Robert Schulz


Robert L. Schulz has an engineering degree from the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY and a masters degree in Business Administration from Xavier University. During his first career, Mr. Schulz spent 23 years developing his Waste Utility Concept while in industry, in government, on Wall Street and as the owner of a management consulting business.

Mr. Schulz is best known, however, as a defender of the New York Constitution. In 1990 he established ACTA, the All-County Taxpayers Association, which is dedicated to helping people to become better informed about the State Constitution and how to intelligently, rationally and professionally confront unconstitutional and illegal behavior by those wielding governmental power - in the courts, if necessary, without attorneys (pro-se) if necessary.

Representing himself, Mr. Schulz has joined with pro-se petitioners across the state in dozens of lawsuits against governmental wrongdoing. Mr. Schulz is the prime-mover behind the "We The People" campaign for significant governmental reform through the constitutional convention. Mr. Schulz publishes a newsletter entitled T.J.'s Perspective which reports on ACTA's progress and reflects Mr. Schulz' Jeffersonian attitude.