10-20-02 We Are Engaged! Ours Is A Most Grave And Solemn Undertaking. We Must Keep Our Supply Lines Humming. Never in the history of America, have the People been forced to engage the government by using the unalienable Right to Petition for Redress -- as both a shield and a sword. Until now. Freedom Drive is not just another "get together" or "freedom conference." The government will remember this day. The People will remember this day. It will be recorded for all posterity to remember – and it will possibly be broadcast live. Jefferson, Madison and the others knew that the day might eventually come when the institutions of the Congress and the Courts would fail to protect the People from tyrannical acts. They knew that the People would have to check their servant government by formally directing it to address and answer the People’s grievances. Hence the placement of the Right to Petition early on in the Bill of Rights -- i.e. in the 1st Amendment. Such is our state of affairs – a most dangerous, awkward and unprecedented situation. The engagement, known as Freedom Drive 2002, began on October 7, 2002 with the posting of four Petitions for Redress on this website and their subsequent distribution. On November 7th the Petitions will be served on all 535 members of Congress and the President. On November 8th the People will begin a caravan from the west coast to the nation’s capital. The caravan will grow in numbers as it approaches the District. On November 14th the People will peaceably assemble at the Washington Monument to await the government’s responses. There will be a moment of truth at 2 PM. Either the government will respond to the Petitions for Redress or they will not. This moment may formally signal their belief that the Constitution is a dead letter, setting the stage for a combative, non-violent, mass-movement by the People. We intend to do everything within out power to win this engagement. The outcome will be precedent setting. Much is at stake. For instance, consider all of our Rights specifically mentioned in the Bill of Rights. If government harms and injures the People by infringing upon any of these explicitly delineated Rights, and the government chooses not to respond to proper Petitions for Redress citing specific grievances concerning those Rights, then, in actual fact, the People effectively do not have those Rights. Without the Right to Petition - - all other rights are essentially reduced from being truly unalienable to merely grants of privilege by the government. This is intolerable to a free people. It is the exercise of this single right that forces the government, by their response, or non-response, to publicly declare its’ relationship to the People and its’ intent regarding the primary purpose of our limited, Constitutional form of government: To protect the Rights of the People. November 14th will be THE watershed moment in this nation’s history where the Right to petition will be exercised -- and enforced. To win this engagement we, the People, must show our servant government that legions of us stand joined together in support of this engagement and that we are committed to the cause of safeguarding our Rights at all costs. Government understands "People power." Government knows, as we do, that those who are most committed win engagements of conflict. The following are some of the devices we intend to employ over the coming weeks as part of Freedom Drive 2002 as we engage the government and inform our countrymen of the status of engagement and the constitutional crisis:
On Monday, October 21, a centerfold ad will appear in the nationwide edition of the Washington Times. Click here to view the ad (Done). USA Today has formally reviewed and agreed to run another of our nationwide full-page ads. The ad we intend to place in next Friday’s edition can be viewed by clicking here (Pending donations). Next week’s edition of the nation’s most popular magazine for motorcycle enthusiasts, Full Throttle, will carry a full-page ad along with a full-length feature article about Freedom Drive 2002 (See the USA Today ad above) to view the ad. (Done). Full-page ads will also appear in American Free Press and the Free American Magazine. (Done). On October 12 we mailed a personalized letter to the leaders of hundreds of America’s leading liberty-rights advocacy organizations. Click here to view a sample of the letters. (Done). On October 18 we mailed a personalized letter, along with a full copy of the record of the Citizens’ Truth-In-Taxation Hearing to the 50 men and women who head up the state chapters of the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Click here to view a sample of the letters. (Done). We have designed and have special ordered the manufacture of thousands of Liberty flags and Live Free or Die flags and bumper stickers which have begun to adorn automobiles and trucks around the country. Click here to view and order. (Please order these items ASAP so they will be available for the Drive and DC events) A professional documentary film crew will join the Freedom Drive in Salt Lake City and will remain with us through November 14. Their purpose is to make a documentary film and submit it to the Sundance Film Festival, MTV and HBO. (Done). On November 7th, 536 copies of each of the four petitions and all of the signature pages will be printed, along with a transmittal letter. A firm will be hired to serve the copies on the 535 congressmen and the President. (Scheduled). While "numbers count" in Washington DC, and it is vitally important that we make an impressive showing on the road and in DC on the 14th, we realize there are many who, for reasons of disability or other personal reasons, will not be able to directly participate in Freedom Drive 2002. As we did for the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing we intend to provide a live, multi-hour internet webcast of the events in DC on the 14th. We would like to make it FREE for the public and media across the nation to witness. Needless to say, it is very expensive to broadcast such an event live on the world wide web. Our direct production costs on the 14th will be even higher than our previous event because we will be doing it live from the Washington Monument via a remote mobile satellite uplink. The costs include cameramen, production crew, the mobile studio facility, signal encoding, satellite channel time and internet streaming bandwidth. (Pending donations) We are arranging for press conferences to be held at key rendezvous and rally points along the main Freedom Drive Route and along each of the caravan routes that will be feeding the main caravan from the south and from the north. (Scheduled). All day on November 14th, parked on the northwest quadrant of the Washington Monument, directly across the street from, and facing the White House, there will be a mobile crane extending stories into the air. Suspended from the top of the crane will be a building sized (40’ x 55’) display color graphic with a provocative, terse message for our government. Similar cranes and banners will also be parked on the National Mall, across the street from the Capitol building and (tentatively) near the Supreme Court. (Pending donations). For the 14th we are constructing a large stage with an image of the Constitution and the 50 state flags hanging as the stage backdrop. On the stage we have arranged for a live band playing patriotic and spiritually moving music. Generators, amplifiers and a sound/PA system will be utilized. (Scheduled). Brochures describing the "next steps" the People will take to enforce our Petitions will be produced and distributed at the DC event. (Scheduled). Without any appeals from the We The People organization, thousands of man hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars have already been donated by "Freedom-keepers" from around the country. It is only from this help that this Foundation has accomplished, over three and a half years, the significant achievements that have brought us to the "Moment of Truth" on November 14th. Bob Schulz does not like to ask for help. He believes people don’t need a good reason for doing the right thing and should help because they, themselves, are moved to do so and see their own self-interest in investing in those that have demonstrated their ability to manifest a real defense of our freedoms. Now, however, we must appeal to the People for their assistance. Our past success shows how critical it is to reach millions through full-page ads in USA Today. The past ads this Foundation has run in USA Today, the NY Times and the Washington Times have been read by millions. They caused runs on USA Today newspapers. They brought the income tax fraud to center stage of this nation in ways that have still not been publicly acknowledged by our government. This time, our ad and our timely message, is aimed at an even broader base of citizens. We know that the magic of live television and the accessibility of these images over the internet has dramatic consequences and effects. Our use of these broadcast technologies, as we demonstrated at both the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing and our April press conference at the National Press Club, enabled us to reach tens of thousands of journalists, businesses and ordinary citizens. We need to bypass the dominant broadcast media "blackout" and enable this historical moment to be witnessed from sea to shining sea by those that cannot get to DC. We want to make this FREE for all viewers. As the People gather, there needs to be a visual presence in our Capital that cannot, and will not, be ignored. This is our sole opportunity to present our message of demand directly to our government. The People must stand in DC and our message must be put physically in the face of our government officials and the camera lenses of the dominant media. The large color graphic messages will hang several stories in the air and be visible for thousands of feet. They will be provocative and will attract the attention of tens of thousands of government workers, school children, families, business people and ordinary Americans as they go about their lives and travels on the 14th. The banners are expensive and dramatic. They WILL be seen by our government. We appeal to everyone to give careful consideration to the urgency of this historic window of opportunity and to contribute as much as is practical during the next few days.
Please consider your contribution as an investment in our collective Freedom. Please consider the relative value of your contribution in the context of your personal finances, your commitment to liberty and what will soon be accomplished if we work together and share our burdens to manifest the Freedom and the nation that we envision. The time is now. The moment is upon us. The We The People Foundation and Bob Schulz are asking for your help. Witness your investment change the course of this nation’s future. Thank You. to make your (tax-deductible) donation to the We The People Foundation. If sending by mail send to: We The People Foundation, 2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Please e-mail us for instructions if you would like to wire funds directly to our bank.