Spotlights By Month
Tax Hearing Aug-01
Hunger Strike
Jul-01 Project
Toto Feb-01
November 2000 |
WTP Foundation Replies to Congressman Bartlett
Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Foundation for
Constitutional Education has replied to Congressman Bartlett’s January 17
letter and press release, which announced Bartlett’s decision to withdraw
from the citizens’ Truth-In-Taxation Hearing. Foundation Sets The Record Straight In its reply the Foundation makes public the details of what happened behind the scenes in the days leading up to the July 20, 2001 agreement with the government and the real reasons Congressman Bartlett decided to withdraw as the congressional sponsor of the citizen’s Truth-in-Taxation hearing. The chronology of events shows that soon after Schulz ended his hunger fast both IRS and DOJ began to renege on their formal commitments. Although the Foundation’s ongoing "Wait to File" campaign is undoubtedly troublesome to the government, the real reason Bartlett cancelled the hearings appears to be the communications Bartlett received months ago from DOJ and IRS (which were not disclosed to Schulz), telling Bartlett that DOJ and IRS would not show at the hearing, leaving Bartlett alone to face the expectations of the People.
“A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS HAS NOW DEVELOPED” The constitutional requirement for the government to answer proper petitions from the People for redress of grievances is so clear and unambiguous that it leaves no room for interpretation. Congressman Bartlett, in his own words, has acknowledged that written responses to our particular inquiries would not suffice and would result in obfuscation and confusion and would lead the People's petition to ruin. A preliminary list of 299 questions is being provided to DOJ and IRS and is being released to the public. The People now demand, not request that the IRS and DOJ officials answer the questions in public. Their presence is demanded at the hearing, which will take place in Washington, DC as planned on Feb 27 and 28. A Plan of Action is Set Forth Bob's letter goes on to inform Congressman Bartlett that due to the seriousness of the decision by DOJ and IRS, the Foundation intends to undertake a six-point plan of action (a pro-active, non-violent, mass-movement): 1) Bob has asked Bartlett to reconsider his decision to withdraw from the hearing; 2) The Foundation will proceed with a recorded public hearing on February 27 and 28, using the Marriott Hotel if the Science and Technology Committee Hearing Room is no longer available because neither Congressman Bartlett nor any other Congressman is willing to reserve the room for the hearing; 3) The Foundation will immediately release the initial set of (299) questions that it wants DOJ and IRS to answer in a public forum on February 27 and 28; 4) The Foundation has posted the questions on this web site and is inviting any and all learned persons to answer any question at the February hearing after first contacting the Foundation using a prepared form; 5) The Foundation is extending an invitation to the February 27 and 28 event to each and every organization that is concerned about the protection, preservation and enhancement of human liberty, and that is interested in limited government; 6) The Foundation is calling on all patriots to demand that DOJ and IRS attend the February hearing, wait to file their tax returns until February 27. If DOJ and the IRS fail to appear, there will be a call to defer filing tax returns, suspend employee withholding and stand together at the mall in Washington DC on Sunday, April 14 and peacefully protest the unlawful income tax by filing their blank 1040 forms in metal waste drums.
Schulz Preparing Response [January 20] Just five hours after We The People Foundation delivered several thousand copies of a cover letter and the “Wait to File Until the Trial” message to some of the most powerful people in the government and the private financial sector, a staffer from Rep. Bartlett’s office telephoned Bob Schulz at 8:20 p.m. Thursday to inform Bob that Congressman Bartlett was canceling the public “truth-in-taxation” hearing. The letter and message were delivered 3 p.m. Thursday to the personal fax machines of each of the following:
Bob is currently preparing a response, including a
revised plan of action, which will be posted on this web site by tomorrow,
Monday the 21st of January. Bob asks people to please refrain from calling the Foundation’s office until the response to Congressman Bartlett’s announcement is posted. Wait to File Until the Trial!
The We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education has launched Operation "Wait to File Until the Trial". This effort is to inform as many Americans as possible that:
Over the next several weeks we intend to announce Operation "Wait to File Until the Trial" to tens of millions of Americans. To accomplish this objective, we will conduct a comprehensive nationwide media and direct mail campaign on several different fronts concurrently. Efforts are currently under way to place high-impact "Wait to File" ads in USA TODAY and other major newspapers. Our direct mail initiative will be targeted at a broad cross-section of individuals, professional associations, political groups and institutions.
We respectfully request that you take the time, now, to pass the word about this wonderful development. We believe the show will do much to nourish enlightened and responsible citizenship. Alan Keyes is a defender of the principles underpinning our system of governance. He knows the way the system is working is in sharp contrast to the way it was designed to work. He is a staunch defender of our unalienable rights and knows that the constitution is all that stands between the people of America and total despotism and tyranny. Alan Keyes does his homework and has the courage to be "counter-cultural" or "politically incorrect." He has the courage of his convictions. For instance, on the campaign trail for his parties' nomination for President of the United States of America, he has publicly called the income tax a "slave tax" and questioned its legality, particularly the the validity of the 16th Amendment. We have seen Alan Keyes as a man dedicated to restoring the essential principles of the Declaration of Independence to their rightful place in American life. To us, his passion has long been liberty, working to educate Americans of all parties and persuasions about the God-given rights that underlie our republic. He has worked patiently but energetically to develop a deep awareness of the role and duties of all Americans in restoring respect for life, the family, and personal and political self-government. We were happy to have Alan Keyes' assistance in launching Operation Enduring Patriotism in November 2001, at the National Press Club, where he gave a most inspiring speech in support of the importance of reinvigorating civic education in America.
Media on "Operation Enduring Patriotism"
Video: Assault by IRS Agent During Taxpayer Hearing (From Irwin Schiff's site www.paynoincometax.com)
Operation Enduring Patriotism is a citizens' initiative for actions by the states. At the heart of this initiative is a proposed model statute to be adopted by each state. Click here to view a copy of the proposed state statute, "An Act for Enduring Patriotism." The purpose of Operation Enduring Patriotism is to have the statute passed into law in each of the fifty states. =============================================
Rep. Bartlett’s letter to Schulz
video message from Rep. Bartlett
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett has rescheduled the citizens’ Truth-in-Taxation hearing for February 27 and 28, 2002. The hearing will be held at the nation’s Capital in the House Science and Technology Committee Hearing Room, (Rayburn House Office Building), beginning at 9 a.m. each day. The IRS and Department of Justice will officially and publicly answer detailed legal allegations directly challenging the jurisdiction of the IRS and the unlawful enforcement and administration of U.S. income tax laws. The hearing is in response to a formal petition to the government from Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education. In a letter to Schulz dated October 12, 2001, Congressman Bartlett reaffirmed his belief that it is his duty as an elected member of Congress to ensure that our government timely and properly responds to a citizens’ petition for a redress of grievances. "Now it is critical for the Congress to resume its business," said Bartlett. "An important domestic matter to address is the alleged fraudulent and illegal operations of the federal income tax system…You have my word as an elected member of the United States Congress that I will do all within my power that this event go forward, the IRS and the DOJ attend as they have promised to do, and are compelled to do by the Constitution." Congressman Bartlett also wrote, "Our country has labored under a federal income tax system that is inconsistent with the liberty of a free people. Quite simply, the government of a free people should not tax the labor of its citizens…." Congressman Bartlett went on to say that most of Congress now agrees that the federal tax system is repugnant to the Constitution and its laws, and that the current income tax system should be abolished. "Over several decades, there has been a substantial and credible body of research compiled that directly questions the legal authority of the IRS to: 1) force employers to withhold taxes from employee’s paychecks, 2) force most citizens to file a return, and 3) force payment of the income tax," said Schulz. "Until now, the government has refused to publicly answer its most vocal critics or respond to the specific legal evidence. The administration and enforcement of the income tax system goes on trial February 27th." Schulz Requests Delay for Tax Hearing In the shadow of Tuesday's dark events, Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Foundation, communicated his request to Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Wednesday, that the tax hearing be postponed until sometime in October. Schulz remarked, "Although we have worked long and hard for our right to be formally answered on our petition for a redress of grievances, We The People does not want to hinder, in any way, the government's response to the terrorist attacks or to be perceived as a source of divisiveness during this critical hour for our nation. The Department of Justice officials must, without distraction, tend to the immediate security of our country. There should be no doubt about the potential impacts that may arise from the tax hearing. It is a very public, and direct challenge of the legal jurisdiction of the IRS and the unlawful enforcement of U.S. tax laws. At this time, we feel that to proceed with a public interrogation of officials from the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service under the current circumstances is not appropriate. At best, it may be counterproductive to the Foundation's educational objectives and at worst, perceived as a hindrance, or discordant voice during this time of need for national unity. We have waited many years for answers to these questions. We The People can wait a few more weeks." Within the next few days, Bartlett's office will propose new dates, pending a review of October schedules and the availability of Capitol Hill facilities. Schulz apologizes to all those who have already made travel plans and other arrangements to attend the hearing. Sunday, September 9 Dirty Tricks & Disinformation
First came the anonymous threats of violence by the Read the full text versions of Resolutions passed
by the "We The People Congress", Chairman, Bob Schulz. Monday, September 3 Quick Status Update:
Rep. Bartlett's Office: The Show Will Go On Preparation Progress Webcast-Update Toto Needs Help Pulling Back the Curtain . . . Please distribute Toto's Donation Flyer (.pdf) Hearing Webcast & Radio Details. . . Subscribe Now: LIVE 2-Day Hearing Webcast! Please Support this Foundation's Efforts to Put the U.S. Income Tax on Trial. Witness This Historic Event for Yourself -- LIVE. The First 5000 Subscribers of the "Patriot" Webcast Package get this for $29.95:
The 2-day Webcast only package is available for $19.95. VHS or CD-ROM versions are available without the webcast. This webcast will be the ONLY live, gavel-to-gavel video coverage of the hearing.
FREE Worldwide Radio Broadcast We The People has secured a commercial satellite radio uplink for the tax hearing. Any radio station, radio network or dish-equipped individual may download the feed for FREE with NO restrictions on redistribution, recording or rebroadcast. We expect many radio networks, stations, talk shows, etc. to rebroadcast these signals via shortwave and the internet. WTP wants everyone who seeks the truth about our income tax system to experience this event. Call your local radio stations and ask them to broadcast this monumental moment ! Here are some technical details -- more to follow: Satellite: GE-4, Transponder 24, Frequency 5.8 (wide-band/c-band audio) The satellite signal can be directly accessed from any point on the continents of North, Central or South America. To assist part time listeners and radio hosts, commentators will summarize the hearing's events at the bottom of each hour and at noon & 3 p.m. each day. Monday, August 27 Hearing Update Live Worldwide Broadcasts: Internet Webcast & Radio Status of Hearing Preparations Roland Croteau to "Hit-the-Road" Schulz Distances Tax Honesty Movement from Violent Threats Tuesday, Aug. 7 Preparations Proceed Full Steam Government Announces Specific Dates & Location for Hearing Kick-Off in Nevada: Organized & Ready for Battle Overview of the Plan & Organization Broadcast of the Hearings Our Nation Without the Income Tax Read Rep. Ron Paul's (TX) Public Statement Supporting Schulz (from the July 17th WTP D.C. Press Conference) Updated WTP Press Release on Capitol Hill Tax Meeting Read the quoted content from the agreement between Rep. Bartlett and the DOJ. Congressman Bartlett "personally affirmed" the WTP release accurately portrays the terms of the government's agreement with Schulz. WTP has reissued its press release of July 20, 2001 that announced the historic agreement committing government officials to publicly answer to legal charges regarding IRS jurisdiction and the illegal enforcement of U.S. income tax laws. On Monday July 30th, an aide to Rep. Bartlett delivered both a copy of the July 30th WTP press release and a note from Bartlett's office to DOJ's Bryant and Floyd Williams, Director of Congressional Affairs for IRS, which reads as follows:
The updated WTP press release clarifies that it was Rep. Bartlett, not U.S. Assistant Attorney General Dan Bryant, that committed IRS representatives to appear at the hearing. In the agreement, DOJ's Bryant did commit DOJ to ". . . provide appropriate representatives to participate in a congressional briefing . . ." Although there were several discussions with Floyd Williams, Director of Congressional Affairs for the IRS, it was IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti who agreed on Thursday, July 19th, to send IRS tax experts to the public meeting in September during direct phone conversations between Bartlett and Rossotti. WTP regrets any confusion in the initial press release that may have implied that DOJ's Dan Bryant committed the participation of another agency. Schulz is quoted, "We understand that the IRS is a separate agency and certainly did not intend to imply that DOJ was committing the IRS to the meeting. The agreement reached on July 20th covered both verbal and written terms and conditions for the briefing." Although Rossotti did not sign the agreement, Bartlett assured Schulz "The IRS will be there at those meetings". For example, Schulz continued, "WTP agreed verbally to provide top-level questions to the DOJ and IRS one or two weeks before the meeting. This is to insure that both DOJ and IRS have the appropriate personnel at the hearing and that they are fully prepared to respond to the specific areas of inquiry for the government." As stated in today's WorldNetDaily article (July 30th), Schulz maintains that WTP's (original) portrayal of the agreement is accurate. Schulz said, "It's certainly not our intention to misrepresent anything."
Hunger Strike-7-01 |
| Sunday, July 29 Income Tax Hearing Preparations Gear Up Thanks for the Q's & A's Gearing Up The researchers and attorneys are planning to meet "en masse" in the next two weeks to begin formal organization of the group and execution of project tasks, resources and schedules. The scope involves defining specific areas of questions within several broad "areas" of inquiry, the development of evidence, legal documentation and visual exhibits. As with most hearings in the Capitol, it is expected that full "backup" documentation will be made available for the public record even though it is not actually examined in the hearing. Preparations for recording and live broadcast have been inititiated. Who? When? Where? According to Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, Rep. Henry Hyde (Former Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee) did not decline to gavel the Citizen's sessions but instead recommended that Rep. Phillip Crane (Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee) would be a good person to chair the public meetings. This would provide an extra impetus for Ways and Means Committee members to become aware of the details and substance of the tax law charges brought in the WTP Remonstrance. Rep. Ron Paul's Statement from Schulz's July 17 Press Conference: -- click here -- Stay Vigilant. Spread the Word. Invest in this Project. Invest in Your Freedom. Bob Schulz continues to ask all supporters to keep at contacting the media and government officials. There are many forces that would like these hearings not to occur. By collectively keeping the pressure on for the next 60 days the People will be heard. Contact info will remain posted below. Bob wants to thank everyone that has stepped up to contribute financially to support this effort. Although there was a significant burst of donations following the end of the fast, your substantial help will be needed clear through the hearings. As everyone involved in any type of volunteer effort knows, at some point there is no substitute for direct financial help. WTP has secured this opportunity as an eager and prepared group of researchers and attorneys prepare for their opportunity to get answers. Please help us prepare for this once in a lifetime, but very costly opportunity. Details of some of the projected expenditures and steps taken to protect your donations are detailed below. Donations may be made on-line, (via secured internet/credit card) or mailed in. Please consider an investment in our Freedom. Hunger
Fast: This is an historic moment. For the first time in modern times the government is being held to officially, and publicly, DEFEND specific legal charges about the tax system from the Citizens. We need the best of the best. Bob Schulz has requested that NOW is the time to prepare and submit questions that YOU would ask if you had a few brief moments to ask the DOJ or IRS before the American viewing public. Schulz has committed to provide the government "opening" questions in advance so that the DOJ and IRS may prepare adequately to respond to specific areas of inquiry and avoid any excuse that an area of inquiry was not properly prepared for. The researchers would like to compile, organize and deliver to the government these questions during the next 3 weeks. To do this he needs them very soon. To coordinate the evaluation and organization of potential questions, Schulz has requested that each potential question you submit for evaluation follow a very SPECIFIC FORMAT. You need NOT provide full documentation of valid answers at this time. Each response should be SHORT, TO-THE-POINT, and phrased as a QUESTION. Questions that fail to be properly formatted will be ignored. You may start with a VERY BRIEF and EXACT reference statement leading into or framing your question. For example: "Examine 'xyz'. It says 'def'. Q: What specific statute authorizes this?" Each question submitted will assume a question-response, question-response, courtroom type format. Specifically:
For EACH question submitted, you must consider and document up to (no more than) THREE of the most probable government responses labeled: A, B, & C (with "A" most probable). For EACH potential government Response, Please document the BEST Researcher Reply. Please use proper language, punctuation, grammar, and legal terms as appropriate. Be very brief -- get to the exact point -- quickly. Provide your name, mail or e-mail address & contact phone numbers. Please e-mail these to bob@givemeliberty.org or mail to: We The People Need for Financial Support As mentioned before, this is an historic moment. There are many costs associated with staging an event of this magnitude. There are strategy and research meetings (as mentioned above) to plan and organize the event, there are airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, phone calls, etc. ALL required to adequately plan, organize and execute this hearing. And even though the hearings will be held in the Capitol, there will be many logistics costs that will be incurred: digital video recording equipment, database design & management, court reporters, A/V presentation equipment rentals, documentation management, copying, etc. It is expected these costs will run tens of thousands of dollars between now and the hearing -- much of which needs to be spent and incurred soon. As more specific cost estimates for specific items are available they will documented on this site. We know a lot of people have supported the Tax Honesty movement in general, and We The People specifically, in the past. WTP thanks everyone. People have bought books, tapes, and services from many organizations from this movement over a long number of years. Schulz would ask that everyone consider this: If everyone that knows about these injustices pitched in -- even a little -- we can "axe the tax" in September from a laser-like front, funded from across the Nation. There will be NO NEED to ever incur attorney fees or purchase educational materials to fight the IRS -- ever again! Consider the income taxes currently withheld that might well be in your pocket. This is the "Tax Honesty Movement's" best shot ever. Invest your money to arm the best tax researchers, bring the best arguments and the best documentation to Capitol Hill. Bob Schulz and We The People will be managing this effort with the coordination of the best legal minds and tax researchers in the nation. We get ONE shot. Bob Schulz had to risk his life to get us this far. We The People's Remonstrance Congressional Hearing is the perhaps, the best opportunity this movement has ever had. Please invest. Donate Online:
Donations to WTP can be made online We The People Donations are tax-deductible, while that lasts :-) All donations to this project are secured via double signatures and management of a bonded CPA firm. To skeptics who may doubt this is real: We invite you to call the U.S. Capitol at 800-648-3516 and ask for the offices of Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett (MD) or Rep. Ron Paul (TX) to briefly confirm that this hearing is real. Where is the Media? Help Fight the News Suppression and Propaganda We believe the media is in an unusual, virtual blackout of the hunger fast and resulting official agreement with the U.S. government. This is not a story to easily ignore. With the exception of Schulz's hometown newspaper, (The Post Star), a couple of regional NY papers, and a couple of alternative news internet sites (WorldNetDaily and NewsMax.com), the dominant print and broadcast media have effectively shown little interest in what is, and will be shortly, the story of the century. Rest assured, every single call, fax and letter (and prayer!) that was sent is what saved Bob and brought the government to the table. The People were heard.. Please continue to CALL, WRITE and FAX Washington and the dominant media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.). Do not let them IGNORE the Hearing! A casual review of some of last week's tax related news stories should raise an eyebrow or two: A) On 7/16, Bush announces a sudden interest in studying "alternative" taxation systems, including disposal of the entire current tax code. (New York Times) B) On late Wednesday evening, HR 2525 -- the FAIR TAX bill (a national sales tax) was introduced in the House. C) Thursday's New York Times (again), runs a story covering a Senate briefing by Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil. O'Neil was questioned about the 1+ MILLION offshore accounts in Grand Cayman alone, and the fact that that only 6,000 are registered with the U.S. The Times story essentially conveys that all this U.S. money is moved offshore to evade the income tax. We will leave the instructions for contacting Congress, the President, and the media posted below for some time. Friday's press release announcing the DOJ and Congressional agreement is found below (www.givemeliberty.org) Donate to WTP Online by secured credit card screen. Bob's address: We The People How to Fight Back: Download Our Flyer and Spread it Around! Daily Updates From the Fast
Bob Needs Help in Washington Contact The President 1. PHONE THE PRESIDENT: His "Comment Line" phone number is 202-395-3000. 2. WRITE THE PRESIDENT: Fax: 202-456-2461. Address: The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500. 3. E-MAIL THE PRESIDENT: president@whitehouse.gov Contact Your U.S. Senators and Representatives Go to the website: http://capwiz.com/washtimes/ . Under "Elected Officials", fill in your zip code. All contact information will appear: phone, fax, addresses, and e-mail links. CALL, WRITE or FAX; e-mails are largely ignored. Contact the Media Go to the website: http://capwiz.com/washtimes/. Under "Guide to the Media", fill in your zip code. The media contacts in your area will appear + Letters to the Editor. Ongoing Media Coverage We will post copies of media coverage of the Hunger Fast as available. Include these in your contact efforts:
Visit New Web Site Deployed in Support of the Fast. (unofficial) Read about others joining Bob & Roland who are fasting! See the second by second fast clock www.save-bob.org SPOTLIGHTS June 2001 One man
hungers. A nation prays. On July 1, 2001,
Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Foundation for
Constitutional Education, will begin a fast which will continue until
he dies or until IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti delivers to him
a list of the government's experts who will meet on September 18,
2001, in a public forum, at the National Press Club in Washington DC,
with tax law researchers from the tax honesty movement, to argue
against the conclusions of those researchers.
Project TOTO |
| Action Plan. Get Involved. It's Important. Project TOTO is the Foundation's project designed to
expose the true nature of the federal income tax laws and to educate
people everywhere about the issue. Thus far, at a cost of
$252,000, Project TOTO has published four full-page messages in USA
TODAY. Now, with the assistance of concerned citizens, additional
tasks will be initiated. April 2001 IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti lets it be known that he will only speak to the people through his mouthpiece - the New York Times. The Times again confirms its lapdog status and proves its priorities are to provide public relations for the IRS, ignore the pressing issues and grievances of the people, and misinform or not inform its readers about significant events taking place. While hundreds of American citizens from all around the country
stood outside IRS headquarters in Washington on a warm April day
waiting for Commissioner Rossotti to speak to them, the Commish
instead chose to sit in his office and chat with a reporter from the
NY Times in an interview arranged to take place, by "coincidence," at
precisely the time the marchers had scheduled for Rossotti to speak to
them. USA TODAY Refuses to Run Any More Ads from We The People. Foundation Considers Legal Action We The People Foundation was contacted by USA TODAY advertising
representative Katie Emery late Wednesday afternoon, April 11, 2001,
to inform Bob Schulz that USA TODAY will not accept more
advertising from the Foundation.
Battalion of Tyranny Responders Circles IRS Commissioner Rossotti refuses to answer the questions and
allegations raised by tax researchers. 1040 People to Surround IRS Headquarters On Monday, April 9, 2001, at least 1040 people will encircle the
IRS Headquarters building in Washington, DC. Each person will be
wearing a navy blue windbreaker with the words "TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM"
written on the back in large, block letters. David Cay Johnston: "GOVERNMENT HAS MISHANDLED WE THE PEOPLE AND THE TAX HONESTY MOVEMENT." On April 5, 2001, a reporter for the New York Times, David Cay
Johnston, told a group of leaders of the tax honesty movement that he
had informed the IRS that it has mishandled the We The People
Foundation and the tax honesty movement because it failed to address
the movement's allegations of the fraudulent adoption of the 16th
amendment and the illegal operations of the income tax system. Senate To Hold Hearing On Our USA TODAY Ads But Does Not Want To Hear From Us. We Will Hold a Press Conference Outside The Hearing Room. A New York Times reporter, David Cay Johnston, telephoned us after
5 p.m. on Friday, March 30, 2001, to inform us of the fact that the
Senate Finance Committee has scheduled a formal hearing for 10 a.m. on
Thursday, April 5, 2001. Mr. Johnston said the subject of the hearing
would be the full-page ads we have published in USA TODAY and that the
Committee intended to have the ads on display during the hearing.
Johnston said that our side of the story needs to be told, that we
should try to get on the witness list and that all the major media
outlets would attend any press conference we were to hold in the
hallway outside the hearing room, if we were not allowed to testify
before the Committee. March 2001 READ LETTERS (1st Letter, 2nd Letter) FROM THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. Social Security officials have confirmed that there is no law that requires a citizen to get a social security number. GROSS INCOME AND SECTION 861: TAX RESEARCHERS' PERSPECTIVE AND EXPLANATION Our full-page messages in USA Today on 2/16 and
3/2/01 (and in The Washington Times) have noted some of the evidence
for assertions by tax researchers that there is no law or regulation
that requires most U.S. citizens to pay the federal income tax or to
have income and employment taxes withheld from the money they earn in
the 50 states. Commissioner Rossotti Invited to Speak at IRS Walk-Around A formal invitation has been extended to IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti to speak to the citizens who will be participating in the IRS Walk-Around on April 9, 2001. The Commissioner has been respectfully requested to address the
allegations of the fraud and the illegal operations of the income tax
system, to explain the agency's position and to tell the citizens
assembled when experts at the IRS will be available to meet with tax
researchers in a public forum to expose their errors and to show them
and explain the law that requires most Americans to file a tax return
and to have the income tax withheld from the money they earn. April 9, 2001:
IRS "WALK-AROUND" To educate the millions of Americans about the fraudulent nature of
the income tax system issue, the recalcitrance of the government, and
the urgency tens of thousands of concerned citizens place on the need
for the federal income tax authorities to meet with the tax
researchers in a public forum, we believe a "WALK-AROUND" the IRS
headquarters building is necessary and would be effective publicity.
was Philander Knox? Is it Credible That He Would Commit Fraud?
Connecting the Dots: The Statutory Path Leading to the
Conclusion That Most U.S. Citizens Are Not Liable For The Federal
Income Tax There is a federal law that imposes a requirement upon some
citizens and foreigners to file and pay an income tax. The big
question is, of course: to what proportion of citizens does the
requirement apply? Does it apply to most citizens, or just to a small,
specifically defined subset of citizens? To answer this, we must
follow a disjointed trail of statutes and regulations to see where
they lead. It is a difficult trail to follow; it is easy to take a
wrong path; and there have been few directions or signposts supplied
by the IRS. HOW SOME STATES DID NOT LEGALLY RATIFY THE 16TH AMENDMENT Bill Benson's findings, published in "The Law That Never Was," make
a convincing case that the 16th amendment was not legally ratified and
that Secretary of State
Philander Knox
was not merely in error, but committed fraud when he declared it
ratified in February 1913. What follows is a summary of some of the
major findings for many of the states, showing that their
ratifications were not legal and should not have been counted. February 2001
OPENING REMARKS BY BOB SCHULZ Good morning. My name is Bob Schulz, I'm the chairman of the We The
People Foundation for Constitutional Education, and I want to welcome
you all to our conference. It's wonderful that we have so many here
today for our program concerning the federal income tax. Mike Bodine's Presentation on Project TOTO at the Arlington Meeting, February 17, 2001 Following the opening remarks by Bob Schulz , Mike Bodine provided an overview of the public information and education plan affectionately known as Project TOTO. Click here for Mike Bodine's
presentation on Project TOTO given February 17, 2001 at the Hilton
Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. WTP PUBLISHES FIRST PROJECT TOTO AD: February 16, 2001 On February 16, 2001, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. published a full-page ad in USA TODAY. The Ad featured the photos and names of three ex-IRS Agents who have resigned their positions and joined a growing number of former and present IRS officers, attorneys, Certified Public Accountants and retired judges who believe and assert that there is no law that requires most Americans to file an income tax return or to pay the federal income tax, and that the entire income tax system is founded upon fraud and is operated illegally. The Ad also contained a number of "pearls" concerning the Internal Revenue Code and some brief comments on the February 10th New York Times article. Run the Ad in your local newspaper. Have your local newspaper click here for a free downloadable Adobe pdf file of the Ad (please be patient ... this is a large file at 2.5MB). January 2001
Nationwide Plan To Expose and End the Illegal Operations of the Income
Tax System
Tyranny Response Team News
November 2000 |
Comments on New York Times Article | On Sunday, November 19, 2000, the NY Times ran an article by David Cay Johnston under the heading, "Saying Income Tax Is Illegal, Business Owners Quit Paying." Click here to read more...
July 2000 |
Click here to read more or to We The
People Places a Full Page Ad in USA Today
COMING: A Citizens' Investigatory Commission Speaker after speaker provided enormously encouraging news and information, to the largest audience yet, on their respective aspects of citizens' confrontations with the federal government's abuse of its taxing power. Everyone present felt that it was, indeed, a moving, significant and memorable day. Click here for a full update... Click here to order Video Tapes of the event!
The Oklahoma Protest What if three or more states did not legally ratify this amendment? Such fact would then make the number of states to have actually ratified this amendment less than the constitutional threshold. Is Oklahoma one of those states? Click here to study more...
June 2000 |
The June 29th Conference The June 29th conference was originally scheduled as a debate between experts designated by the leaders of the two houses of Congress and the White House representing the government side vs. a panel of experts invited by the We The People Foundation. The two sides were finally to meet in a head-to-head debate on several issues concerning the unconstitutional and illegal operations of the federal income tax system and the IRS...However, the government reneged on assurances made last April to send people to participate... Click here to read more... We Will Plough On!We have received hundreds of responses to our question: "June 29th Conference. What shall we do?" We thank everyone who took the time to respond. HERE ARE THE TASKS THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO UNDERTAKE. Every task is considered to be part of our overall educational program aimed at educating public officials and the general public about the seemingly unconstitutional and illegal operations of the income tax system. Click here for more... June 29th Conference: What Shall We Do?The Executive and Legislative branches have reversed themselves and now refuse to participate in the June 29th conference on the income tax at the National Press Club in Washington DC. What shall we do? Click here to read more...
April 2000 |
Delegates Successfully Deliver Remonstrance - April 13th Event
in DC Exceeds Expectations | On April 13, 2000, delegates from all 50 states assembled in Washington DC to deliver a Remonstrance on the illegal operations of the Income Tax and the IRS to the leaders of all three branches of the federal government. The event was sponsored by the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. Professional videographers and photographers successfully recorded the day's activities from 8am to 4pm, including the meetings at the White House and in the Capitol, where the Remonstrance was hand delivered for President Clinton, Speaker Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Lott. Click here to read more...
2000 |
a Member of the Delegation to Deliver the Income Tax Remonstrance | A Citizens' Remonstrance to end the illegal operations of the IRS was initially signed on November 13, 1999 by 59 citizens from 16 states assembled in Washington, DC at the Citizen's summit to End the Illegal Operations of the IRS. Since then thousands more have signed electronically or via written letter. The Remonstrance will be delivered on April 13, 2000, to the leaders of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the federal government by a delegation of two or more citizens from each of the 50 states. Click here to read more or to become a delegate.
2000 |
13th: Be There! | Mark your calendar. April 13, 2000. Event: a gathering of people power to deliver the Citizens' Remonstrance to end the illegal operations of the IRS to the leaders of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. Click here to read more...
1999 |
Citizens' Summit Held
in Washington, DC | At the conclusion of the July Legality of Income Tax Symposium it was announced that a people's congress or summit meeting would be held in the ballroom of the National Press Club, in the fall of 1999, for the purpose of launching a nationwide plan to deal with the problem of the seemingly unconstitutional income and social security taxes and unlawful operations of the IRS. This conclusion was drawn as a result of revelations to We
The People that in 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox
fraudulently proclaimed that the 16th amendment had been properly and
legally ratified, that there is no law that requires most U.S.
citizens to file and pay income and social security taxes, but when
people file they voluntarily waive their 5th amendment rights against
self-incrimination. A Remonstrance was publicly read and then signed by scores of individuals from many states, who attended the "Citizens' Summit to End the Illegal Operations of the IRS," at a meeting assembled in Washington DC at the National Press Club on November 13, 1999. This Remonstrance is being signed electronically by Citizens everywhere. In the first two days, nearly 600 Citizens signed. On April 13, 2000, the Remonstrance will be delivered to the leaders of each branch of the federal government by a delegation from we the people of America. Interested parties are urged to read the Remonstrance and add their voice to this effort in support of the Constitution and the Rule of Law with respect to the taxing power of the federal government. To read and sign the Remonstrance click here. C-SPAN: What Happened?We The People's July Symposium on the Legality Of The Income and Social Security Taxes, held at the National Press Club in Washington DC, was broadcast live on C-SPAN 2, and rebroadcast several times. C-SPAN was contacted, thoroughly informed and enlisted to broadcast
the Citizens' Summit
To End The Illegal Operations Of the IRS, which was held on Saturday,
November 13, 1999, but C-SPAN was a "no-show." It not only failed to
broadcast the event live, as it did in July, but it also failed to
tape the event for later broadcast.
October, 1999 |
was Philander Knox? Is it Credible That He Would Commit Fraud? | Understanding a crime or a misdeed involves learning not only what was done and who did it, but also what the motivation was. With a clear motive, evidence of the "what" and "who" becomes much more credible. Allegations that Secretary of State Philander Knox was not merely in error, but committed fraud when he falsely declared the 16th amendment ratified in 1913, require us to look at who he was to understand why he would commit such an act. The following sketch was prepared by the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education and is condensed from Bill Benson's research report on the ratification of the 16th Amendment, "The Law That Never Was," Volume II (1985), pages 122-135. Click here to read more.
the Dots: The Statutory Path Leading to the Conclusion That Most
U.S. Citizens Are Not Liable For The Federal Income Tax | One of the two primary propositions discussed at the Washington Symposium was that there is no law that requires most citizens to file and pay federal income taxes. There is a federal law that imposes a requirement upon some citizens and foreigners to file and pay an income tax. The big question is, of course: to what proportion of citizens does the requirement apply? Does it apply to most citizens, or just to a small, specifically defined subset of citizens? To answer this, we must follow a disjointed trail of statutes and regulations to see where they lead. It is a difficult trail to follow; it is easy to take a wrong path; and there have been few directions or signposts supplied by the IRS. Click here for a summary of the key steps in this argument.
September, 1999 |
Legality of Income Tax Summit Meeting Agenda Set | At the conclusion of the July Legality of Income Tax Symposium, and in light of the preponderance of the evidence that the income tax is unlawful, it was announced that citizens and representatives of taxpayer, liberty, good-government, rule-of-law and constitutionalist organizations from all 50 states would be invited to attend a people's congress or summit meeting at the National Press Club this fall, for the purpose of launching a nationwide plan to deal with the problem of the seemingly unconstitutional and unlawful income tax. The summit meeting has been scheduled. It will take place on Saturday, November 13, 1999 at the National Press Club in Washington DC, which is one block from the headquarters of the IRS.
August, 1999 |
Plaintiffs Lose Round One in Lawsuit Against Kosovo War | On August 5, 1999,U.S. District Court Judge Frederick J. Scullin, Jr. dismissed the lawsuit filed by members of We The People. Read article by Stephan Archer of World Net Daily entitled "Balkans war suit thrown out. Judge dismisses lawsuit, says plaintiffs lack standing."
July, 1999 |
The Government's Deaf Ear: This Wasn't the First Time | An invitation was issued to President Clinton, Senator Lott, Speaker Hastert and Commissioner Rossotti, to identify their most knowledgeable people and have them participate in the July 1st and 2nd Legality of Income Tax Symposium to argue against the conclusions of William Benson, Joseph Banister, William Conklin and Lowell Becraft. Those invitations were not acknowledged or accepted. This wasn't the first time the government has decided to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the hard evidence and the truth regarding the legality of the 16th Amendment.(more ...)
What Now?
Technology to the Rescue | Since the C-SPAN broadcast of the income tax symposium we sponsored at the National Press Club we have received hundreds of inquiries. Thank goodness for the Internet. We decided to establish an eGroup to enable people to freely discuss the issue of the legality of the income tax and to share information on the subject. Our "Legality of Income Tax" eGroup is proving to be a successful, low-cost and efficient way to link people interested in the subject. On August 12, 1999, after reviewing and analyzing the first 186 messages, Bob Schulz posted a message entitled, "Overview of the Group's Position".
What Does
the Government Say to the Allegations? | The government has been aware for a number of years of the mounting questions and allegations against the income tax, i.e., the 16th amendment argument, the "no-statute" argument, and the 5th amendment argument. The Government's Position provides some of the government's written responses that have been acquired in the course of gathering information on both sides of the issue, along with comments and rejoinders that have been made.(more...)
Symposium Held to Debate Legality of Income & Social
Security Taxes | The "Are the Income and Social Security Taxes Legal?" symposium was held on July 1-2 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The Event was sponsored by the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education as an informational and educational undertaking in order to examine all sides of the question.(more...) GOVERNMENT SENDS NO ONE
TO REFUTE THE ALLEGATIONS OF ILLEGALITY BROADCASTED LIVE ON CSPAN-2 Read articles by David Franke of WorldNetDaily titled "Is income tax legal? Evidence suggests 16th Amendment never ratified" and "What recourse for tax protesters? When writing to Congress doesn't do any good"
June, 1999 |
Lawsuit Filed vs. The President and Congress Against the
Kosovo War | On June 1, 1999, four citizens from New York State filed lawsuit in defense of the US Constitution and the proper war making powers of the federal government. Read more including the Memorandum of Law, dated 7/7/99, and Verfied Compliant, dated 5/28/99.
March, 1999 |
A Young Lawyer Speaks Out
Against Govenmental Wrongdoing | "Law, a Revolutionary Idea for Peace" written by Mark Ferran
New York State Educators
are Ignoring the New York State Education Law | All New York State teachers are required to teach patriotism, citizenship and the history, meaning, significance and effect of the provisions of the N.Y. Constitution and the Declaration of Indepenence. Read N.Y.S. Education Law Section 801
February, 1999 |
Warren County, New
York Asks For Ideas On How They Can Make More Money
January, 1999 |
Comments on Governor
Pataki's State-of-the-State Message | On January 6, 1999, Governor Pataki gave his State of the State message to a joint session of the Legislature. Chief Judge Kaye and the six other judges from the Court of Appeals were seated in the front row. Bob Schulz comments... |