11-13-02 This is it! The Moment of Truth is Upon Us. Freedom Drive: Status Update STATUS UPDATE The weather forecast for DC for tomorrow’s event is perfect: SUNNY and mid-50s!Get your family and friends to DC and experience this historic event! The latest agenda has been posted. Live music begins on stage at 10 AM. Hundreds of people have been gathering at rally cities along the route from the West Coast. Last night in Indianapolis the large convention meeting room was packed. Reports were that several hundred vehicles coming in from the Southeast were experiencing traffic problems today (Wednesday) coming up I-95 from Florida and states along the eastern seaboard. Well-wishers have been seen in many locations along overpasses waving flags and yelling support as the drive speeds eastward. One "casualty" was the Tyranny Response Team bus that broke down in Salina, Kansas. The 15 passengers were renting a number of other vehicles and will catch up to the Drive in Maryland by tonight. There has, of course been a virtual media blackout of the Drive to date. The documentary film crew has been with the Drive since Denver. Schulz remarked that the drive is gathering substantial momentum in the final hours and that there is a growing anticipation about the Moment of Truth as it unfolds tomorrow. The main stage has been constructed and the video and satellite trucks for the internet webcast and satellite TV video feed are being set up early tomorrow morning. All the major news agencies across the country, including the Associated Press and the DC press "circuit" have been sent press releases and the agenda of tomorrow’s events. The lead manager for C-SPAN has been sent a personal note from Bob Schulz inviting C-SPAN to cover the event. Tonight, drivers from all directions gather for the final leg the big rally at the Howard County Fairgrounds north of Frederick Maryland at approximately 7 PM. Staging for the last leg of the Freedom Drive begins at 6 AM Thursday at this same location and the drive heads out to DC at 7 AM sharp. Click here for details.Even the FBI is taking notice. Agent Mark Holstlaw from the Denver FBI office attended Sunday’s rally in Denver at the bequest of FBI headquarters and sat with the sizeable rally crowd. After the meeting he contacted Bob Schulz and told Schulz that he "thoroughly enjoyed" the speeches by Schulz and the former IRS agents and would report to headquarters that any fears the FBI "may have had" about our efforts are completely unfounded. Holstlaw even offered the FBI’s assistance in DC and referred Schulz to an agent in the DC office that will help us if needed.
Click below to register for the free live internet broadcast of Thursday’s events in DC. The webcast begins at 11:30 AM and goes until around 4:30. View the latest agenda for the day.You must register in advance using a valid e-mail address. When you register you will be sent a valid web link that will allow you to access the webcast. You must also have Windows Media player to view the stream. Do not wait to register – the
registration systems may become overloaded LATE Thursday AM!
The events marking the culmination of Freedom Drive will also be available via live satellite digital video feed that any television station or network can access. Please contact your local TV station news departments and advise
them of this historical event. For the technical details of the satellite feed and the media kit, please go to the "DETAILS" page on our web site, www.givemeliberty.org.
When Freedom Drive 2002 lands in DC Thursday morning, the drivers will drive along a designated route around the Capitol area going by the IRS, the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Federal Reserve. Get to the staging area early in the morning or just get to DC when you can! For details of the route, click here. The Drive around DC starts at 8 AM. Get there and join in the celebration of Freedom.History will be made tomorrow by We The People.
to make your (tax-deductible) donation to the We The People Foundation. If sending by mail (please consider overnight/priority mail) send to: We The People Foundation, 2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Please e-mail us for instructions if you would like to wire funds directly to our bank.