIFTY STATES hand delivered a two-page REMONSTRANCE to Keith Hennessey for the Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, to Dr. William Koetzle for Speaker Denis Hastert, and to Jason Furman for President Clinton. Each official promised to have the research reports reviewed by their experts, and each official expressed agreement to have their experts attend our forth conference on June 29, 2000. However, on June 2, 2000, Jason Furman told me: "The legality of the income tax is not a high priority for the White House and we will not be participating in any conference on the subject." Messrs. Hennessey and Koetzle also lost interest.

We have been forced to ask publicly; "At what point does the government's evasion of specific allegations of fraud and the illegal operations of the income tax system become admission?"

Please, Mr. Chairman, hear our side of the issue. The People need to get to the truth. The people appear to be on a collision course with the government over the issue of "taxation without legislation."

With respect, we ask that we be notified today by facsimile (518-656-9724) of your answer.

Sincerely yours,

Robert L. Schulz